SyncCommand - the ultimate command bridge between multiple servers! Ever wished you could sync a command across multiple servers in a heartbeat? Now you can! Powered by the blazing fast Redis, SyncCommand delivers that promise.
SyncCommand is a robust and innovative plugin that enables the synchronization of commands across servers via Redis. Designed with performance and flexibility in mind, it offers server admins a seamless solution to manage cross-server commands, making multi-server setups more cohesive and interconnected.
Multi-Platform Support: Whether you're on Spigot, Paper, Folia, Velocity, or Bungee, we've got you covered!
Redis-Powered Beyond Bungee's Limits: Leveraging the might of Redis, we've broken the chains! Bypass the constraints of Bungee plugin messaging which struggles with multiple proxies. Dive into limitless command synchronization in real-time!
Multiple Channels Listening: Classify, categorize, and send commands uniquely to groups of servers. Multiple channels mean multiple avenues to orchestrate your server commands!
Permissions Support: Safety first! With refined permissions, only the worthy shall pass. Ward off mischief-makers!
️ Personalized Configuration: Your server, your channel group! A configuration crafted to resonate with your needs.
Logs & Alerts: Stay ahead, stay informed! Monitor activities with precision, ensuring you never miss a beat!
Download the majestic SyncCommand plugin jar.
Pop it into your server's plugins folder.
Restart that server. Watch SyncCommand rise!
️ Configuration - It's Easy-Peasy! ️
Open the config.yml file in your favorite text editor.
Edit the configuration to your liking.
Restart your server. Watch SyncCommand rise!
config.yml (default):
Code (Text):
# Redis Configuration
host: localhost
port: 6379
password: '' # Empty password as default. Adjust if needed.
# Channels that the plugin will listen to.
- channel1
- channel2
# Add more channels as needed
# Plugin Messages Configuration
reload: '&aSyncCommand has been reloaded.'
usage: '&cUsage: /sync <channel> <command>'
noPermission: '&cYou do not have permission to use this command.'
commandSynced: '&aCommand has been synced to the %s channel.'
/sync [channel] [command]: Sync your commands to the specified channel
permission → synccommand.admin
/syncreload: Reload the plugin
Permission → synccommand.admin
/syncb [channel] [command]: Sync your commands to the specified channel
permission → synccommand.admin
/syncbreload: Reload the plugin
Permission → synccommand.admin
/syncv [channel] [command]: Sync your commands to the specified channel
permission → synccommand.admin
/syncvreload: Reload the plugin
Permission → synccommand.admin
synccommand.admin: The golden key. Unlocks the world of SyncCommand.
Contributions are welcome! Whether you're a developer, a writer, or just a Minecraft enthusiast, you can help by:
- Submitting pull requests
- Reporting bugs and suggesting features
- Helping with documentation and the wiki
- Sharing NewSky with others
You can join our Discord to receive community support!