ViaRewind icon

ViaRewind -----

ViaVersion addon to allow 1.8.x and 1.7.x clients on newer server versions.

Bugfix update
-Fixed the cooldown indicator sometimes not working correctly
-The Depth Strider enchantment is now shown on 1.8.x and lower
-Removed a lot of unused code
-Players below 1.9 can now activate elytra flight by pressing shift while falling. However the velocity is not applied to them, you need ViaRewind Legacy Support or any other plugin that applies velocity to the player.
-Fixed the yaw of armor stands and shulkers
-Endermites are now replaced with Silverfishes
-Guardians are now replaced with Squids
-Fixed the brewing stand GUI
-The brewing stand GUI now displays how much Blaze Powder is currently in it.
-Spectators in 1.7.x now wear their own head, to mimic 1.8 spectator rendering
-Players below 1.9 can now type /offhand to swap the items in offhand/mainhand
-The Wet Sponge item is now remapped correctly
-Shulker bullets are now replaced with wither skulls
-Fixed ViaRewind not loading on Sponge servers
-Fixed the remapping of several potions
----------, Feb 18, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,171,813
First Release: Jan 16, 2018
Last Update: Dec 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
117 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings