ViaRewind icon

ViaRewind -----

ViaVersion addon to allow 1.8.x and 1.7.x clients on newer server versions.

- Fixed wrong name in plugin.yml (@Remigio07)
- Fixed errors with passengers in 1.9->1.8
- Fixed data loose in echantment table item rewriting in 1.8->1.7 (@LeeGodSRC)

If you want to help me out financially, consider sponsoring at
----------, Dec 6, 2024

- Change player combat death message to be shown above the hotbar in 1.9->1.8
- Added a setting to disable the death message completely
- Fixed entity data handling after respawning in 1.8->1.7 (@calcastor, @FlorianMichael)
- Fixed players being stuck in respawn screens sometimes
- Fixed race condition in destroy entity handling in 1.8->1.7 (@ItsClairton)
- Fixed and improved dimension switch handling

If you want to help me out financially, consider sponsoring at
----------, Nov 15, 2024

- Made versions in `fabric.mod.json` more specific (only on ViaFabric).
- Fix edge cases in empty item nbt handling in 1.9->1.8
- Prevent creation of empty nbts for creative mode clients in 1.8->1.7
- Fixed sign editor screen not working in 1.8->1.7
- Skip invalid entity data in both versions.
- Restore new PLAYER_COMBAT packet behaviour in 1.9->1.8
- Keep entity data after respawn in 1.8->1.7

If you want to help me out financially, consider sponsoring at
----------, Sep 1, 2024

Some fixes and compatbility with latest ViaVersion
----------, Mar 18, 2023

This update brings compatibility with ViaVersion 4.1.0.
It also contains a few small bugfixes.
----------, Dec 6, 2021

This version brings support with ViaVersion 4.0.1 and fixes block mappings of grass path, endstone and purpur blocks.
----------, Jul 6, 2021

This update brings compatibility with ViaVersion 4.0.0.
You need to update ViaVersion. This version will not work with an older version of ViaVersion.
----------, Jun 8, 2021

This version fixes an issue where <1.8.x players would get stuck if teleported with yaw/pitch outside their normal range.
----------, Dec 9, 2020

-Compatibility for ViaVersion 3.2.0
-Fixed a typo
-Fixed issues with teleports
-Improved handling of invalid chat components
----------, Nov 2, 2020

Update to the latest version of ViaVersion and ViaBackwards too!
----------, Aug 11, 2020

You need to update ViaVersion and ViaBackwards too. Otherwise this version will not work. ViaBackwards is available on our CI.
----------, Jun 23, 2020

This update fixes an issue that the position of entities could desync over time when no absolute position packets were send. This issue affected 1.7.x and 1.8.x clients on 1.9+ servers.
----------, Sep 9, 2019

This updated fixes an issue introduced in the previous update that did prevent 1.7.x clients from joining.
----------, Jul 25, 2019

This fixes an issue with teleport confirmation. This could cause "Player moved wrongly!" warnings in the console and issues with several anti cheats.
Thanks to @konsolas for testing with us. This lead to me finding this issue.
----------, Jul 24, 2019

This updated fixes a wrong offset for hologram armor stands with the marker tag set for 1.7.x clients.
----------, Jul 13, 2019

This update fixes an issue where you couldn't see your absorption hearts or yourself burning.
----------, Jul 10, 2019

-Made ViaRewind compatible with ViaVersion 2.0.0
-Added support for Velocity proxy (thanks to creeper123123321)
-Fixed some bugs and a small memory leak
----------, Apr 23, 2019

Fixes compatibility with ViaVersion 1.5.2.
ViaRewind 1.3.13 and newer will not be compatible with ViaVersion 1.5.1 or older!
----------, Sep 24, 2018

Fixed an error that occurred if ViaRewind was enabled before ViaVersion
----------, Sep 12, 2018

Fixed a performance issue
----------, Sep 12, 2018

-Fixed Villager GUI not working for 1.7.x on 1.8.8 servers
-Fixed an issue, which caused some chunk parts to not be transformed correctly
----------, Jun 13, 2018

-Fixed an issue while editing books
-Fixed a typo (Andsite)
-Fixed minecart position being offset for 1.7.x clients
----------, Jun 10, 2018

-Fixed a memory leak in chunk transformation.
----------, May 7, 2018

-Fixed several issues with empty chunks and unloading chunks on 1.7.x clients
-Improved two small performance issues in chunk transformation. (Chunks should load faster in mostly empty worlds on 1.9+ servers)
----------, May 3, 2018

-Fixed a chunk compression issue for 1.7.x clients. This fix should speed up chunk loading for 1.7.x clients.
-1.7.x clients can now interact with Armor Stands.
-Fixed team specific sidebars for 1.7.x clients.
----------, Apr 29, 2018

-Fixed an issue with object velocity
----------, Mar 21, 2018

-Scoreboard Scores with more than 16 characters can now be displayed in 1.7.x
-Added a new Cooldown Indicator option, which also works for 1.7.x clients: BOSS_BAR
-Fixed an issue with entity properties, which caused 1.7.x clients to crash
-Fixed particles with additional data not being displayed correctly in 1.7.x
----------, Mar 20, 2018

-Fixed chunk packets which only contain some of the sections not working correctly on 1.7.x
-Fixed multi block change packets (fixes the Frost Walker enchantment)
-Fixed capes not being visible for 1.7.x players
-Fixed the experience bottle throw sound
-Fixed some enchantment issues which caused clients to crash in anvil gui
----------, Feb 28, 2018

-Fixed an issue which caused 1.7.2 clients to get disconnected
-Fixed an issue which caused 1.7.x clients to get disconnected
----------, Feb 19, 2018

-Fixed a bug which caused 1.8.x and 1.7.x clients to get disconnected if they took a potion or spawn egg from the creative inventory.
----------, Feb 19, 2018

-Fixed the cooldown indicator sometimes not working correctly
-The Depth Strider enchantment is now shown on 1.8.x and lower
-Removed a lot of unused code
-Players below 1.9 can now activate elytra flight by pressing shift while falling. However the velocity is not applied to them, you need ViaRewind Legacy Support or any other plugin that applies velocity to the player.
-Fixed the yaw of armor stands and shulkers
-Endermites are now replaced with Silverfishes
-Guardians are now replaced with Squids
-Fixed the brewing stand GUI
-The brewing stand GUI now displays how much Blaze Powder is currently in it.
-Spectators in 1.7.x now wear their own head, to mimic 1.8 spectator rendering
-Players below 1.9 can now type /offhand to swap the items in offhand/mainhand
-The Wet Sponge item is now remapped correctly
-Shulker bullets are now replaced with wither skulls
-Fixed ViaRewind not loading on Sponge servers
-Fixed the remapping of several potions
----------, Feb 18, 2018

-Added an option for whether 1.9.x particles should be replaced
----------, Feb 14, 2018

-Fixed an issue with empty chunk packets
----------, Feb 14, 2018

-Hugely improved chunk transformation
-Fixed missing remapping for end rods
-Fixed sound and world effect remapping
-Replaced shulkers with magma cubes
-Replaced shulker bullets with snowballs
-Added an option to replace adventure mode with survival mode for 1.7.x clients
----------, Feb 14, 2018

-Fixed the y location of holograms for 1.7.x clients
----------, Feb 8, 2018

-The remapping of blocks/items should be much faster and more memory efficient. This change improves chunk loading times. Feedback in how far this has improved is appreciated.
-The world border in 1.7.x is now represented by particles also shown if the client set the particle option to "minimal"
-Fixed a few missing/wrong block remappings
-Fixed an issue in the entity tracker
-Fixed window titles not being translated correctly
----------, Feb 8, 2018

-Fixed a json error
-Fixed not being able to edit command blocks
----------, Feb 6, 2018

-Fixed a json formatting issue
----------, Feb 6, 2018

-Fixed some formatting issues for 1.8.x clients editing signs and books
-Fixed a slot remapping issue in the brewing stand GUI
-Fixed an issue in the chunk transformation
----------, Feb 6, 2018

-Fixed a NPE
----------, Feb 5, 2018

-Signs do work now!
----------, Feb 5, 2018

-Fixed yet another sign issue
----------, Feb 5, 2018

-Fixed a possible scoreboard objective issue
-Fixed several issues with signs
-Fixed shulker boxes GUI not opening in 1.7.x
-Fixed shulker boxes (enderchests) not opening
-Fixed invisible end rod
-Fixed a few potion remappings
----------, Feb 5, 2018

-Fixed inverted daylight sensors being invisible to 1.7.x clients
-Fixed furnace animation being glitched for 1.7.x clients
-Fixed clicks in enchantment GUI being offset in the wrong direction (1.7.x)
-Fixed item frame rotation for 1.7.x
-Fixed GUI names being white in 1.7.x
-Fixed book editing in 1.7.x
-Fixed items and clicks in brewing stand GUI not being offset (causing 1.7.x clients to crash)
-Fixed remapping of red sandstone stairs
-Fixed display name of spawn eggs of new entites just showing "Spawn"
-Fixed level cost in anvil GUI not being updated correctly for 1.7.x clients on 1.12+ servers
-Fixed a scoreboard objective issue causing 1.7.x clients to crash
----------, Feb 5, 2018

-Books can now be edited and signed correctly
-TileEntity NBT is now being send correctly
----------, Feb 3, 2018

-Holograms will now be displayed for 1.7.x clients
-Fixed buttons on floor/ceiling for 1.7.x clients
-Fixed an issue which caused clients to not see absorption hearts
----------, Jan 31, 2018

-Fixed empty chunk packets being understood as chunk unload packets by 1.7.x and 1.8.x
-Fixed certain chunk unload packets not being send correctly to 1.7.x
-Fixed a tablist issue
----------, Jan 28, 2018

-1.7.x clients can now fly faster while sprinting, just like 1.8.x clients
-Fixed textures of unbreakable items with damage being broken on 1.8.x clients
----------, Jan 28, 2018

-The attack cooldown indicator mode can now be set in the config. Valid options are "TITLE", "ACTION_BAR" and "DISABLED"
-Further improvements to chunk loading in 1.7.x
-Fixed a bug with scoreboard team handling
-Fixed a bug where 1.7.x clients could not use anvils
----------, Jan 27, 2018

-The chunk packets for 1.7.x clients should now be transformed more quickly
-Fixed a bug which caused 1.7.x clients to crash if an enderman was spawned
-Fixed a bug which caused 1.7.2 clients to get disconnected
-Custom window names should now be translated correclty for 1.7.x clients
----------, Jan 26, 2018

-Fixed boat item remapping
-Fixed the y coordinate of boats being too low
-Fixed the yaw of boats being offset by 90°
-Fixed an issue which caused 1.8.x and 1.7.x clients to be kicked after right clicking a boat
----------, Jan 24, 2018

-1.9 enchantments will now be displayed for 1.8.x and 1.7.x clients
-The text on signs is now displayed correctly for 1.8.x clients
----------, Jan 24, 2018

-Skin settings now apply correcly in 1.8.x
-Skin settings are now displayed correctly to other players in 1.7.x
----------, Jan 23, 2018

-Particles now represent the world border for 1.7.x clients
-Fixed an issue which did prevent 1.7.2-1.7.5 from joining
-Lingering potions are now replaced correctly
-Fixed an issue which lead to 1.8.x clients getting kicked for invalid json
----------, Jan 20, 2018

The trade GUI should now contain items for 1.7.x clients.
----------, Jan 18, 2018

-1.7.x players can now spectate entities in spectator mode (sitting on them)
-Armorstands are now replaced by skeletons in 1.7.x
-End rods are now replaced by torches
----------, Jan 17, 2018

Fixed 1.7.2-1.7.5 clients not being able to connect.
----------, Jan 16, 2018

-Added support for 1.7-1.7.5 clients
-Fixed 1.7.x clients not being able to connect to Bungeecord
----------, Jan 16, 2018

Fixed a bug which disconnected players on 1.11+ servers.
----------, Jan 16, 2018

Fixed a bug which caused a kick on 1.11+ servers if you righ-clicked on a block.
----------, Jan 16, 2018

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,171,624
First Release: Jan 16, 2018
Last Update: Dec 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
117 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings