This plugin is so cool! It's a perfect teleport block plugin, which thanks to not having to use commands and using things from Vanilla Minecraft makes it seem like a part of Minecraft and not a ordinary plugin. Simply amazing
The only thing this plugin misses is being able to pickup the Strange Block itself with a silk touch pickaxe, that would be a cool addition. Other than that? It's perfect.
This plugin is very good, but from what I understand you can't change the teleport block. Could you add an option in settings so we can change it? I tried to change it myself, but the project's github is private. I would like to use LUDESTONE as I think it is a block that would better match the idea of a teleportation stone.
Ce plugin est TELLEMENT BIEN ! Il est super travaillé, franchement bravo! Depuis le temps que je cherchais un moyen de TP qui soit " legit " et pas abusé! Et puis toutes les possibilités de craft ! C'est juste excellent! J'espère qu'il sera mis à jour régulièrement car je compte le garder longtemps! C'est où pour les suggestions car t'as l'air vraiment doué. Je vais faire un petit geste pour ce plugin, vraiment. Merci à toi
A very good plugin to allow crafting of teleports.
It also allows administrators to give away these teleportation items as prizes in a dungeon or sell them in an adminshop.
It also gives emeralds an extended use, and that's fine.
The creator of the plugin is very attentive and attends to requests at the moment. Fantastic!