VirtualBooks | 1.8.8 - 1.21 icon

VirtualBooks | 1.8.8 - 1.21 -----

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Hi everyone, forgot to post this update with the last one.

This is just a small change for all the admins, that do not want to see the joining books every time they log in.

Simply set the join_book_bypass to your desired permission in your config.yml and you will no longer get the join/first-join books!

Code (YAML):
join_books_bypass : "joinbook.bypass"
----------, Oct 24, 2024

Hi everyone!

Yes I am still alive! I was busy IRL so could not work on the plugin much. I am posting some of the requested updates that I could find time to do + some more code cleanup for reduced plugins size. This update includes:

Book Generations:
This feature is only for 1.13+. You can now modify the book generation, ranging from Original, Copy, Copy of Copy, and Tattered. You can do this by simply adding
Code (YAML):
condition : original
to your existing book files (default is original). These are the valid generations:

Code (YAML):
original : Original
: Copy of original
: Copy of Copy
: Tattered

Minor Change: If no author is given in a physical book, the Author now defaults to "Unknown"

Join Book and First Join Book Permissions:
Another requested change was to allow the ability to have permissions on join and first join books. You can now do this by editing the main config.yml file as such:

1. For Join Book:
Add on_join_book_permission followed by the desired permission (or leave it empty if you don't want any)
Code (YAML):
on-join-book : "join.yml"
: false
: 2 # This is in seconds.
: ""
2. For First Join Book:
Add on_first_join_book_permission followed by the desired permission as before (or leave empty).
Code (YAML):
on-first-join-book : "firstjoin.yml"
: false
: 2 # This is in seconds.
: ""
I apologise for the delay in updates and any inconvenience it might have caused. I work on this plugin only during my free time (which I sadly don't get a lot of anymore) however I do hope to make this plugin open source soon after some adjustments to the code.
----------, Oct 24, 2024

Hi everyone!

Fixed a minor bug regarding join books due to paper. The plugin now also supports 1.21! Please feel free to report any errors/bugs if you encounter any!

----------, Jun 28, 2024

Hi everyone!

Sorry for the delays in this update but now VirtualBooks supports the CB moves by paper. So it should now function properly with paper 1.20.6 and above. Feel free to message me if you encounter any error, preferably on discord as I can respond faster! Sorry I was travelling so this update took a while, further bug fixes will not take as long!

Enjoy and thanks for using VirtualBooks!
----------, Jun 17, 2024

Hi, really sorry for this, but the recent update broke CLICK_EVENTS entirely. This was due to multiple command handling.

I have now fixed this and have changed the syntax of using multiple commands to

Code (YAML):
: "[CLICK ME]"
: "&9Click to run multiple commands!"
: "first command, second command, third command"
Please update to the latest version and really sorry for any problems caused!
----------, Dec 18, 2023


Sorry, I have been away for a while. This was a fairly simple update to implement so I did this for now.

RUN_COMMAND_AS_CONSOLE now supports running multiple commands!
You can do this by doing

Code (YAML):
: "[CLICK ME]"
: "&9Click to run multiple commands!"
: "first command, second command, third command"
Or if you just want to run a single command, you can do the usual:
RUN_COMMAND_AS_CONSOLE: 'just a single command'

There are more items on my todo list which I will do as soon as I get enough time, one major requested change is to auto-update physical books. This will require a major rewrite of the book handler so this might take some time and I apologize for any inconvenience this might cause!

Happy updating and thanks for using my plugin!
----------, Dec 16, 2023


Just posting another update which was requested. Now there is a custom delay you can add to both kinds of join books. This defaults to 2s and is also the minimum requirement.

Make sure you delete your config.yml file so the new one may generate.

For on-join-book,
Just set the delay in the on_join_book_delay.

For on-first-join-book,
Just set the delay in the first_join_book_delay.

I hope you enjoy the update and please report any bugs you may face on spigot or on discord! (PS: Review section is not for bug reports!) :)
----------, Aug 24, 2023


Thanks to all those who have been patient and thanks to everyone for your support! Virtual books now supports Hex Color Codes throughout for supported minecraft version!

Just use them like: &#RRGGBB and voila!

Enjoy the update and once again thanks for your support!

PS: If you encounter any bugs or errors with this update or in general, feel free to message me on discord or on spigot! (Fastest replies on discord!)
----------, Aug 23, 2023


This is a small update to add compatibility for 1.20.1. I have also implemented some bug fixes that have been reported me.

Feel free to join my discord or post in the discussion if you have any suggestions or encounter any problems.

Discord will be answered the quickest as I don't often check the discussion section.

Thanks for using VirtualBook hope you enjoy the plugin!
----------, Jul 11, 2023

I bring some frequently asked updates for the jsons. SUGGEST_COMMAND and OPEN_BOOK.

Command Suggestions

Suggest command sends player a message in chat on which the player can click to suggest a command. Both the message and the hover text is customizable. In order to use suggest command, simply add the following in CLICK_EVENT. An example is given below.

Code (YAML):
: '&aClick to suggest command'
: "&aThis is the message sent in chat"
: "&6This is the message hover text"
: "/command"
Opening another book on click

This allows the player to open a book you specify in the json without giving the player the permission to do so! This makes life a lot easier. In order to do it, simply use OPEN_BOOK in CLICK_EVENT. An example is given below.

Code (YAML):
: '&c&l [OPEN BOOK ]'
: '&aClick to open book'
: "Thanks.yml"
In the OPEN_BOOK tag, add the book file name. Be sure to INCLUDE .yml!


If you like my work and want to support the development of VirtualBooks, I have added the ability to donate! Donations aren't required but are highly appreciated!

PS: Everything supports PAPI and thanks for using my plugin! Enjoy the update! If you have any error feel free to DM me on spigot or join my discord!

I also hope to create a detailed wiki soon!
----------, Nov 6, 2022

Physical Books

This update allows to give players physical books when they run the book command.

Just add or set physical: true in your book.yml file and you should be good to go!


You can now add lore to the physical books (PlaceholderAPI supported!). This also applies to physical on-join and on-first-join books.

This is an example of what can be added to your book for lore.
- "&6Line 1"
- "&cLine 2"

This can be added to any book.yml file and you will have a lore!

If you have any further questions or face any issues, feel free to join my discord or message on spigot. (Discord has a much faster response time!)

Thanks for using VirtualBooks!
----------, Nov 2, 2022

Just a minor update that allows longer title names, hence longer placeholders if you need to use them.

Thanks for downloading!
----------, Aug 28, 2022

Hey everyone,

I have added support for PlaceholderAPI to book title and author tabs. I have also added support for 1.19.x. This is a minor update. If you encounter any bugs or have any suggestions, please contact me on discord as that's the fastest place I can respond and I will try my best to help you out.

Thanks for downloading my plugin and enjoy the update!

PS: When using Placeholders in title or author tabs, please use them in quotes. For example
Title: '%player_name%'
----------, Aug 28, 2022

Upon request, I've added separate permissions for each admin command!
Also, help only shows commands that are available to the player not all of them! (Basically only shows commands whose permission the player has!)

The permissions are as follows:
/vb help -
/vb reload - virtualbooks.command.reload
/vb list - virtualbooks.command.list
/vb announce - virtualbooks.command.announce
/vb announcebook - virtualbooks.command.announcebook
/vb open -
/vb give - virtualbooks.command.give
/vb create - virtualbooks.command.create

If you want to give a player all permissions, simply give them the permission virtualbooks.command.* and you are good!

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy the update!

PS: Minor Bug Fix
Fixed a bug where creating a book in game with no permission will bug out the book. If you have done this, simply remove the permission string entirely from the book.yml file. However, with this update this shouldn't be created in the first place!
----------, Mar 29, 2022

Upon request, I've added the feature to hold a signed book and convert it to a yml file running a command.

It can be done by running the command:

/vb create <bookName> <command> [<permission>/none]

This will create a .yml file for the book and register the command, For 1.18 versions, command won't be registered in tab completion until server reload (it will still work just won't show up in tab complete!). For permission, you can just put "none" in the command if you don't want a permission for the book. Example:
/vb create TestBook testcommand none

I hope you enjoy the update!
----------, Mar 21, 2022

This is not a major update. Just some changes on how RUN_COMMAND_AS_CONSOLE and SEND_MSG_TO_PLAYER work.
----------, Feb 27, 2022

This is a relatively small update.

You can now remove the permission tag from a book.yml file or leave it empty if you don't want a permission for the book. This was a highly requested feature, I have finally added it.

This update also includes some bug fixes and improvements, so be sure to update!

Enjoy! :)
----------, Dec 19, 2021

I have now added support for 1.18. Sorry for the delays!

PS: If you find any issues with older versions, please contact me on discord or spigot (I respond way faster on discord).

Enjoy! :)
----------, Dec 6, 2021

I have finally added some Quality of Life changes and I also added command tab completion.

The default command /virtualbooks now supports tab completion on all arguments including book file names.

Also, all book commands are now registered! New book commands can also be registered when you reload the configuration.

PS: There can be some issues when you remove a book, commands won't get successfully unregistered. Please restart your server instead!
----------, Nov 9, 2021

This update brings multiple features to virtual books.

VirtualBooks now supports aliases to book commands.
Simply add command_aliases to your book.yml file with the list of commands below that you want as aliases. Example:

Code (YAML):
command_aliases :
   - 'alias1'
    - 'alias2'
You can add as many aliases as you like.

JSONs now support two new features for the click event.
  • RUN_COMMAND_AS_CONSOLE: This allows to run a command as console when a player clicks on the json.
  • SEND_MSG_TO_PLAYER: This sends a message to the player when the json is clicked.
These are added the same way as the previous events. Both of them also support PlaceholderAPI.

Sorry for the delays in this update. Some more major updates are on the way and I'll try posting them ASAP. Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy this update!

PS: As always, be sure to hit me up on discord if you find any bug or want to give any suggestions. You can find the link to the discord server on the plugin page.
----------, Nov 2, 2021

The bug I tried to fix last time, regarding the color issue in /vb list command, didn't fix properly, so I am posting another resource update for it. Sorry for any inconvenience this caused!

Major updates are coming soon but there aren't any ETA's yet since I am currently a bit busy IRL. :)

Thanks for all your suggestions and I hope you are enjoying the plugin!
----------, Sep 13, 2021

Just a small bug fix where colors wouldn't show correctly in /vb list. Sorry for the inconvenience!
----------, Sep 6, 2021

I have added an option to give first-join books or on-join books as physical books instead of opening them!

Just change physical-on-first-join-books to true and it would then be given as a physical book!

The same applies to on-join books!

NOTE: Be sure to delete your current config.yml file and restart the server for the new options to appear!

PS: Please report any bugs/errors you encounter via discord or private message me on spigot!
----------, Sep 2, 2021

New feature: Physical Books

Everything in this works the same but you can now give player a physical copy of the book.

You can use the command /vb give <bookfile> <player> to give the player a physical copy of the book.

You can add the parameters "Title" and "Author" in your book.yml file and this will reflect in the physical copy.

Also fixed a bug where plugin wouldn't work if you did not have PlaceholderAPI installed.

If you encounter any bugs, feel free to private message me or join my discord!

Have a good day!
----------, Jul 2, 2021

Updated to work with 1.17
  • If you encounter any error, please tag me on my discord or use the discussion page :)
  • Feel free to message me if you need any help.
  • You can also send suggestions for any new features.
----------, Jun 17, 2021

Improved code to make the plugin even lighter and faster!
----------, Aug 31, 2020

This is just a minor bug fix and some change in code.
----------, Aug 22, 2020

The most requested feature for my VirtualBooks plugin is now here - JSONS!

Full detail on how to create jsons given in the config file and also on the main plugin page so be sure to check it out!

Some new features:
  • Announcements: Multiple ways to announce using VirtualBooks. All the details on the main page!
  • Open book for others: Now you can open books from the Books folder to anyone on the server! MUST INCLUDE .yml
  • On join books: Plugin now has on join books! Simply edit the on-join-book string in the config.yml with the name of a book file from the Books folder. MUST INCLUDE .yml
  • On join books: Plugin now has on join books! Simply edit the on-first-join-book string in the config.yml with the name of a book file from the Books folder. MUST INCLUDE .yml
  • You can also announce signed books made in game! Read on main page for more info!
Be sure to delete your old config.yml file so the new one can generate or you may run into errors!

Some default books generate including a join book, first join book, jsonexample book. You can always delete them or edit them as you please!

Also, support for versions below 1.8.8 has been dropped!

Also huge thanks to CryptoMorin for helping with this update!

Thanks for reading and enjoy!
----------, Aug 20, 2020

Fixed a bug where just writing "/" would throw an error! Thanks for reporting this bug! If you find any more bugs be sure to report them!
----------, Aug 11, 2020

I have updated the VirtualBooks plugin to 1.16 now! Now it supports 1.8 - 1.16!
----------, Aug 5, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,261
First Release: May 10, 2020
Last Update: Oct 24, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
35 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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