- add console command support for /runesclean
- check if a tp item used is still in hand on TP to prevent abuse
- change in the optional tp back cloud
- change some deprecated method
- fix deprecated method used in strange arrow craft
fix cooldown detection in lingering potion cloud
- Improved cooldown check (potion effect applied after teleport)
- Added config option to change the potion effect after teleport (used for the cooldown) -> ATR_CoolDownType: RESISTANCE
- Changed default potion effect after teleport to: RESISTANCE
You can change the potion type; see:
NAUSEA or HUNGER are recommended to maintain the RP aspect of the plugin.
- The potion level is set to 255, which can affect the potency of the potion effect.
- you can change the potion effect duration with the config parameters : ATR_TeleportDelay_PLAYER / ENTITY
- Improved cooldown check (potion effect applied after teleport)
- Added config option to change the potion effect after teleport (used for the cooldown) -> ATR_CoolDownType: RESISTANCE
- Changed default potion effect after teleport to: RESISTANCE
You can change the potion type; see:
NAUSEA or HUNGER are recommended to maintain the RP aspect of the plugin.
- The potion level is set to 255, which can affect the potency of the potion effect.
- you can change the potion effect duration with the config parameters : ATR_TeleportDelay_PLAYER / ENTITY
remove deprecated item meta LocalizedName reference from code
fix PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent
- made StrangeBlock craft and block type configurable (only support "regular" blocks).
- add StrangeBlock protection for entity explosion.
Death & bed runes can now be reset to a strange rune using the soulsand craft
no change just compiled with latest spigot api
- add option to config "ATR_RuneBreakOnUse" to consume rune if used for telport (apply to deathrune and similar runes used on Strangeblock or rune used to teleport if perm "telecraft.player.rune.teleport" is set to true
- avoid deleting Strange block items on command like /kill @e[type=item]
fix potions not working (spigot behavior change ?)
change server recipe check on reload command
- Add Death Rune potion
- Add Bed Rune Potion
- added Bed Rune (return to player respawn location), see plugin description
- update dependencies jsoup and more
- set test break block event canceled (this event is used to check if a player can build/break in the area before use st item)
- disable rune check on startup, its a temporary workaround for chunk loading entity population delayed on 1.17, use /runesclean to fix duplicate item or missing StrangeBlock
add more check on Strangeblock on plugin startup
- change default permission for "Voodoo Doll use" to true
add support for custom model, you have to enable it in configuration :
ATR_EnableCustomModel: true -> enable custom model
ATR_CustomModelID: 1234567 -> your model ID
to prevent issue, the ressource pack item base need to be of the same base material as defined in configuration (ATR_RuneMaterial)
- add option ATR_StSoundVolume to manage the volume of Sound Fx : default is 1.0 set it to 0.1 to have a low volume
- add support for Citizens NPC
Fix strange block break in protected area
- add admin.bypass permission to locked st block
- fix piston break stblock issue on +1 block pushed
- add option to disable potions craft and related : ATR_EnablePotions
- add check for stblock place into forbidden world
- added config option "ATR_PreventProtectedMobTP" turn it to true to prevent tp mobs not mounted by player on protected area
- removed strikeLightningEffect when using silent mode for strangeblock
added new options :
Code (Text):
ATR_RuneMaterial : EMERALD
-> you can change base rune material, but only item that can't be placed as block and be careful to chose an item that not conflict with vanilla recipe
ATR_TpOnlyActivator: false
-> disable tp of nearest entity (tp only user)
ATR_TeleportDelay_ENTITY: 200
-> time for entity (not player) to wait before teleport again
other :
- add tp radius visualisation using particle when activate a StrangeBlock
- you can disable Strangeblock activation sound by putting a soulsand block under
- fix tp back issue whith non player entities when enabling cloud return
- code cleanup
refactor potions crafting and arrow (like vanilla) :
- you need to use strange lingering potion as base for strange arrow and now the amount of arrow is 8 (1 before)
- you can use all awkward potions type as base (normal,splash and lingering) to craft strange potions
- add world restrictions in configuration :
- ATR_allowedWorld: you can access only world listed in this section
- ATR_forbiddenWorld: you can't access world listed in this section
- add permission to bypass world restrictions :
Code (Text):
description: authorizes bypass world restriction
default: false
telecraft.player.bypass.use: false
telecraft.player.bypass.tp: false
telecraft.admin.bypass : true
- add a check on hooper for ChestRune
- you can now change StrangeRune coords without clearing it (can be disabled with config ATR_AllowRuneCoordChange)
- add teleport to rune in hand location when used on StrangeBlock (can be disabled with config ATR_EnableRuneOnBlock)
- add info message when using specific item on StrangeBlock (rune,voodoo doll,death rune)
- add permission telecraft.player.rune.useonblock: true
- add permission telecraft.player.rune.changecoord: true
- prevent placing chestrune in custom chest inventory (backpacks...)
- add an option to enable/disable chestrune in custom chest inventory
ATR_ChestRune_AllowCustomInventory: false
-> true to allow chestrune in custom inventory like backpack becarefull you can break your player data doing that (too large packet with lot of items)
- fix ClearLag softdepend
- Right click a Strangebolock with a voodoo doll to link it to the entity, so you can use the strange block to teleport to entity after without using the voodoo Doll, right click again (the voodoo doll need to have the same entity linked) to remove the link and use the strange block like before, you have to be the owner of the strangeBlock...
- better version check
- add optional return "portal" cloud for lingering potion (enabled by default), splash potion, StrangeBlock and StrangeRune
- add conf options for customise return cloud (cloud duration, enabled Strange items)
- add admin command to duplicate item in hand (can be used to copy StrangeRune,Strange Potions, and more...) : /runescopy [amount]
- add message for targeted player when linked to a voodoo doll
- fix items list preview in ChestRune Lore (when interact with other inventories)
- add color code support in config.yml (item name and message ( "NAME_" / "MSG_" entries)
- fix reload command
note : with existing config to keep color on plugin message you have to delete all the "MSG_" entries to generate the formated ones, or you can just add your custom
color code to existing ones,
example (don't forget comas) :
MSG_RuneSetMemory: '&AThe soul of the rune becomes bound to this place.'
- fix rod on strangeblock
- add recipe to copy strangeRunes with ignited memory, just craft a blank strange rune with a strangeRune with ignited memory
- better safe location detection
- added ChestRune content preview in tooltip. (english only)
- fix inventory check on StrangeArrow events
- little bug fix
- 1.16 ready...
- add option to disable main sound effect on strange blocks
- add option to disable strike FX on teleport
- fix reload command
English translation fix thanks to Jai !
ps : the option 'ATR_Arrow_Dammages' is renamed to 'ATR_Arrow_Damages', so you can delete the old one from config.yml
- Add ChestRune unique id, ChestRune with same content cannot be stacked anymore
- A new id is generated on interract with existing ChestRune
- add custom recipe for StrangeRune
- add VoodooRune (teleport to entity)
- fix hotbar shortcut key with ChestRune
see plugin description for the new features
- fix ghost items on rune teleport from ChestRune
- fix chestrune inventory update if open on death
- ChestRune can be used like a personal Teleport Hub, you can use instant teleportation with StrangeRunes stored in (SHIFT + RIGHT CLIC), need the permission :
telecraft.player.chestrune.tp: true (false by default)
- fix dupe bug with ChestRune if dropped outside while interact with the chestrune inventory
- fix sound effect volume
- prevent vehicle to break StrangeBlock
- fix unsafe location false positive on SOUL_SAND
- Strangeblock check process is now only on loaded world at startup and when another world is loaded (fix error on startup when a StrangeBlock is checked for a world that is not loaded)
- fix telecraft.player.rune.crafts permission
- fix potion teleport bug with multiworld
- fix Strangeblock drop when you use a StrangeRune to set rune memory on top of it
- add support for ClearLag plugin (bypass rune deletion)
- fix Strangeblocs_backup file to update new id for fixed strangeblocs
- add process to restore removed rune in the clean command /runesclean
- bypass inactive Strangeblock for owner
- fix StrangeBlock place on protected area
- add option to disable update check
- add basic version checker
- add basic bstats implentation
- fix strangeBlock displaying original SpawnRune name
- prevent Shulker box place in ChestRune
- add Craftbukkit compatibility
- Fix some issues with items checks in Chestrune and Shulker inventories
- Fix telecraft.player.chestrune.inv : used to allow Chestrune content interract (false by default now)
ChestRune : Can store items stacks in its memory.
- store chest (and more) content to the RuneChest memory : SNEAK + RIGHT CLIC
- drop the RuneChest content into a chest : LEFT CLIC on chest
- Browse RuneChest memory (virtual chest) : SNEAK + CLIC (a bloc other than a chest)
- cannot be stored in a shulker box
- cannot be stored in a CHEST RUNE
- respect protections (LWC,etc...)
- Add Death Rune
- Fix English config that fill with french message
- add config option max safe location check "ATR_SafeTeleport_MaxBlockCheck" default is 100 blocks
- little fix for number of check on unsafe location
added safeteleport option (was ebabled by default before), so now you can force unsafe teleport location by setting ATR_safeTeleport : false in config.yml
- fix false location detection with carpet...
- refactor config file creation and added "auto-fix" for missing options in config file (usefull for futur options)
- added unload craftrecipes before reload when configuration file change to have updated recipe name (/runesreload command and auto-fix config) without the need to restart server