Upon request, I've added separate permissions for each admin command!
Also, help only shows commands that are available to the player not all of them! (Basically only shows commands whose permission the player has!)
The permissions are as follows:
/vb help - virtualbooks.command.help
/vb reload - virtualbooks.command.reload
/vb list - virtualbooks.command.list
/vb announce - virtualbooks.command.announce
/vb announcebook - virtualbooks.command.announcebook
/vb open - virtualbooks.command.open
/vb give - virtualbooks.command.give
/vb create - virtualbooks.command.create
If you want to give a player all permissions, simply give them the permission
virtualbooks.command.* and you are good!
Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy the update!
PS: Minor Bug Fix Fixed a bug where creating a book in game with no permission will bug out the book. If you have done this, simply remove the
permission string entirely from the book.yml file. However, with this update this shouldn't be created in the first place!