Tangled Maze | Maze Generator icon

Tangled Maze | Maze Generator -----

THE maze generator

Tangled Maze is a plugin that makes building mazes in Minecraft super easy. With a wand like in WorldEdit, you can visibly select areas where you want to create a maze. You have full control over the shape and size of your mazes!​

Check out Tangled Maze+ if you'd like to support this project!​


v3.0 Dungeons Update: Rooms & Loot Chests!
With the settings /maze setting roomcount and /maze setting roomsize you can now create randomly generated rooms in your mazes!

demo-room3.jpg demo-chest3.jpg

You can spawn loot chests all over your maze, in rooms & deadends with the /maze loot spawn command! This requires the plugin "LootChest" installed.


Variety of Tools

With squares, circles, and triangles you can plan exactly what your maze should look like.


Terrain Adaption
Tangled Maze can even generate mazes on hilly terrain. You don't have stay on boring flat ground!


Build Settings /maze setting
You can decide exactly what dimensions you want walls and paths to have. You can go for huge or small mazes, just as you like:


You can also add roofs to your maze and change what blocks the floor will be made of.

Tangled Maze+
Backing up mazes
With the premium version of Tangled Maze, you can back up your mazes as files and load them again after logging out of the game or after a server restart and continue editing them.

Building mazes from the console
You can use the server console or a command block to load a maze backups and regenerate them from there.


*Checkout the new UI to run commands with a single click. Just right-click with the Maze Wand:


  • help <page> – lists all commands with descriptions
  • wand – gives you a maze wand item for selecting areas where your maze will be built
  • start – converts your selected are into redstone blocks. This area can now be combined with other shapes and exits for the maze can be set by clicking on the redstone border
  • add / cut – adds or cuts a new selected area from your redstone maze
  • tool <tool> - sets the tool your maze wand works with
    • rect – areas selected with the maze wand will form rectangles
    • circle – selected areas will form circles
    • triangle – selected areas will form triangles
    • brush – left and right click on the on a redstone border will expand and shrink the border at that location
    • exit – goes back to setting exits with clicking at a redstone border
  • setting <property> <integer> - configures the dimensions of walls and paths before building a maze
    • wallheight – height of walls in blocks
    • wallwidth – thickness of walls
    • pathwidth – how wide paths are going to be
    • roofwidth – thickness of the roof
    • curliness – the chance for paths to make turns (1 - 10)
  • build [-roof, -floor] <block>... - builds your maze with the blocks you enter. Use the flag -roof or -floor to add a roof or a floor to your maze.
    To use a block more often add a multiplier in front of it.
    Metadata can be added in curly brackets behind the block name. To look up a blocks metadata in game press F3 and read at the top right corner about the block you focus
  • Example: /maze build 10*oak_log[axis=y] red_wool -floor
  • loot <spawn/respawn/remove> – spawn, respawn or remove loot chests in a maze using the "LootChest" plugin. Spawn multiple chests at once e.g. /maze loot spawn 5*your_loot_chest_name
    Use the flags -rooms, -deadends or -hallways to spawn loot in different parts of the maze.
    Requires "LootChest" plugin installed
  • unbuild [-floor, -roof] – unbuilds your maze or a part of it
  • reload – reloads changes made in the config or the language file
  • teleport – teleports you back to your floor plan
  • undo – undoes the edit to your redstone maze
tangledmaze.build – permission to use the maze wand and use commands for building mazes
tangledmaze.teleport– permission to teleport to get back to your floor plan
tangledmaze.reload – permission to reload changes in config or language file
Code (YAML):
# sets the item for the maze wand
: golden_shovel
    # enables or disables hover clicking with the maze wand
: true
    # sets the maximum range for hover clicking
: 50
# sets the amount of blocks per tick that mazes will be built with
# set to -1 to let the plugin sync itself with the capacity with server (don
: -1
In the file "language.yml" you are free to translate/edit the messages of Tangled Maze.
The materials yml should not be modifed.

More pictures! :D

This is a library I decorated with winding bookshelves:

Some players on the server Soar - Minecraft with Altitude created a beautiful floating island with a maze on it

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 12,746
First Release: Jul 31, 2018
Last Update: Jan 5, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
25 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings