Spigot StaffChat [Compatible with All Versions and Server Softwares] icon

Spigot StaffChat [Compatible with All Versions and Server Softwares] -----

The optimal plugin for staff communication on Spigot/Bukkit servers. (No proxy support)

1. Download the plugin.
2. Upload the plugin in your plugins folder on your server.
3. Restart or reload the server (Reloading isn't recommended unless you don't got many plugins).
4. You are now all ready to use the StaffChat plugin! Make sure to customize it in the StaffChat/config.yml to make it look however you want it to. If you encounter any issues let me know.
1. Set the webhook to true in config.yml.
2. Go to your discord server settings and press on intergrations.
3. Click on create a new webhook, set the channel and copy the webhook id.
4. Then put the link you got in config where it says "INSERT-WEBHOOK-HERE" and do /screload, then it should send messaegs to the channel you set it to send.

staff.staffchat - Access to staff chat.
staff.adminchat - Access to admin chat.
staff.developerchat- Access to developer chat.
staff.reload - Access to /screload.
If you want access to all commands without permissions, give your self op.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 11,522
First Release: May 21, 2021
Last Update: Jan 15, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings