Superheroes | Classes, Origins, Races icon

Superheroes | Classes, Origins, Races -----

Adds superheroes to minecraft!

Crafting Heroes - Enter Scavenger and Sorcerer
Scavenger - access to cheaper crafting recipes
Iron Gear can be turned into Diamond Armor by adding various amounts of diamonds.
Iron Shovels specifically need one lapis lazuli to become a diamond shovel.
Rotten Flesh -> Leather Crafting Recipe
Bow Crafting Recipe -> 5 sticks, one string. Bow shape but top and bottom string is replaced with string.
Berry Soup -> Beetroot Soup crafted with Juicy Berriers

Sorcerer - can wield various spells at the cost of redstone
Fireball, Snowball, Egg, Arrow, Lava, Water, Fire, Lightning
are the names of the spells. Sign a written book with the name of a spell
to obtain the spell book.
----------, Jul 31, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 88,775
First Release: Jun 5, 2020
Last Update: Jan 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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