Simple Killer Sanctions icon

Simple Killer Sanctions -----

Add more difficulty to your game banning players for specific time when they die.

SimpleKillerSanctions - Kills Update

With this update, there's a lot of new things:

- /kills (check own amount of kills)
- /kills <player> (check other's amount of kills)

- /sks lifeall <add> <amount> (add lifes to all players)
- /sks lifeall <remove> <amount> (remove lifes to all players)

banCooldown - it's cooldown for banning players when they reach 0 lives, it's highly recommended to keep it as 1-5 seconds to evade possible errors
- lifeRegen - Now, all players can regen their lifes as much as specified in config.
- globalMessages - Now there's a option to send a global message when a player got banned for 0 lives.
- There's a lot of comments in the config.yml file, check it out to see more (it will be generated when you start the server)

Finally I decided to create a community, it's under development but there's the link (we speak spanish and english):

Made with love <3
Discord username: Mixi_Ofc
----------, Jul 5, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 15,892
First Release: Jul 1, 2024
Last Update: Dec 31, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
13 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings