+ Re-did the cooldown system, it now persists between server restarts as intended. This was done since if the redeem time was like more than a day it wouldn't really work since due to server restarts.
+ That being said, there is a new cooldown message, the old one has been removed, the new one will automatically determine the remaining days, hours, minutes and seconds.
If you enjoy vouchers, consider supporting me on Patreon for $1/month
+ Updated XSeries to resolve skull texture issues
+ 1.21.1 Support
+ Temporarily removed individual reward broadcast
+ Added an export and sync command.
+ Added a category system to organize vouchers
+ Fixed various bugs
/vouchers export will export any created voucher into an editable json file
/vouchers sync will override/import database vouchers with the json file data.
The file editing was added since a lot of people were asking for it, that being said, the GUI system is still the intended way to edit/create vouchers, if you don't know how to edit a json file I suggest you don't as I'm not gonna provide support if you screw it up.
+ Fixed material picker bug where it wouldn't open the picker to change voucher icons
+ Updated NBTAPI to fix issue with paper 1.21
+ Updated NBTAPI
+ Updated Flight (My Dev Library)
+ Fixed issue with description removal
+ Voucher descriptions can be empty now
+ Option to disable individual reward messages
+ 1.20.4 Support
+ Updated internal GUI stuff
+ Fixed issue where number key inputs wasn't working
+ Added support for 1.20.2
+ Fixed issue with PAPI placeholders being replaced in normal chat by anyone. (Resolved by
+ Moved pAPI from soft-depend to depend
+ All voucher messages should now support placeholder variables.
+ Hot patch, sorry I kinda forgot to remove the player from the using state so after redeeming you wouldn't be able to switch slots.
+ Fixed bug when the confirm option is enabled for a voucher, you can switch held slots causing it to remove the wrong item after completing the redeem.
+ Added /vouchers reload
+ Added /vouchers clearredeems <player/*> <voucherId>
+ Command rewards that use arguments now have those args replaced if no custom msg is set
+ Added PAPI replaceholder to check total redeems ex. %vouchers_redeems_test% or for a voucher with a multi word id: %vouchers_redeems_example_voucher%
+ Changed how you add arguments in the give command. THIS IS IMPORTANT if you use it. Before the arguments would be anything after the voucher id, but to support ids with spaces in them, you will need to add -a before the arguments now.
Previously: /vouchers give ItsMeKiran 1 food your arguments here
Now: vouchers give ItsMeKiran 1 food -a your arguments here
+ Added option to quick add your inventory contents as a voucher's reward.
+ Fixed voucher null/air/0 error
+ Added support for v1.20 (If anything is broken, open an issue on github or let me know on discord)
Consider supporting me on patreon (
+ Added setting to reverse permission usage. If enabled, if the player has the voucher permission then they won't be able to use it.
+ Added voucher setting to disable sound completely a per voucher basis.
+ Give command gives a bit more information
+ Fixed command execution bug (when show voucher reward info was set to false, command rewards would not be executed in automatic mode)
I kinda forgot to post this since I had posted it on the discord server
+ Fixes the issue where rewards couldn't be saved/added.
(!) apparently command rewards aren't working. I haven't been able to recreate that issue. If you can, definitely let me know how to recreate it by making a GitHub issue
+ Fixed bug with null rewards
+ Fixed issue where you could add item rewards with no actual item
+ Filter invalid item rewards
+ Added back ability to right click in air to claim voucher
+ Added setting to disable the reward info messages
+ Fixed random rewards, for sure guarantee an item (still takes the chance into account)
+ Fixed blank lines (specifically which swapping with other lore lines)
+ Added reward messages (tell the player what they got), command rewards can add a unique message
+ Added sound option to voucher settings
+ Added option to create blank line in voucher description
+ Updated internal dev library (might have to delete config)
+ Include gson by default
+ Fixed issue where vouchers with a spawner egg material could be spawned
+ Fixed bug where when voucher is manually placed in off hand it can be infinitely redeemed
+ Added Placeholder API support to voucher name, lore, messages, and commands.
+ Fixed issue where message format {0}, {1}, etc, will through an error when using other commands where { or } is present.
+ Updated internal core
+ Added log option for voucher give status (sent to inventory or dropped)
+ Fixed issue when player inventory is full and a voucher is given through the command, it doesn't drop
+ Fixed bug where vouchers could be thrown and redeemed at the same time causing a dupe (when confirm is enabled)
+ Vouchers are no longer redeemed when interacting/block with a block
+ Implemented API (Vouchers.getAPI())
+ Added VoucherRedeemEvent
+ Switched back the give command syntax to a more user friendly version
( /vouchers give <player or *> <amount> <voucher id>)
+ Added dynamic arguments for vouchers that can be specified after the <voucher id> param in the give command
https://docs.tweetzy.ca/official-plugins/vouchers/additional-args for more details on how to use it
+ Updated internal core
+ Disable f (main/off hand swapping) when either of them holds a voucher
+ Prevent item throwing when activating voucher
+ Fixed error when not provided -voucher <voucherId> during give command
+ Fixed issue where give command would not let the console use it.
+ Adjusted player variable to %player% and {player} during command rewards
+ Completely rewrote Vouchers
+ /vouchers will open the main admin menu, it's permission is vouchers.admin
+ /vouchers give <*/player> [#] -voucher <voucherId>
Permission: vouchers.command.give
+ /vouchers import - imports v2 data if it was exported
Permission: vouchers.command.import
My ISP Rogers has been scuffed for over a day. I'll update the actual docs.tweetzy.ca in the coming days.
+ This jar contains /vouchers export which exports your vouchers in a format that v3 will be able to import for the most part.
+ Fixed bug where the toggling of the send title option would not update
+ Vouchers can be redeemed when right clicking a block now.
+ Fixed inventory title updating issue on 1.18 R2
1.18.2 patch, base spigot may still have some issues. paper & forks are suggested instead
+ Added back reload command along with a warning
+ Vouchers will now replace any variables from PlaceholderAPI in its titles, messages, and commands if it is present.
+ Resolved operation error
Delete your Vouchers folder (save the data.yml if you want to import to v2)
Released Vouchers 2.0
+ Better settings menu for vouchers
+ Removed redundant settings for vouchers
Temporarily removed MySQL support.
+ Simplified the reward system
+ You can now add a chance for each voucher reward
+ Broadcast messages have been moved to a single String
+ Chat Messages have been moved to a single String
+ Titles/Subtitles no longer ask for the display/fade times.
+ Vouchers no longer store every detail on the voucher item, just the id now.
+ 3 different reward modes (AUTOMATIC, REWARD SELECT, and RANDOM). Automatic will give you all the rewards added to a voucher assuming the chance succeeds for that reward, reward select will let the user select any 1 reward from the voucher, an random will give the user a random reward.
(!) Steps were taken to try to keep v1 vouchers working, there is no guarantee that they will work.
(!) You can import your v1 vouchers from the data.yml file, you will need to delete the Vouchers plugin folder, and then start the server, then drag the old data.yml file into the vouchers folder. In game you can use the /vouchers import command, which will try and import them.
(!) MySQL Vouchers cannot be imported
(!) Even if vouchers are imported successfully, it's suggested you check them to ensure they imported correctly.
+ Fixed main command error
+ Fixed action bar error / not using the correct method on 1.8
+ If the remove voucher on redeem is true, it will be executed first, then everything else.
+ You can now use %attacked_player% in the command execution, it will be work if the voucher is redeemed by attacking a player
+ Fixed an error that would spam the console when a non player attacks a player.
+ Added support for PlaceholderAPI in the command execution.
+ Fixed issue where vouchers can be used to craft items or if the voucher item is a block, you can place it.
+ Added support for Spigot 1.17 R1
+ Fixed action bar bug where they simply would not display
+ Updated to the latest TweetyCore
+ Fixed shift click issue with core
+ Updated to latest core version
+ Updated to latest Core version
+ Hex Support (when using hex values inside .lang files you must use the normal hex format = #FaFaFa)
Updated TweetyCore to 2.0.0
Added support for servers who wish to use a MySQL database to store all the vouchers.
When you update, a new section for the database details will be generated in the config.yml, the database is disabled by default.
If you enable the database setting after the server loads the plugin, you will need to reload the SERVER, not the plugin! Performing a reload/startup with the database option enabled will generate the required tables.
Vouchers are reloaded from the database every time you edit, create, or remove one. Vouchers don't refresh on multiple servers automatically. If you add/remove/edit a voucher (using the database option) on one server, you will need to do /vouchers reload to sync the current server with the database.
Also added an update checker.
Experimental Reload additional
Reloading was requested by a user, so a reload command was added as an experimental feature. Due to the way the configuration / data files are setup to work, using the reload command may not work / cause unintended issues. So if editing the config.yml or data.yml files directly, a server reload/restart is recommended.