Adds config options for outpost cost and limit per town level.
Each one still counts as a chunk, so there are two limits you need to be aware of when making one.
If not defined, it'll just take the values from normal chunks, though that's probably not a great plan to actually use that way.
Outposts are marked on the region file directly, which is probably the place most likely to run into some sort of issue.
Currently, a region file is just its location and owning town.
The command is:
Code (Text):
/town claim outpost
Usage is the same as a normal claim.
You should be unable to unclaim an outpost if it has any neighboring chunks as a basic anti-abuse measure.
There's also a separate permission for claiming an outpost (though not unclaiming), and it's granted by default anywhere normal claim is:
Code (Text):
New command:
/town conquest - to show which conquest points are unclaimed.