Welcome Towny-enjoyers, new server-owners and old server-owners alike.
This one is a quickie. It's a hotfix release to Update your servers ASAP!
Head on over to Github and download the update for yourself, it is of course a hassle-free, drag-and-drop update. Swap out the old jars for the new jars and your Towny data will remain intact.
If you enjoy my work I'd appreciate it if you would
sponsor me, either one-time or on a monthly basis.
I am currently not being paid by my main source of income, in fact they are mid-way in running off with my and my peers' money that we're owed. It's pretty messed up so if you can support me while I look for new work I would appreciate it greatly.
By supporting me during this time of transition, you will receive access to all the Sponsor plugins that I offer as perks for Sponsors.