# Number of pumpkins to find to win the event total-pumpkins: 10
# Should farmed pumpkins (grown naturally) be counted? countFarmable: true
# Commands and messages for finding a pumpkin (randomized) pumpkin-rewards:
- command: give
%player% minecraft:cookie 5 message: "§aYou found a hidden pumpkin and got some cookies!" event:
sound: minecraft:entity.player.levelup
firework: true
- command: summon zombie
%player% message: "§cYou found a haunted pumpkin! A zombie has appeared!" event:
sound: minecraft:entity.zombie.ambient
firework: false
- command: give
%player% minecraft:golden_apple 1 message: "§aYou found a lucky pumpkin and received a golden apple!" event:
sound: minecraft:entity.player.levelup
firework: true
# Event for the player who collects all pumpkins win-event:
command: give
%player% minecraft:nether_star 1 message: "§6Congratulations! You have found all the pumpkins and won a special reward!" event:
sound: minecraft:entity.ender_dragon.death
firework: true