This update includes fixes for Velocity servers that would not consistently run commands without requiring a restart.
Fixes - Checks for commands would not be rescheduled if an error occurred, preventing commands from being checked until server restart
- Commands that required slots and delays incorrectly used the delay value as the number of slots required
- Improvements to error reporting system
- `/tebex report` did not allow for multiple words
- `/tebex lookup` no longer causes an error if the player had no purchases, and has more descriptive error messaging
- Version did not not appear correctly in Velocity
- Version did not appear correctly in Fabric
- Index out of bounds if `/tebex debug` is used without an arg on Velocity
This update addresses issues with command variables such as {id} and {name} not being parsed properly on Geyser/Offline servers.
2.0.4 Fixes - The `{id}` parameter is now properly replaced on Geyser and Minecraft Offline/Geyser store types. For offline servers, it will be replaced with the user's name. For online servers, this will be the player's UUID.
- Fix for `java.lang.String cannot be cast to class java.util.UUID` on Offline/Geyser servers
- Fixed the use of deprecated characters directly in components in the Velocity module
- Relocated Adventure to prevent conflicts with older Adventure APIs on the server
This update addresses reported issues for Geyser/Bedrock servers and certain offline setups. Previous fixes in 2.0.2 did not address problems that would occur on these types of servers.
Features - SDK:{uuid} command parameter is now filled by the plugin if a uuid is available and not filled by Tebex API
Fixes -
Minecraft Offline/Geyser: Offline actions (such as removing groups) with no payment or package attached will now be processed properly.
Minecraft Offline/Geyser: Certain types of offline commands still could not be parsed and executed, causing console errors.
Bukkit:/sendlink now sends the checkout link to the target player
SDK:mojangIdToJavaId() no longer returns a null ID if any provided parameters are null
This update resolves reported problems with servers running in
offline mode, as well as several other various reported issues.
Features - Improvements to debug mode showing relevant HTTP request and response data
/tebex lookup provides more in-depth feedback when users are not found
Changes -
`tebex ban no longer requires an ip or reason
Fixes - Servers running offline mode are now able to process commands
- Online commands are handled more efficiently on large servers to avoid rate limits (code 429)
- Fix for
`Failed to get online commands: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: JsonNull` caused by online commands with no package reference
/tebex sendlink incorrectly used player id instead of username
- Fix
/tebex report now sends the entire report
- Arguments such as
{id} and
{username} are now properly parsed for all command types
This update addresses issues migrating from previous versions of BuycraftX, as well as issues setting the secret key via command, which could put the plugin in an errored state where no commands would execute until the server was restarted.
Changelog - Command usage instructions are now shown if incorrect/not enough args are used
- Store information was not properly reloaded after running
/tebex secret, causing errors until the server was restarted.
- /
tebex lookup now uses the appropriate endpoint
- Some commands' usage instructions improperly included a `.` in the command name
/tebex report now properly sends all report information to Tebex