Got another major release version for you folks, go check it out on the olde GitHub.
Towny is also now available over at Modrinth if that's your sort of thing:
PSST, new Towny release just dropped:
Towny is out today!
This one adds support for MC 1.21.* to the release "branch", while dropping support for MC older than 1.19.*! If you're on 1.16, 1.17 or 1.18 you need to update your MC version (its old!)
This version has a number of fixes for little bugs, same as always.
This version also has some nice additions, namely Districts, which I think your players will enjoy.
Enjoy the release, and make sure you become a
sponsor if you'd like access to the
Sponsor Plugins and hands-on support from me.
Hello Towny Fans,
Towny is out today!
Towny arrives just two months after, which was the "plan". Servers can update from (or any of the pre-releases,) simply by replacing their old Towny jar file with the new Towny jar file. This is what we call a "drag and drop" update.
Important: this is the last release version that is being made to support Minecraft 1.16.5-1.18.*. This is a conscious decision that will allow Towny to drop the use of Jabel and other legacy code. These versions being dropped are old and largely unused by the Towny server community.
Enjoy the release, and make sure you become a
sponsor if you'd like access to the
Sponsor Plugins and hands-on support from me.
It's a update, from me to you. I completely forgot to post it here on Spigot so April Fool's!
Hello there,
Towny goes live. This update add 1.20.3 and 1.20.4 support to the Release version of Towny.
Updating is as easy as replacing your .jars. Towny will make safe edits to your config and leave your data and config options the way you like it.
We've got some pretty cool features in this one, biome-claiming rules, new nation proximity rules and more.
Some not-insignificant fixes have been made as well! You want this update let me tell you what.
Thanks for reading.
If you enjoy Towny receiving updates make sure you consider becoming a sponsor, you'll receive support from me as well as access to the
Sponsor Plugins that I write.
- LlmDl
Today Towny turns 13! The
very first download of Towny was made available to the public exactly 13 years ago today, by Shadeness, for the hMod server platform. So happy birthday Towny! Here's some stats from those 13 years:
- 9174 Lines in the
- 876
Versions released as downloads.
- 996
Completed Tickets (Github only.)
- 1574
Merged Pull Requests (Github only.)
- 127
Versions of Minecraft.
- 100
Contributors (Github only.)
- 42
- 2 Repos (r.i.p. GoogleCode.)
I've been the lead dev of Towny since 2014, but I was present helping out admins in 2011, even before ElgarL took over Towny.
It is really something to see a milestone like your software becoming a teenager.
This is a fairly minor release, rolling up all the good things from the 0.99.*.* series into a nice new jar.
If you're not sponsoring me directly, you should probably do that if you enjoy my works, you'll get support from me, and even more plugins when you do!
Make sure you check out this message: announcements for details about the price drops that just occurred. Get yourself some good hosting for a good price, from a host that Sponsors me! (AKA you using DedicatedMC makes them want to continue sponsoring me!)
As per usual:
This is a drag-and-drop release. Towny makes updating EASY, we keep your data, we keep your config settings, we just add new settings at their default values! It's Magic™️.
Get yourself up to date, enjoy the 1.20.2 support, get a coffee, call your neighbour and ask if you can help with anything this autumn.
And: In about 4 weeks time Towny will turn 13 years old! Sheesh!
This Release version of Towny is primarily a series of fixes for issues that are present on select servers.
As with any Towny release version, it is highly recommended that you update your server as soon as possible. Updating is of course as simple as swapping your old Towny jar with the new Towny jar, we will take care of your Towny data (Towns, Nations, etc) and your config will maintain its settings with new settings added with the defaults.
If you enjoy Towny and want to see it continue, become a sponsor which will make me feel good about working on Towny, and will mean you'll receive support on the discord as well as extra
sponsor-plugins for your server!
See GH for details.
New Things!
Critical Fixes!
Drag & Drop Update!
Do It Today.....
This build comes with some really excellent new features (who knew that after 12 years we'd still be adding NiceThings™️, am I right?)
But more importantly this build has a fix for a critical bug that was introduced in and pre-releases dating back to It is imperative that you update your Towny jars. Updating is as easy as replacing the old jars with the new jars, all of your settings and data will remain intact!
On to the new:
- Folia Support (Big, a huge thank you to Warrior,)
- Town overclaiming,
- Town/Nation rank prefixes for PAPI and TownyChat,
- Command Blacklisting now support subcommands (thanks to Warrior,)
- So very, very much more.
It's the day before Good Friday, 85-ish days since the last Release version, and more than a year since
I present to you the latest Release Version of Towny Advanced:
This version has a pile of new features that have been getting used by many of the pre-release-testers with great success! These include 3 new town/nation level settings, a new /res toggle townborders, and many performance-minded improvements that should see large and small servers alike happy.
This version also comes with a pile of fixes as well, including some that might be considered critical, don't let yourself fall out of date! (It's literally a drag-and-drop update again, just replace your old jar.)
While I have your eyeballs:
read the status and don't forget to
Welcome Towny-enjoyers, new server-owners and old server-owners alike.
This one is a quickie. It's a hotfix release to Update your servers ASAP!
Head on over to Github and download the update for yourself, it is of course a hassle-free, drag-and-drop update. Swap out the old jars for the new jars and your Towny data will remain intact.
If you enjoy my work I'd appreciate it if you would
sponsor me, either one-time or on a monthly basis.
I am currently not being paid by my main source of income, in fact they are mid-way in running off with my and my peers' money that we're owed. It's pretty messed up so if you can support me while I look for new work I would appreciate it greatly.
By supporting me during this time of transition, you will receive access to all the Sponsor plugins that I offer as perks for Sponsors.
Welcome Towny-enjoyers, new server-owners and old server-owners alike.
It's been almost 2 months since Towny war released. We've had a new year and a new version of Minecraft to support.
This release adds support for MC 1.19.3, some nice new features that probably fall into the less-exciting pile.
As always we found some bugs and got them squashed.
Head on over to Github and download the update for yourself, it is of course a hassle-free, drag-and-drop update. Swap out the old jars for the new jars and your Towny data will remain intact.
If you enjoy my work I'd appreciate it if you would
sponsor me, either one-time or on a monthly basis.
I am currently not being paid by my main source of income, in fact they are mid-way in running off with my and my peers' money that we're owed. It's pretty messed up so if you can support me while I look for new work I would appreciate it greatly.
By supporting me during this time of transition, you will receive access to all the Sponsor plugins that I offer as perks for Sponsors.
Welcome Towny-enjoyers, new server-owners and old server-owners alike.
It's been a few months since the last Release version of Towny was made available to the wider world.
In that time we've added many nice things, including full support for MiniMessage throughout the plugin. The pre-release versions have seen hundreds of downloads. This bun is done.
Bugs new and old have been fixed as well.
Head on over to Github and download the update for yourself, it is of course a hassle-free, drag-and-drop update. Swap out the old jars for the new jars and your Towny data will remain intact.
If you enjoy my work I'd appreciate it if you would considering
sponsoring me, either one-time or on a monthly basis. While Towny certainly doesn't pay my bills, the source of income which does feed, cloth and house my young family has begun rapidly degrading. If you're able to support me during this time of transition, I would appreciate: you'll receive access to all the
Sponsor plugins I offer as perks for Sponsors.
Thank you, and enjoy.
Hello to you all, I am pleased to release Towny on this very day.
This build adds full support for MC 1.19, something that the pre-releases have had for a little while, but which is ready for your consumption. It's also sorted out some bugs of course, but is otherwise pretty light.
As you have grown accustomed to, there is no deleting-your-towns, or regenerating-your-configs, that would just be silly. It is a drag-and-drop update, just change your Towny jar file to the new one and Towny updates anything that is has to update. I've made things Nice®️ and Easy:tm: and I think you folks deserve it. Update today!
If you are a Towny Enjoyer, Towny O.G. or brand new to Towny, and you want to give back to me, I can always use some money, which you can send to me by Sponsoring: There's 4 more plugins waiting for you when you do.
If you're already Sponsoring me, you are the pogchamps (or w/e the kids say these days.)
- 69 days in the oven, It's Time to Update Your Towny!
- This Full release of Towny fixes a number of bugs and adds some new features as well, check out the stunning release page on Github by clicking the download button!
- This is, of course, a drag and drop update! No pain! All gain! Replace your jar and Towny takes care of the rest!
- If you enjoy my work, I'm still quite underpaid for my time on Towny. If you're able to support me, please sponsor: and get yourself the
sponsor-plugins in return, (including the
TownyRTP, and
Towny's got another Release version for you! Easiest update ever!
Click the download button to get to the Release page on GitHub and see what's in store for you today.
Updating is easy as replacing your old towny jar with the new one, Towny takes care of your data and config files all by itself.
If you're a fan of this work and want to see it continue, consider sponsoring me, either monthly or as a one-off: and get yourself access to the
sponsor plugins,
which now include the EventWar closed beta!
Towny's first Release supporting Minecraft 1.18.1!
Click the download button to get to the Release page on GitHub and see what's in store for you today.
Updating is easy as replacing your old towny jar with the new one, Towny takes care of your data and config files all by itself.
If you're a fan of this work and want to see it continue, consider sponsoring me, either monthly or as a one-off: and get yourself access to the
sponsor plugins,
which now include the EventWar closed beta!
Hi hello how are you?
I know what you're thinking, "LlmDl we just got a Release version why so soon?"
It is a hot-fix release my friends. A very old bug affecting some servers (timezone related,) which was never spotted reared its head after I invented the new NewDayScheduler in
Click the download button to get to the Release page on GitHub and see what's in store for you today.
Updating is easy as replacing your old towny jar with the new one, Towny takes care of your data and config files all by itself.
If you're a fan of this work and want to see it continue, consider sponsoring me, either monthly or as a one-off: and get yourself access to the
sponsor plugins,
which now include the EventWar closed beta!
Towny's first Release supporting Minecraft 1.18!
Click the download button to get to the Release page on GitHub and see what's in store for you today.
Updating is easy as replacing your old towny jar with the new one, Towny takes care of your data and config files all by itself.
If you're a fan of this work and want to see it continue, consider sponsoring me, either monthly or as a one-off: and get yourself access to the
sponsor plugins,
which now include the EventWar closed beta!
Another drag-and-drop update from yours truly!
Click the download button to get to the Release page on GitHub and see what's in store for you today.
Updating is easy as replacing your old towny jar with the new one, Towny takes care of your data and config files all by itself.
If you're a fan of this work and want to see it continue, consider sponsoring me, either monthly or as a one-off: and get yourself access to the
sponsor plugins,
which now include the EventWar closed beta!
Another drag-and-drop update from yours truly!
Click the download button to get to the Release page on GitHub and see what's in store for you today.
Updating is easy as replacing your old towny jar with the new one, Towny takes care of your data and config files all by itself.
If you're a fan of this work and want to see it continue, consider sponsoring me, either monthly or as a one-off: and get yourself access to the
sponsor plugins.
Another drag-and-drop Release version of Towny!
Click the download button to get to the Release page on GitHub and see what's in store for you today.
Updating is easy as replacing your old towny jar with the new one, Towny takes care of your data and config files all by itself.
If you're a fan of this work and want to see it continue, consider sponsoring me, either monthly or as a one-off: and get yourself access to the
sponsor plugins.
The beginning of the 0.97.*.* series of Towny!
Update ASAP for new features and critical bug fixes!
Drag-and-drop update (again!) just replace the old jars with the new jars!
Another hotfix update, get this ASAP.
Same as last time, this is a drag-and-drop update. Replace your old Towny jar with the new one and you're done!
Another drag-and-drop update!
New stuff + Critical bug fixes: read about it on the Towny Github and download it today!
Give a nice review on Spigot or
become a sponsor on Github.
You waited 121 days for this update, go see what all the pre-release testers have been experiencing during that time!
Give a nice review on Spigot or
become a sponsor on Github.
Go get yourself the update already. See github for changes.
Give a nice review on Spigot or become a sponsor on Github.
Special backport of modern Towny to 1.13.2.
Special backport of modern Towny to 1.12.2.
Here's another release build already. You should update because this fixes a couple serious issues, and it's got no required changes.
Here's another release build already. You should update because this fixes a couple serious issues, and it's got no required changes.
A special back-ported version of Towny's latest Release.
See github for massive changelog. Enjoy!
Give us a nice 5-star rating and if you like this plugin consider becoming a sponsor.
A special back-ported version of Towny's latest Major Release.
See Github for changes. This is the last planned pre-release before (barring any major bugs being found.) is planned for release Wednesday March 18.
If you are on
any build newer than it is important that you update to this version.
Reminder: If you are using,, or your server's towns' and nations' banks will be subject to an economy-bug that wipes their bank when if they rename.
See Github for changes. Note that this is a pre-release leading to an eventual (but soon,) major release version.
If you are on
any build newer than it is important that you update to this version. This is a very strong contender for the next release,, and we need as many bugs found as possible before that release is finalized.
Reminder: If you are using,, or 095.2.16 your server's towns' and nations' banks will be subject to an economy-bug that wipes their bank when if they rename.
See Github for changes. Note that this is a pre-release leading to an eventual (but soon,) major release version.
If you are on
any build newer than it is important that you update to this version. This is a very strong contender for the next release,, and we need as many bugs found as possible before that release is finalized.
Reminder: If you are using,, or 095.2.16 your server's towns' and nations' banks will be subject to an economy-bug that wipes their bank when if they rename.
See Github for changes. Note that this is a pre-release leading to an eventual (but soon,) major release version.
If you are on
any build newer than it is important that you update to this version. This is a very strong contender for the next release,, and we need as many bugs found as possible before that release is finalized.
Reminder: If you are using,, or 095.2.16 your server's towns' and nations' banks will be subject to an economy-bug that wipes their bank when if they rename.
See Github for Changes.
If you use TownyChat you will need to download TownyChat 0.66.
If you are on
any build newer than it is important that you update to this version. This is a very strong contender for the next release,, and we need as many bugs found as possible before that release is finalized.
Reminder: If you are using,, or 095.2.16 your server's towns' and nations' banks will be subject to an economy-bug that wipes their bank when if they rename.
See Github for changes.
Edit: If you use TownyChat you will need to download TownyChat 0.66.
If you are on
any build newer than it is important that you update to this version. This is a very strong contender for the next release,, and we need as many bugs found as possible before that release is finalized.
Reminder: If you are using,, or 095.2.16 your server's towns' and nations' banks will be subject to an economy-bug that wipes their bank when if they rename.
See Github for changes. (This one fixes an eco bug introduced in, it is very important you update.)
If you are on
any build newer than it is important you are updating to this version. This is a very strong contender for the next release,, and we need as many bugs found as possible before that release is finalized.
See Github for changes.
If you are on
any build newer than it is important you are updating to this version. This is a very strong contender for the next release,, and we need as many bugs found as possible before that release is finalized.
See Github for changes.
If you are on
any build newer than it is important you are updating to this version. This is a very strong contender for the next release,, and we need as many bugs found as possible before that release is finalized.
See Github for changes.
If you are on
any build newer than it is important you are updating to this version. This is a very strong contender for the next release,, and we need as many bugs found as possible before that release is finalized.
See github for changes.
If you're on any build newer than you should update to this ASAP.
See github for changes.
We are now in the fixes-only phase ahead of the release.
If you are on anything newer than and you use 1.14.* or 1.15.* you should be updating to this build. We need to have as many bugs found and fixed as possible before we put out the next major release.
Thank you.
See github for changes.
If you are on you should update to this immediately.
See github for changes.
If you are on any of the versions you should update to this immediately.
See github for changes.
If you use make sure you update to this.
See github for changes (Note: totally rad plot grouping!)
It'd also be totally rad if you rated this download 5 stars.
A release version has appeared! As usual see github for changes.
Read changes on the github.