VampireRevamp icon

VampireRevamp -----

Continuation of Vampire plugin with some new features.

The most noticeable change you'll notice is the reduced size of the plugin. The server now may automatically download any unmet dependency (kyori adventure), so it weighs 1 MiB less.
Apart from that, a couple of bugs have been fixed regarding altars and v offer command, and a weird potential bug with the database that has never happened but could have occurred.
The plugin is now compiled with Java 21, so servers with older versions might not be able to load it.
- New configure nodes so nosferatu vampires can be customised. Please regenerate the config.yml so you may have them.
----------, Feb 20, 2025

WARNING: Lots of things have changed. Replacing the BETA jar with this one will not work: you'll most likely need to edit at least the locale files.
There are also new nodes in the config file. My recommendation is to run the plugin first without either config or locales, then port your tweaks to the freshly generated ones.

  • MariaDB / MySQL support is now working.
  • The currently supported versions range from 1.18 to 1.21.1. Older versions won't unless you run them with Java 17 or greater. Even if you do so, the oldest version that might work is 1.14. Some stuff will break in 1.13
  • Locale files now use MiniMessage format. The old ยง format will not work anymore. This means that you'll have to either update the locale files manually or let the plugin generate the new ones and port your changes. Spanish locale file now automatically generates if it is not present. This has caused an increase in the jar size. When the time comes for Kyori Adventure API to be packed in spigot servers, this size will be reduced. The MiniMessage language lets you use RGB colours, as well as even writing hover events and gradients! You should take a look if you are interested
  • Lots of fixes on how some events are handled. Some of these fixes were oriented to fixing the infamous "altar not working" bug. Hopefully, it will not happen again
  • New sunlight detection system (toggleable). Are you tired of vampires being able to look directly at the rising sun in the middle of a desert just because they have a single block over their heads? Enable the new Sun detection system in the config to make the server check if the Sun is shedding light on those pesky vampires, calculated using both the Sun and the player position, searching for walls in between. It may not detect walls that are too far from the vampire, yet if the light coming from the sky is 0, everything will still work
----------, Sep 23, 2024

As the title says, a couple of things have been fixed.
The config now lets you specify the storage driver (either json or mariadb).
The default behaviour is to use json file storage, as always.
The plugin has been tested to work in 1.20.2.
----------, Nov 11, 2023

  • new config option, maxBats (regenerate the config file or manually add it)
  • new lang keys regarding errors / warnings when using the new batusi command option (regenerate the lang files or manually add them)
  • batusi command now accepts another parameter: the number of bats to spawn (from 0 to maxBats)
    • if nothing specified, numberOfBats will be spawned by default
  • NPE when using certain items (thanks Gustavo_Player for the bug report)
  • NPE when disguising / undisguising
  • Batusi disguise ignoring permission
  • Vampires potentially capturing and cancelling more disguise events than it should
----------, Jun 27, 2023

This version should work in 1.20. I'm still testing it.

Added a feature to prevent a player's disguise in batusi mode from being changed.
Added an option to enable batusi for normal vampires (not nosferatu).
Unless the command sender issuing the disguise change has the "vampire.mode.batusi.disguise" permission node, the disguise command will fail while the target is in batusi mode.

Fixed an error with the set command and another one with v reload.
Fixed everyone being put into the permission group.
----------, Jun 24, 2023

  • Vampires should no longer respawn burning after they die from insolation
  • Errors when using raw spigot instead of paper
  • show command now works on offline players
The database handler has been updated, please contact me if something goes wrong and remember to backup before updating.

This version won't work with Werewolves 1.6.1. Please wait until Werewolves 1.6.2 is released if you plan to use this plugin along with Werewolves.

From now on updates should be more stable, we might release 1.0.0 version soon.
----------, Aug 31, 2022

Finally discovered and fixed what was causing the "infection not progressing" bug. The infection was progressing, the problem was the "/v show" command not showing the real progress.

Renamed configuration node vampiricFlaskConsumeFood to vampiresUseFoodAsBlood since /v offer should have the same source as /v flask.

Fixed flask letting you create flasks when you don't have enough food with
vampiresUseFoodAsBlood = true.
----------, Jul 23, 2022

Administrators upgrading from older versions, please read until the end.
Config file and locales have new entries, you should regenerate them and update them to your liking.
Finally, due to the changes in this update old blood flasks, holy water flasks and sun rings won't work: they need to be created again. Sorry about any inconvenience.

- Removed NBTAPI, now using PersistentData Spigot API. That means Minecraft updates won't break the plugin!
- Removed support for WorldGuard versions older than 7.
Added the option to put all vampires inside of the permission group specified in the config file.

+ Added an option to make vampires use their food instead of their health when creating Blood Flasks
+ Added HolyWater command.
+ Added locales for Blood Flasks.
+ Added "entry-vampires" WorldGuard flag that makes vampires unable to enter a region. With "entry-vampires -g non_members deny" you make that only vampires who have been invited to the region (members or owners) can go inside of it.

* Fixed Blood Flasks not working correctly.
* Fixed plugin doing weird stuff when you don't have WorldGuard installed.

Created to help migrate data from older versions (no DBHandler) to newer ones. When updating from older versions, since we changed how the data is stored, the saved data of your players might become obsolete. Your old data won't be modified in any way, saved in the store folder as before. The new data will be stored in the store/vampire_data folder. If you want to update your old player files to the new format, you can't just move them into the new folder, you'd have to use the script we have created.
How to use it:
  1. Download the migrate script from our official repo:
  2. Download and install Python 3 (unless you already have it) from the official website: Recommended a version newer than 3.6.
  3. Copy the script to the VampireRevamp folder, putting it next to the config.yml.
  4. Create a folder named vampire_data inside the store folder (if it doesn't exist)
  5. Run the script with Python 3.
  6. Done!
----------, Jul 21, 2022

Fixed a weird bug that happened when using a proxy (like bungeecord) or when a player reconnects to the server too fast. That bug made the plugin ignore affected players, not outputting anything when using most commands among other stuff.
This will probably fix some other bugs I've been reported.
----------, Jun 9, 2022

Now time-lock flags with a real-time (ex.: 12:00) value should work with the plugin.
----------, Mar 25, 2022

The data storage system has been updated. To prevent data loss, another folder will be used. If you are updating remember to backup the store folder and move all user .json data into the store/vampire_data folder that will be created after starting the server with the new version. I don't expect any data losses, but just in case please backup the data instead of just moving the .json files. I'm not responsible for any data loss due to ignoring this message.

The new storage system has improved performance (good for big servers) and new options that I'll add to the config file on the next update (like MySQL/MariaDB support).

The plugin has also been updated to work in 1.18.2. Please tell me if you happen to find any error.

This storage system update should fix some random bugs that happened from time to time.
----------, Mar 23, 2022

Fixing the blacklisted world thing broke disabling batusi.
Both are working now, sorry for two hotfixes in a row.
----------, Dec 22, 2021

As the title says, this fixes flight being disabled when entering a blacklisted world.
----------, Dec 22, 2021

Updated dependencies to their 1.18.1 versions.
Added a config option to disable flight capabilities when using /v batusi.
Fixed errors checking versions.
This version has yet to be fully tested. Please post an issue on GitHub or on the discussion page if you find any bug.
----------, Dec 22, 2021

The plugin has been updated to work with 1.17.
Still needs a lot of testing since my server is still in 1.16.
Thanks to MrJarousek for the testing. He found some bugs that
I've not been able to fix it yet, but nothing new, just old bugs.
----------, Jun 30, 2021

I've fixed more bugs that were reported on the discussion page.
I've also added the "ring of anti-radiation". It's an iron nugget that prevents any radiation change (it won't increase OR DECREASE) when on the off-hand. Someone asked me to add it.
It comes with a new permission node:
And a command to give yourself the ring: /v ring
You need that permission to use the command.

Among the bugs fixed, placing redstone on altar core blocks will no longer spam the altar message!
----------, Feb 15, 2021

Apart from the old vampire.combat.contract that prevents players to get infected when fighting a vampire, two more permission nodes have been added.
On the one hand, we now have, that prevents a player from becoming infected when trading blood with a vampire.
On the other hand, the vampire.flask.contract node has been added, that prevents a player from becoming infected when drinking a flask containing the blood of a vampire.

Suggested by Monipo82
----------, Jan 19, 2021

The food loss bug wasn't fixed since I forgot to add the fix.
Here it is!
----------, Jan 16, 2021

I've changed how the plugin manages the player data.
Now the offline players won't be listed, but the plugin will work much better on big servers since the data is loaded on demand.
I've also modified a lot of things related to how the players are updated, it appears to fix random bugs like the "food depleting too fast" and the "/v offer not working". It might also fix the "altars not working", but I'm not sure cause I've not been able to reproduce it in my server.
Thanks for your patience.

Pd.: The 1.0.BETA-8 was not uploaded due to having more bugs than the ones it fixed.
----------, Jan 16, 2021

Updated to fix 1.16.4 errors, werewolves errors (please update to 1.5.3) and some more fixes related to altars.
----------, Nov 18, 2020

Fixed some error with WorldGuard.
Fixed nausea not working fine.
Fixed spectators not being ignored by some vampire tasks (thanks for reporting the bug, MrJarousek).
Added WorldGuard flag to create vampire-friendly areas (sugested by mr_coffee, thanks). The new flag is irradiate-vampires (ALLOW by default). Denying it will cause that all vampires in the region won't be affected by Sun debuffs.
----------, Aug 28, 2020

I'm releasing this for servers using 1.16.2, since they may have problems with holy water. Sorry about that.
----------, Aug 24, 2020

Switched from .json configuration to .yml.
Added multilanguage support, just edit or add a lang file to the locales folder in the plugin directory. The plugin detects the language selected by the user and tries to send messages using that language (or in the default language set in the configuration if it doesn't exist).
Added werewolves hook, only works with the last version of werewolves.
Added multiversion support, now the plugin should work from 1.12 to 1.16.
Lots of bugfixes and stability improvements.
More customization available in the config file.
Maybe more, I've done lots of things and I don't remember all of them right now, read the commits in github for more info!
----------, Aug 21, 2020

  • (Paper) Phantoms won't spawn on vampires unless they break the truce (only works if Phantoms are in the truce entity list)
  • All combat wood materials are disabled now by default. Add any item to the list if you want it to greatly damage vampires
  • Now only undead (bosses not included) are in truce with vampires by default
  • Fixed help command for servers with raw spigot (not paper), while still supporting paper
  • Fixed config file regenerating always due to a NullPointerException
  • Fixed header of /v show always printing Vampire PlayerName even if the player is not a Vampire.
Currently the features tagged with (Paper) only work with PaperSpigot due to limitations in raw Spigot.
----------, May 26, 2020

Added a higher tier of vampire, the Nosferatu.
Receives less debuffs from the Sun and is able to turn into a cloud of bats.
Added /v set nosferatu,n yes,no playername
Fixed /v list not working
Lot of internal changes and cleanup.
----------, Feb 29, 2020

Fixes non vampire player being able to use vampire commands. Also fixes errors when a player uses /v show on himself.
----------, Feb 24, 2020

Fixed errors related to permissions when updating from the old Vampire plugin.
Also fixed bloodlust, nightvision and help commands.
----------, Feb 24, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,492
First Release: Feb 24, 2020
Last Update: Feb 20, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
42 ratings
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