Vouchers - The Ultimate Voucher Plugin icon

Vouchers - The Ultimate Voucher Plugin -----

An easy to use voucher plugin, completely GUI based.

Delete your Vouchers folder (save the data.yml if you want to import to v2)
Released Vouchers 2.0

+ Better settings menu for vouchers
+ Removed redundant settings for vouchers
+ Temporarily removed MySQL support.
+ Simplified the reward system
+ You can now add a chance for each voucher reward
+ Broadcast messages have been moved to a single String
+ Chat Messages have been moved to a single String
+ Titles/Subtitles no longer ask for the display/fade times.
+ Vouchers no longer store every detail on the voucher item, just the id now.
+ 3 different reward modes (AUTOMATIC, REWARD SELECT, and RANDOM). Automatic will give you all the rewards added to a voucher assuming the chance succeeds for that reward, reward select will let the user select any 1 reward from the voucher, an random will give the user a random reward.

(!) Steps were taken to try to keep v1 vouchers working, there is no guarantee that they will work.
(!) You can import your v1 vouchers from the data.yml file, you will need to delete the Vouchers plugin folder, and then start the server, then drag the old data.yml file into the vouchers folder. In game you can use the /vouchers import command, which will try and import them.
(!) MySQL Vouchers cannot be imported
(!) Even if vouchers are imported successfully, it's suggested you check them to ensure they imported correctly. ​
----------, Jan 12, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 44,497
First Release: Mar 8, 2021
Last Update: Jan 8, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
72 ratings
Find more info at docs.tweetzy.ca...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
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