Tangled Maze | Maze Generator icon

Tangled Maze | Maze Generator -----

THE maze generator

This update introduces a new seed setting for mazes! You can now use /maze setting seed <number> to generate mazes with a the same path layout every time — perfect for consistency in your builds.

We've also fixed compatibility with the latest LootChest update.

Enjoy the update, and happy maze building!
----------, Jan 5, 2025

In this patch, we’ve fixed the bug that caused TangledMaze to crash when building large mazes, so you can now create them without interruptions.
We’ve also fixed the maze wand GUI to work properly together with FAWE now.

Thanks for your feedback and support!
----------, Oct 28, 2024

This update introduces support for the latest version of Lootchest, ensuring seamless compatibility and improved integration.
----------, Sep 19, 2024

Spthiel fixed a bug where everything crashed because the new Minecraft version is 1.21 and not 1.21.0 and TangledMaze didn't know what to do without missing the zero ._.
----------, Jun 30, 2024

We've squashed a pesky bug that caused loot chest holograms to break (thanks to a little testing oversight on my part, hehe).

Plus, we've improved future compatibility with the loot chest plugin, so no more worries about it breaking the entire maze generator. Happy adventuring!
----------, Jun 15, 2024

This update includes a fix for the issue that caused the plugin to crash on Minecraft version 1.20.6. Thank you for your patience and continued support.
Make sure to update and happy maze building!
----------, Jun 10, 2024

Exciting news!
In this update, we've introduced a feature that allows you to randomly generate rooms in your mazes using the /maze setting roomcount <count> and /maze setting roomsize <blocks> build settings.

Additionally, you now have the ability to spawn loot chests throughout your maze, including rooms and dead ends, with the /maze loot spawn command!
With the flags -rooms, -deadends and -hallways you can choose exactly where the chests appear!

Please note that this feature requires the plugin "LootChest" to be installed.

demo-room3.jpg demo-chest3.jpg
----------, May 10, 2024

Introducing a sleek new UI for the Maze Wand!
Now, right-click the wand to access shortcuts for commands, all in one convenient interface. Just click on items in the inventory to run commands instantly! ✨

----------, Apr 21, 2024

- added command to show the path though maze

I added a new command /maze solve that highlights the way to from exit to exit in a built maze!
The right path will be displayed with emerald blocks and can be hidden again by simply right clicking an any of the blocks.

I hope this helps you design some great mazes for your players that will be exactly how you imagined them! Have fun creating :)

----------, Feb 9, 2024

This patch takes care of a small bug where unbuilding and rebuilding a maze always lead to the same path pattern instead of generating a new pattern each time.
This bug did not occur in TangledMaze+
----------, Oct 6, 2023

Commands are now automatically queued so you don't have to worry about one command getting in the way of another!

Since some people were getting corrupted mazes by using build and unbuild in quick succession, I thought this would be quite useful.
----------, Sep 10, 2023

fixing a minor bug regarding pre 1.17 worlds which do not have the "world minimum height" information
----------, Dec 3, 2022

This is a minor update to support building mazes in the new build limits.
----------, Sep 16, 2022

- added support for 1.8 - 1.12
- improved path generation
- added triangle selection
- added hover clicking

Finally Tangled Maze is up to date for legacy versions of Minecraft!
The path generation now actively tries to pick the longest path it can find in a maze (It's still random though, so no guarantee for always perfect results).
With /tm tool triangle you can now create triangle shapes for your mazes!
Instead of directly clicking a block you can now click it from far away (that made testing so much easier).

It's been a while since the last update. My motivation has been up and down a lot. I actually decided to recode the project from scratch... again xD But once again I am really happy with the result.

I hope you have fun with it, too
and see you in 3 years for the next update!
----------, Nov 7, 2021

stopped hollow walls from tearing at exrtreme slopes
----------, Apr 17, 2020

removed the console spam that occured when a player without build permission clicked any block
----------, Mar 12, 2020

Removed the console error that showed up when someone left the server.
----------, Feb 29, 2020

Nothing big changed if you looked behind the scenes, then it would be noticeable, that a lot has been turned upside down.
----------, Feb 28, 2020

Walls can be optionally built hallow now. This can save you time when constructing big mazes that don't need to be massive.

Also added:
- tab completion for the blocks in the build-command (I guess this can save even more time)
- message with the amount of blocks used to build a maze
----------, Dec 8, 2019

I also fixed a bug where any other permission than tangledmaze.build were not checked.
----------, Oct 22, 2019

rotate it - flip it - twist it - bop it!
----------, Oct 13, 2019

this fix stops hedges from decaying
----------, Oct 11, 2019

roofs and floors can now be built with the modified build command
----------, Oct 9, 2019

A new command to make maze paths look much better and more natural.
----------, Jun 11, 2019

Added unbuild command and... well, behind the scenes changed a lot which will probably be barely noticable ingame.
----------, May 11, 2019

The blocks of 1.13 can finally be used to build mazes and there is now a language.yml file where you can change the ingame messages to your language.
----------, Mar 30, 2019

Fixed a bug where always one exit has been forgotten when building a maze. And the permission nodes have the full name tangledmaze. But I guess nobody uses them anyway.
----------, Feb 16, 2019

everything around walls and how they are built is better now
----------, Feb 6, 2019

This is actually a totally rewritten version. It is still created for versions 1.8 to 1.12 but it should now also work for 1.13.
Have fun with it and of course let me know if you find any bug!
----------, Nov 25, 2018

I hope this is the right file, I am not sure what happened to the last file. I just want this plugin to be usable.
----------, Sep 17, 2018

the right file this time
----------, Jul 31, 2018

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 12,746
First Release: Jul 31, 2018
Last Update: Jan 5, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
25 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings