SilentChatFilter icon

SilentChatFilter -----

A plugin that organizes your server's chat and blocks any word you desire from being sent in chat.

Bug fixes:
No bugs were found.

New features:

New commands.

New filtering logic to insure all swear words gets censored.

Punishable words:

Punishable words are words that you can set in the configuration file and when a player says them he either gets punished by a kick, temporary ban, temporary IP ban, permanent ban, or permanent IP ban.
I also added a new file called punishable.log, when a player says a punishable word, he gets saved in this file:

Player: XTHESilent | Message: bad message goes here | Date: date goes here | Dimension: dimension goes here | Location: worldname, coordinates | IP: IP goes here | Punishment: punishment goes here | duration: punishment duration goes here | Expires at: expiration date goes here.

And you can also add the punishable words using /scf addpunishword <word> <punishment> <duration>

And to remove a punishable word, you can do this:
/scr removepunishword <word>

Mute command:

I also added a muting system, you can mute a player by using /scf mute <username> <duration> <reason>

He will not be able to send any messages until the mute expires.

And you can use the /scf unmute to unmute a player that is already muted, like this:

/scf unmute <username> <reason>

And all the mutes are saved in a file called mutes.json, so if you want to unmute a player but your server is under maintenance and can't start it up, you will be able to unmute him by removing him from the mutes.json file!

List command:

You can use the /scf list to list various things, all the muted players, all the swear words, or all the punishable words!


/scf list swearwords
/scf list punishablewords
/scf list mutes
----------, May 26, 2024

Bug Fixes:
Fixed the blocked messages in the log file would appear like this:


Instead of:


Fixed the plugin only blocking the first word:

On*** Onion Onion


On*** On*** On***

New features:

Player coordinates will be saved alongside the blocked word in the log file.

Added aliases to the plugin:


2 new commands:

/silentchatfilter add <word>
Permission: silentchatfilter.word.add
This command is going to put the word you desire in the config.yml file to block the word from being said without you interfering

/silentchatfilter remove <word>
Permission: silentchatfilter.word.remove
This command is going to remove any word you desire from the config file to unblock it without you interfering

(Please do "/silentchatfilter reload" after adding/removing a word.)

Note: if this plugin gets 45 downloads I'll include the players IP address in the log file too in case you want to IP Ban them, and their coordinates and dimension before they logged out will also be included in case you want to prank them!

And if it got 75 downloads I am going to make another list in the config.yml file for a certain words that you can also set but this time if someone said one of them he will get punished by either getting kicked out of the server, getting temp banned, getting perma banned, or getting perma IP banned, and I am also going to make a command to add/remove those words with their punishments!
----------, May 22, 2024

Bug Fixes:
Fixed the blocked messages in the log file would appear like this:


Instead of:


New features:

Player coordinates will be saved alongside the blocked word in the log file.

Added aliases to the plugin:


2 new commands:

/silentchatfilter add <word>
Permission: silentchatfilter.word.add
This command is going to put the word you desire in the config.yml file to block the word from being said without you interfering

/silentchatfilter remove <word>
Permission: silentchatfilter.word.remove
This command is going to remove any word you desire from the config file to unblock it without you interfering

(Please do "/silentchatfilter reload" after adding/removing a word.)

Note: if this plugin gets 45 downloads I'll include the players IP address in the log file too in case you want to IP Ban them, and their coordinates and dimension before they logged out will also be included in case you want to prank them!

And if it got 75 downloads I am going to make another list in the config.yml file for a certain words that you can also set but this time if someone said one of them he will get punished by either getting kicked out of the server, getting temp banned, getting perma banned, or getting perma IP banned, and I am also going to make a command to add/remove those words with their punishments!
----------, May 22, 2024

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 73
First Release: May 20, 2024
Last Update: May 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings