Simple Killer Sanctions icon

Simple Killer Sanctions -----

Add more difficulty to your game banning players for specific time when they die.


In the new update, I've added life stealing, it can be enabled or disabled in the config.yml file.
Aslo, I just writed some comments on the config.yml to make it easier to understand
----------, Dec 31, 2024


With this update, there's a lot of new things:

- /kills (check own amount of kills)
- /kills <player> (check other's amount of kills)

- /sks lifeall <add> <amount> (add lifes to all players)
- /sks lifeall <remove> <amount> (remove lifes to all players)

banCooldown - it's cooldown for banning players when they reach 0 lives, it's highly recommended to keep it as 1-5 seconds to evade possible errors
- lifeRegen - Now, all players can regen their lifes as much as specified in config.
- globalMessages - Now there's a option to send a global message when a player got banned for 0 lives.
- There's a lot of comments in the config.yml file, check it out to see more (it will be generated when you start the server)

Finally I decided to create a community, it's under development but there's the link (we speak spanish and english):

Made with love <3
Discord username: Mixi_Ofc
----------, Jul 5, 2024

Simple Killer Sanctions - Utils Update

This update came with a lot of new things, here's the information about it:

New commands:
- /lives <user> - With this command you can check how many lives does a player have
- /deaths - You can see how many times do you died
- /deaths <user> - Use this command to check how many times does someone died
- /sks lifes add <user> <amount> - Add a specific amount of lifes to a player
- /sks lifes remove <user> <amount> - Remove a specific amount of lifes to a player

New Config:
Toggle Permissions means that if the permission will be default or not (BETA)
- I'll do a documentation about it, anyways It's simple

New Permissions:
- /deaths - simplekillsanctions.user.owndeaths
- /lives <user> - simplekillsanctions.user.checkothers
- /deaths <user> - simplekillsanctions.user.otherdeaths
- /sks lifes add <user> <amount> .- simplekillsanctions.admin.addlifes
- /sks lifes remove <user> <amount> - simplekillsanctions.admin.removelifes
- /sks reload - simplekillsanctions.reload

Planned Community:
- I'm really thinking on creating a Discord community, it will be released soon

Made with love <3
By Discord: mixi_ofc
----------, Jul 2, 2024

Update Info:

1. New command alias
- Now you can check your reaming lives with "/lifes" and "/lives"

2. Reload command
- With this update, you can use "/sks reload" to reload the config.yml and users.yml file

3. Enable message
- There's a new message shown when the plugin starts

You can still customize every message.
I'm thinking on starting a Discord community :unsure:

Made with love <3
Made by Discord: naoofc
----------, Jul 1, 2024

Simple Killer Sanctions - Lives Update

I've added lives, now you can configure how many times a player needs to die before getting banned.

There's a new plugin file called "users.yml", it contaims the users live count. You don't need to touch it but you can modify the reaming lifes as you wish.

There's a new command called "/lives", it show your reaming lifes.

You can customize every message.

Made with love <3
----------, Jul 1, 2024

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 15,892
First Release: Jul 1, 2024
Last Update: Dec 31, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
13 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings