- Added support for 1.18, 1.18.1 & 1.18.2!
- 2 new options in the config!
percentageOff &
autoCount >> if autoCount is enabled, atLeastVotes will be updated automatically via this formula:
>> (player count) * (percentageOff).
E.g: if
player count = 5 and
percentageOff = 50, this means that
atLeastVotes will be 3 ( rounded from 2.5 ).
- if someone initiates a vote for something, the
atLeastVotes won't update even if players will join the server.
New: - Added 2 new permissions:
uvote.bypass.ban - You can't be voted for
uvote.bypass.kick - You can't be voted for
- Use
uvote.bypass.* so players can't vote you for both
voteBan and
- Added
playerBypassed text into config.yml.
New in version v2.0:
- Support for 1.10+ - Added new command "/vote required <min votes>" to set from in-game required votes, without restarting server.
I added a new feature called 'scheduler reminder'.
Q:What this do?
A:If there is a vote that isn't completed with full votes for end, it will display a message every 'x' minutes (configurable from config.yml) until the vote will finish.