- Fix issue that all entities are applied for trick or treat - Added messages configuration for messages yml
Code (YAML):
total-pumpkins-reached: "&aYou have found all %total_pumpkins% pumpkins!" win-message: "&bCongratulations! You have won the pumpkin hunt!" reset-tomorrow: "&eYou have already completed today's pumpkin hunt. Come back tomorrow!" reward-received: "&aYou received a reward for finding a pumpkin!" pumpkin-found: '&aYou found
%found% pumpkins out of %total%!' already-completed: "&cYou have already completed the pumpkin hunt! Please wait %hours% hours and %minutes% minutes before you can start again." villager-interaction:
no-cooldown-set: "&cNo cooldown is set for your group. You can't interact with the villager." on-cooldown: "&cYou are on cooldown. Please wait %seconds% seconds before interacting again." no-reward: "&cNo reward found for this interaction." reward-not-available: "&cNo rewards available." reward-command-failed: "&cNo command found for this interaction." reward-message: "&aYou received a reward!" invalid-sound: "&cInvalid sound specified: %sound%"
- Fixed Bug where a pumpkinhunt could be done unlimited times , form now on it could vbe done once every 24 hours for example if admins set 100 pumpkins so players will get rewards form 100 pumpkins every 24 hours
- Fixed Issue where HEADLESS HORSMAN was not spawning in specified arena
# Number of pumpkins to find to win the event total-pumpkins: 10
# Should farmed pumpkins (grown naturally) be counted? countFarmable: true
# Commands and messages for finding a pumpkin (randomized) pumpkin-rewards:
- command: give
%player% minecraft:cookie 5 message: "§aYou found a hidden pumpkin and got some cookies!" event:
sound: minecraft:entity.player.levelup
firework: true
- command: summon zombie
%player% message: "§cYou found a haunted pumpkin! A zombie has appeared!" event:
sound: minecraft:entity.zombie.ambient
firework: false
- command: give
%player% minecraft:golden_apple 1 message: "§aYou found a lucky pumpkin and received a golden apple!" event:
sound: minecraft:entity.player.levelup
firework: true
# Event for the player who collects all pumpkins win-event:
command: give
%player% minecraft:nether_star 1 message: "§6Congratulations! You have found all the pumpkins and won a special reward!" event:
sound: minecraft:entity.ender_dragon.death
firework: true
Bug Fix: LuckPerms Absence: Resolved an issue where the "Trick or Treat" feature failed to function if LuckPerms was not installed. The plugin now adapts and provides default rewards when LuckPerms is missing.
Bug Fix: LibDisguise Absence: Fixed a bug where the plugin failed to load when LibDisguise was not present.
Bug Fix: Spooky Mobs: Resolved issues causing spooky mobs to malfunction during gameplay.
Bug Fix: Boss Spawning: Fixed bugs with boss spawning behavior, ensuring consistent boss appearances.
Enhanced Boss Spawning:
Added special effects for a more immersive boss spawning experience.
Made configuration easier, simplifying setup for users.
Added the ability to configure specific locations for the boss arena, improving customization.
- added a place in the world where you can summon the haunted horsman
- fixed soft dependencies not loading the plugin without it
- fixed some errors during trick or treating
- Fixed trick or treat bugs
- Fixed plugin bug where you couldnt interact with villagers when on cooldown for trick or treat
- Fixed plugin couldn't start without having lib disguise on server
- Fixed the error Message if Libdisguise is not installed
- Enhanced Haunted Horsman capabilities he can now :
- Summon Minions
- Summon Zombies
- Covered in enchanted armors and tools !
- added special effects !