In this update, we added town-level based permissions, so at any town-level you are able to hand out town-global permissions based on that tier.
- Add per-town-level and per-kingdom-level perms (detail / gitlab)
Code (Text):
#residents required to obtain this level.
residentsRequired: 1
#currency required, this could be 0 if you wanted a free township for level 0.
currencyRequired: 25
#the currency required to rename the town
renamePrice: 500
#The township level name, this is used to display for info purposes instead of level_0
levelName: 'I - Hamlet'
#prefix is only used in townchat
mayorPrefix: 'Mayor '
#The amount taken from the township bank upon claimiing a new chunk for the town.
pricePerChunkClaim: 50
#How many chunks of protection the township gets.
townChunkLimit: 15
#Must be a multiple of 9 or it will be rounded up to one.
bankSlots: 9
#The adjustment that the township may have to pay to the server, higher or lower ranks may have to pay more upkeep.
upkeepModifier: 1.0
basicMaterials: []
specialMaterials: []
# The extra permissions town members receive at this town level
[B]permissions: [][/B]