Superheroes | Classes, Origins, Races icon

Superheroes | Classes, Origins, Races -----

Adds superheroes to minecraft!

This version fixes a bug where you cannot manually set someone as powerless
----------, Jan 2, 2025

More graceful handling of WorldGuard
----------, Nov 15, 2024

Graceful disabling of WorldGuard support in event of annoyingness
----------, Nov 15, 2024

Fixed dracula not losing hearts for new draculas upon death or hero change. Hopefully, added code to fix it for old Draculas too but this is more difficult to test.
----------, Nov 9, 2024

Remove attributes command can now remove heartsteal hearts
----------, Nov 3, 2024

Fix skull related issues - big thanks to Sep!
----------, Oct 21, 2024

Make aura skill not persist when changing heroes
Fix strongman interactions with players
----------, Oct 14, 2024

Emergency fix for skull library breakage - fixes issue of ""missing"" heroes (they disappeared from the hero GUI)
----------, Sep 17, 2024

This update adds a DAMAGEMODIFIER skill, an example is shown in the new default Tinkerbell.
----------, Jul 22, 2024

Folia Support, 1.21 support
/hero removeattributes
----------, Jul 3, 2024

Fix WorldGuard bStats metric
----------, Jun 10, 2024

This update tracks some new data points for bStats, and fixes another error related to running Superheroes without WorldGuard
----------, Jun 9, 2024

Fixes various bugs with WorldGuard implementation, hopefully correct this time
----------, Jun 8, 2024

Prevent becoming a new hero while in allow-heroes deny region
----------, Jun 8, 2024

This update adds a new flag to WorldGuard if installed, called allow-heroes. This allows for disabling of heroes within an entire region.
----------, Jun 7, 2024

Changed "extra:" to "item:" in KingMidas plusUltraSkills (requires updated SkillsLibrary if you're a SuperheroesPlusUltra user)
----------, May 28, 2024

Hotfix NPE due to ConditionsList (related to 5.1.9)
----------, May 27, 2024

Fix NPE in AttributeSkill when SkillsLibrary is not installed
----------, May 26, 2024

Removed debug code in SkillCooldownHandler that causes NPE
----------, May 26, 2024

This update adds way more default skins to heroes, this means that more heroes will have a player head in the GUI and more heroes will have skins if you use SuperheroesPlusUltra
----------, May 25, 2024

Fix conditions not working on DamageResistanceSkill
----------, May 23, 2024

This update fixes an issue where actionbar messages don't send
----------, May 17, 2024

Updated MtLady to have correct attributes
----------, May 2, 2024

Fixes errors on boot with default config, and allows for Consume Skills to not have specified potion effects
----------, May 2, 2024

This update adds support for Flight and Attribute skills - notably adding support for CHANGING THE SIZE OF THE PLAYER!

Two new heroes are added for this gimmick, Tinkerbell and Mt Lady.
----------, Apr 27, 2024

Overhauled permissions:
superheroes.hero.check - Permission to use /hero check to see your own hero
superheroes.hero.check.others - Permission to use /hero check to see someone else's hero
superheroes.hero.export - Permission to use /hero export
superheroes.hero.import - Permission to use /hero import
superheroes.hero.gui - Permission to use /hero gui or open GUI using /hero select
superheroes.hero - Permission to run any of the commands - Permission to run /hero select on yourself - Permission to run /hero select on any player - Bypasses the cooldown on /hero select<heroName> - If eachHeroRequiresPermission is enabled then this is required to give players access to a hero
superheroes.hero.reload - Reloads the plugin's configs and heroes
superheroes.hero.reroll - Permission to use /hero reroll
superheroes.hero.reroll.<groupName> - Permission to use /hero reroll for a certain reroll group
superheroes.notify - Who receives notifications about an update to Superheroes and suggestions to buy SuperheroesPlusUltra on larger servers

/hero select now only opens hero GUI if user has superheroes.hero.gui
----------, Mar 31, 2024

Fix bug where 4.6.2 crashes plugin
----------, Mar 28, 2024

Removed reroll settings from config.yml that were left there accidentally
----------, Mar 27, 2024

Fixed bug where new Sorcerer skill was not present
----------, Mar 17, 2024

This update allows add-ons to add new Spells to the plugin. It also fixes a bug where the moreFuelMessage would not work on spells.

It adds an example skill to Sorcerer for how to create CUSTOM spells using SuperheroesPlusUltra. This spell is the "EGO" spell, that tells all players near you that you are the best at Minecraft! This new spell requires SkillsLibrary 2.18.0+ and SuperheroesPlusUltra 1.7.0+
----------, Mar 16, 2024

Fixed IllegalArgumentException when negative health occurs on an EnderDragon shot by Gun
----------, Dec 30, 2023

Hi all, I've been working on SuperheroesPlusCompiler (and had to make some changes to the internals of Superheroes). upload_2023-12-28_19-9-3.png
----------, Dec 28, 2023

Adds default skin to Strongman for SuperheroesPlusUltra users
----------, Dec 23, 2023

ClassCastException fix
----------, Dec 23, 2023

Fixed Sorcerer spell cooldown message and SentryLogHandler bug
----------, Nov 23, 2023

This update makes Superheroes only report errors with a high likelihood to be caused by Superheroes
----------, Oct 10, 2023

Fixed common exception involving DamageResistanceData throwing an NPE.
Attempted to hide the "Storage is null..." message again, (not sure what happened in the last build).
----------, Oct 10, 2023

This update fixes a quirk of potion effect fields in previous versions defaulting to Regeneration. If you do not specify a potion effect, it will now be skipped silently (which, admittedly, has its own issues, but more likely to align with users' expectations).

This update also makes the message about storage being null, and waiting message only show when logging is set to FINE.

This update also introduces recent changes to my Configuration library into Superheroes, this includes features such as armor trim support, blue wither skulls etc.
----------, Oct 6, 2023

This update adds support for Armor Trims
----------, Sep 30, 2023

Relocate the Sentry dependency so it doesn't cause collisions with other plugins and server jars
----------, Sep 23, 2023

This version should work, some previous builds were broken on some servers and would not start.
----------, Sep 11, 2023

GIVEITEM items that are configured to not drop on death, should no longer be dropped on death.
----------, Sep 10, 2023

Sentry has found many errors already!
In this release I have:
"Fix x not finite error, cannot measure distance between world and world_nether in pickpocket, more gracefully handle invalid YAMLs, fix some NPEs"

Hope you enjoy the increased stability!
----------, Sep 9, 2023

This update removes logging of plugin list and number of players
----------, Sep 8, 2023

I have added Sentry to the plugin now so exceptions are automatically reported to me so I can fix issues with Superheroes without needing people to report them!
----------, Sep 8, 2023

Aerosurfer config now shows the new potion effect parameters
King Midas now has an additional plus ultra only skill that means hitting entities leads them to drop a gold ingot
----------, Aug 9, 2023

Added hasParticles and ambient fields to all potion effect skills
Dropped item entities can now be any item
----------, Jul 28, 2023

This release should hopefully fix a bug where Superheroes aren't generated into their folder
----------, Jul 27, 2023

This release requires you to regenerate your config files

This means you should delete your old config files (aside from your custom superheroes) so the plugin can recreate the new default files, and then you can customise the new files to your heart's content.


It adds the ability to have multiple reroll items that reroll in different ways, assigning different likelihoods to different heroes via rerolling etc!
It fixes the bug with GiveItem skill where you can hotkey an illegal item into a chest by swapping it with another one.
It moves database configuration into its own file
It moves reroll configuration into its own file
Fixes a bug with Light skill where the blindness (or whatever effect) remains after switching
It removes the textconvert command as most / all users should be using minimessage colour codes now
It adds a version field to the top of all configs so I can more easily automatically migrate them in the future and to make troubleshooting easier / easier to tell for an user that their config may need regenerating
General code cleanup / refactoring
----------, Jul 26, 2023


This update replaces gained hero and lost hero events in the plugin with a changed hero event. This update also introduces the Fangs spell to the default Sorcerer config (I forgot to add it when I introduced this feature to the plugin) and also introduces a written book with a tutorial for Sorcerer when an user becomes sorcerer.
----------, Jun 24, 2023

Fixed config.yml interpreting types: [] as types: [] + STONE
Changed default config.yml to just disable it with reroll.isEnabled rather than having no valid items.
----------, May 29, 2023

Improved default language.yml by ensuring consistency with whether there's a space after the Superheroes tag
Made the player placeholder consistently interpreted across the plugin as Player#getName rather than Player#getDisplayName, in practice this means your name won't show as red if you're an operator.
Added /hero gui <name> to the plugin, this command opens the GUI for the user if ran without a specified name (same as /hero select), if ran with a specified name it opens it for that player. This command requires superheroes.hero like other commands that have "admin" status
----------, May 27, 2023

Changed Thrower skill to be in line with other areas of the Superheroes ecosystem with how item comparison checks are done. This should fix issues such as comparing to items with attributes not functioning correctly.

The examples included in the default heroes have been updated to give examples as to what "good syntax" looks like for a Thrower skill now, however old syntax has been verified to still work.

This is a breaking change however, and I would recommend testing all examples of Thrower skill on your server. One known issue I have spotted with old configs, is if users obtain multiple Dragon throw items, in one stack, they will no longer be able to throw fireballs using it. This is fixed in the default configs shipped with this update by removing the amount checking line.
----------, May 20, 2023

(fixed version string)
----------, May 11, 2023

This update replaces the default behaviour of gaining heroes with rerolls, by a GUI that is opened upon join.
By default, each hero has an icon based on a colour of wool that corresponds to their name, heroes with specified skins have a player head, and you can have a custom icon (see Sorcerer).

/hero select now opens the GUI.

Reroll item is disabled by default.
----------, May 11, 2023

This parameter has been added to allow for eating food for regeneration purposes. You can set this to 20 to mimic the old behaviour, but it defaults to the new behaviour.
----------, Apr 24, 2023

Fixed Phase minimum height & Added copper to Speleologist
----------, Apr 16, 2023

Improved slabs and stair functionality with CLIMB skill
Added ability to whitelist / blacklist various blocks for climbing
----------, Apr 8, 2023

Added a new skill called CLIMB with a nifty climbing implementation (managed to find an use for rotating coordinate planes in my programming!!!!!)

Spiderman can climb up walls and (place cobwebs on his enemies when attacked when using SuperheroesPlusUltra)

Added reminders to medium to large sized servers to install SuperheroesPlusUltra. This is only sent to players with superheroes.notify enabled which is only on by default for operators.
----------, Apr 7, 2023

Fixed bug where plugin.yml version number was wrong, added new bstats chart!
----------, Mar 29, 2023

Fixed bug which made Dracula immortal
----------, Mar 28, 2023

Frozone now has the ability of projectile slowing on PlusUltra servers, this slows down all projectiles in an AOE of Frozone, rendering them mostly useless.
----------, Mar 27, 2023

Increased BlackHole rate of suction
Bumped version to 3.8.0
Added HeartSteal skill - works like LifestealSMPs
Added KillPotion skill - gives a potion when you kill an entity
Made NoHungerSkill use Pattern Variable
Overhauled Dracula by making it use these new skills - actually an interesting hero now
----------, Mar 27, 2023

Added Black Hole - does the opposite of the Repulsion hero
Nerfed Repulsion
Added skins to a bunch of heroes
Fixed gun particles not working correctly by moving it to correct implementation of ParticleData
----------, Mar 26, 2023

Smaller file size, more default skins, added textconvert to default config!
----------, Mar 20, 2023

Fixed saving and loading issues
----------, Mar 6, 2023

Swapped AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent for PlayerLoginEvent as the earlier event to start loading hero data - was likely a concurrency / ordering bug before that was causing heroes to not get loaded for players sometimes.

Added SuperheroPlayerJoinEvent for SuperheroesPlusUltra skin feature to work correctly and consistently
----------, Mar 5, 2023

Split /hero check into two permissions superheroes.check.others and just superheroes.check
Gave superheroes.check by default
Added skin fields to various default hero configs, and advertise PlusUltra's new feature
----------, Mar 4, 2023

Added ./hero check for checking which hero you are, and other players are. This command requires the permission node "superheroes.check"
Revamped the default language messages to look nicer, and more professional for servers that don't customise them themselves
Fixed a bug where the invalidPlayerMessage had the incorrect configuration node in language.yml (was invalidPlayerName, should be invalidPlayerMessage)
Bumped version to 3.5.0
----------, Mar 4, 2023

Added ./hero check for checking which hero you are, and other players are. This command requires the permission node "superheroes.check"
Revamped the default language messages to look nicer, and more professional for servers that don't customise them themselves
Fixed a bug where the invalidPlayerMessage had the incorrect configuration node in language.yml (was invalidPlayerName, should be invalidPlayerMessage)
Bumped version to 3.5.0
----------, Mar 4, 2023

Moved Superheroes over to using ConfigurationData's ItemStackData implementation versus an outdated version of its own.
Added support for custom model data to items.
Removed specialID support - this will cause items to stack differently from their pre update counterparts

----------, Feb 25, 2023

Added SuperheroLoadEvent and fixed language.yml already exists message
----------, Feb 21, 2023

Added custom nopower heroes (and changed the default to be more user friendly)
Added support for a disabledWorlds field
Added significantly more comments to the config.yml - you will need to regenerate your config.yml to see these new fields there. Otherwise, you can navigate to the config.yml on the github and find the new default and change your file as appropriate.
For maximum compatibility with prior versions, change the name field under defaultHero to "nopower". It should be fine for most people though.
----------, Feb 1, 2023

3.1.2 - Fixed ClassCastException / Potion Effects from sneaking being kept after rejoining and no longer sneaking
----------, Dec 27, 2022

NoPower will no longer appear when rerolling your power
----------, Dec 26, 2022

Fixed #42
Rewrote superhero loading system (makes it start in the prelogin phase rather than the login phase), please let me know if there are any bugs.
----------, Dec 24, 2022

Fixed issue where consume skill was broken
----------, Dec 15, 2022

Fixed crafting skill likely not working in 3.0+
----------, Aug 14, 2022

forgot to bump version lol
----------, Aug 14, 2022

Added warning when the skills section is invalid, telling you where it is
----------, Aug 14, 2022

In this update we switched from minedown to minimessage which are two formats of creating RGB colour codes. We also changed the plugin name from Superheroes2 to just Superheroes (as the 2 distinction is no longer important). As these are major breaking changes we are now on version 3.0

If you use SuperheroesPlusUltra, please download the latest version. Old versions will not work.

Your configuration files should be automatically converted over to modern colour formatting, although this automatic conversion can causes issues in occasional places so please talk to me in my discord if configs randomly break and I can guide you through that. It should also automatically copy over the files from the Superheroes2 folder to a Superheroes folder. I would recommend deleting the Superheroes2 folder after you have made a backup of it as it is no longer needed and may lead to it overwriting your Superheroes folder at boot.
----------, Aug 11, 2022

Added warning when you have entered an invalid potion effect type.
Changed onPowerLost to use the type from the PotionEffectSkillData object rather than loading it itself again.
Bumped to 2.7.6
----------, May 27, 2022

Bumped version to 2.7.5
Updated Java version to 17
Made mole nightvision work correctly
Prevented damage from magma blocks on lava walker
Made reroll item config use ItemComparisonData
Updated speleologist to work correctly on 1.17+ by default
Changed SkillData to no longer use deprecated areConditionsTrue and instead call ANDConditions
Plus more I will have forgotten to document!
----------, May 27, 2022

2.7.2 Ensured that GiveItem items are lost regardless of slot
----------, Jan 27, 2022

Prevented people from storing GiveItem items inside Armor Stands / Item Frames when store is set to false
----------, Jan 27, 2022

The robot now takes damage in rain, restoring this functionality from Superheroes 1.
This was achieved by adding the WeatherDamage skill.
----------, Jan 27, 2022

If you write an invalid skill, it will now continue to allow other skills to work and will put an error in console explaining which skill broke allowing quicker debugging.
----------, Jan 13, 2022

Fixed EggLayer persisting
----------, Jan 4, 2022

Various bug fixes, largely realigning the plugin with my internal version
----------, Dec 30, 2021

Moved to SkillsLibrary2 (you need to update to latest if you use SkillsLibrary)
Fixed starter heroes not saving
Added new spell type to Spell skill: FANGS.
----------, Jul 29, 2021

Hello! It's been a while since I've made an update and I won't lie, I'm not 100% sure on everything I've changed, but I do know this update is for the better!

The major addition is Condition support using my SkillsLibrary, and you can read more about that here:

There are other numerous bug fixes as well such as making it so HealthBoost in a potion effect won't be re applied unless you're under 2 seconds duration to prevent the rapid resetting of extra hearts for people using the plugin like that.
----------, Jun 21, 2021

Bug Fixes! Fixed Deadlock (weird NPE when using commands) and Fixed KingMidas & Snowman heroes!
----------, Jun 7, 2021

Ores should always drop the correct, or almost correct, amount of experience.
----------, Jun 6, 2021

Hopefully squashed a major bug with the last update. Apologies!
----------, Jun 6, 2021

All commands are now subcommands of /hero! There is /hero select, /hero reload, /hero import, /hero export and /hero reroll.
The data.yml format has changed! It now stores the hero of the user as well as a timestamp as to when they last used /hero select in order for the /hero select cooldown to remain between restarts!
Added MySQL support
Added PlaceholderAPI support!
Fixed bug where disguise decoys would remain if someone left the server while their decoy was active.
----------, Jun 6, 2021

Added new Dracula Hero, the default configuration is shown below.
Code (YAML):

: "&#f44-#f77&**Dracula**"
: "You absorb the life force of your foes!"
: 5
You may notice that I've added a new skill for this Dracula hero! Lifesteal!
Lifesteal is very simple, it just gives you a percentage of the damage you deal back to you.

If you take a look at the colouredName field, you will also notice some strange colour code syntax. I have added support for hex color codes, gradients etc, to names as well now! This uses the MineDown syntax that you can read more about here:

The CONVERTDROPS skill now has an optional field to ignore silk touch, and there is a "sister" skill called BLOCKDROPS which can change the drops of an entire block if you can't find one to one drop mappings using Convert Drops. CONVERTDROPS is also now compatible with the INSTANTBREAK skill.

There is now enchantment and attribute support for items in the plugin. Any item field should now be able to have enchantments applied!
----------, Jun 2, 2021

Added a cooldown to /hero. Fixed a bug where /hero ignores superheroes.hero.<hero_name> permission.

Remember to read the previous update posts to see breaking changes that you will need to fix if updating from an older version!
----------, May 19, 2021

I'll start with the breaking change as this is the most important for server owners to know about! The item field within the Slam skill (Doomfist Hero) is now standardised and works like the other item fields within the other heroes such as Scavenger.

Code (YAML):
: "&8&lDoomfist"
: "You are Doomfist."
: 10
: 1
: 3
: 6
: 5
: 8
: "&#f0f-#000&&lSlam &fCooldown: %currentcooldown% seconds"
: 0
      - "FALL"
The new Doomfist config looks like this above, and the interesting bit is the
Code (YAML):
part, make sure yours looks like this!

I have also added a superheroes.hero.others permission which is required to give heroes to other players. This is because many servers were using /hero as the primary way of allowing players to pick their hero!

If you don't write anything in the /hero field you are also told what your current hero is and these new messages have been added to the languages.yml (you might need to reset it)
----------, May 18, 2021

Added two fields, shouldRevert and revertsAfter to the BlockRay skill, and Floral now by default removes the flowers after 15 seconds so the landscape isn't littered!

Fixed InventoryDragEvent IndexOutOfBoundsException from the GiveItemSkill.
----------, May 6, 2021

Fixed StackOverflowError when using OHKO Skill on an invincible entity.
----------, May 4, 2021

The major addition in this update is the adoption of Minedown, in many string fields in the configuration (although not all). You can read more about it here:, this allows you to use custom colours that aren't supported in the traditional legacy colour code system. You can see an example of it being used within the Dragon hero when you see the cooldown message of it throwing a fireball.

I have also made the config more standardised, there have been many random variations with how cooldowns are handled between skills or how you select an item, these have all been fixed. I have also removed the strange "%s" from strings and replaced it with a placeholder more accurate to its description, for example, %currentcooldown% represents how much longer a player must wait to use an ability again.

If you are updating from an earlier version, I recommend you to backup your Superheroes2 and regenerate it and then put your changes back into place afterwards so you get the new Dragon hero as well as avoid having to troubleshoot the changes in names within the config. If you do not wish to start from scratch, join my discord at and I will be there to guide you through moving over the 2.1.0!
----------, May 3, 2021

Self-explanatory patch.

Larger update in the works to hopefully help to standardize the configuration file.
----------, Mar 20, 2021

Eraserhead should now work as intended.
There should now be an update checker that informs you if you are running an outdated version.
Repulsion's repulse now runs every tick, allowing it to somewhat reliably block arrows!
----------, Mar 3, 2021

Increased Repulsion Multiplier to 1
Fixed Repulsion power lasting if they logged off, or changed power etc
----------, Mar 2, 2021

Made it actually get the config line ignoredBlocks rather than ignoredMaterials from ConvertDrops skill.
----------, Mar 1, 2021

Added a new line to ConvertDrops skill that allows you to blacklist certain blocks from having the convert applied to them.
----------, Mar 1, 2021

Fix Speleologist multiplier exponentially growing with ores mined.

There was a disastrous bug where you just got more of a certain type of ore, the more of that type you mine.
----------, Mar 1, 2021

Fixes critical bug on Linux where powers files aren't being saved.
----------, Mar 1, 2021

Fixed critical bug where on Linux the powers files aren't generated.
----------, Mar 1, 2021

Hello! Welcome to the biggest update this plugin has ever received! We have added just about everything people have requested! There is enormous configurability, the ability to add your own heroes, three new stock heroes, a complete redesign of the spigot page and a complete rewrite of the plugin from scratch!

This will inevitably come with some bugs, although hopefully I have squashed most of them with the beta testers and through my own programming. If you do come across any issues, please report them on the issues page of my github, if you need any help getting this update to work, there is also a video to help you with this and there's also a description of how to move yourself over on the main page.

Download this plugin ASAP as Superheroes1 will no longer be supported from now on!

(P.S: Come join our discord. We're cool people)
----------, Feb 28, 2021

Added ancient debris to speleologist
Improved gun behaviour with end crystals

Superheroes2 is getting close to release by the way! Massive changes incoming!
----------, Feb 26, 2021

I have added this BStats section so I can use statistics to help dictate which superheroes I will add next to the rewrite so I can gauge popularity.

If you could download this update as fast as possible so your players can vote with their hero, that would be fabulous!
----------, Feb 12, 2021

The strongman wasn't able to yeet entities as far as intended.
This is now fixed.
----------, Feb 8, 2021

Compiled against Spigot 1.16.5
Renamed Trap to Disguise.
----------, Jan 27, 2021

This update just gives official 1.16.4 support to the plugin and makes it so the Trap power shows the skin of the player as the head rather than a steve / alex skin.
----------, Dec 20, 2020

You should now be able to teleport in spectator mode when using other powers and be able to teleport through other means when playing Phase.
----------, Aug 27, 2020

Hello everyone! Been a while since I've wrote one of these updates, that's because I'm writing a whole new version of the plugin with more flexibility for you, the server owner, you'll be able to create your own superheroes etc, but for now, this is just a stats update so I can see how many people are using my plugin!
----------, Aug 26, 2020

Small update here, Pyromaniac fire now spawns behind him.
I also hope you'll all be happy to hear that I've started work on the configuration features so you can tweak the superheroes to your heart's content!
----------, Aug 10, 2020

Added Permissions to plugin.yml - Should improve detection by permissions plugins.
----------, Aug 3, 2020

Creeper Power
- Cooldown increased from 10 secs to 18 secs
- Reduced explosion potency on self-explosion

Aerosurfer Glass is no longer dropped when mined with Silk Touch.
----------, Aug 2, 2020

Added a cooldown and duration system to Repulsion
----------, Aug 2, 2020

Made LavaWalker's craft work.
Removed Bodkin - I accidentally released it and its an in development power.
----------, Aug 1, 2020

LavaWalker gained a crafting recipe - turn magma blocks and a bucket into lava buckets.

Sorcerer gained some spells including a spell called Transmutation which turns ingot blocks into redstone blocks to fuel the other spells.

Added error checking to the /power command.
----------, Jul 31, 2020

All superhero recipes are now in the recipe book.
Sorcerer has gained an easier recipe for making book and quills as these are fundamental to the hero.
----------, Jul 31, 2020

Scavenger - access to cheaper crafting recipes
Iron Gear can be turned into Diamond Armor by adding various amounts of diamonds.
Iron Shovels specifically need one lapis lazuli to become a diamond shovel.
Rotten Flesh -> Leather Crafting Recipe
Bow Crafting Recipe -> 5 sticks, one string. Bow shape but top and bottom string is replaced with string.
Berry Soup -> Beetroot Soup crafted with Juicy Berriers

Sorcerer - can wield various spells at the cost of redstone
Fireball, Snowball, Egg, Arrow, Lava, Water, Fire, Lightning
are the names of the spells. Sign a written book with the name of a spell
to obtain the spell book.
----------, Jul 31, 2020

+ Added Zeus Power - strikes lightning with his fist
+ Robot Buff - Gains potion effects if struck by lightning
----------, Jul 30, 2020

Added Slime Hero
- Takes no fall damage
- Bounces when he hits the floor
- Sneak to negate bounces

Added Doomfist Hero
- Punching makes you lunge into the air
- Ground pound when you hit the floor dealing 4 hearts of damage.

Added Speleologist
- Instant Smelting
- Double Drops

Added Robot
- No Hunger Loss
- Takes damage from water sources
----------, Jul 29, 2020

This improves the 1.2 patch by moving the spectator mode check within the getPower method itself.
----------, Jun 8, 2020

This stops powers such as Pyromaniac from being usable in spectator mode to stop weird behaviour when adding this plugin to another gamemode.
----------, Jun 7, 2020

Bug Fix - made the plugin actually work, some other tweaks too.
----------, Jun 7, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 88,764
First Release: Jun 5, 2020
Last Update: Jan 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
29 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings