Punishable words, new Punishable.log file, and mute/unmute commands!
Bug fixes:
No bugs were found.
New features:
New commands.
New filtering logic to insure all swear words gets censored.
Punishable words:
Punishable words are words that you can set in the configuration file and when a player says them he either gets punished by a kick, temporary ban, temporary IP ban, permanent ban, or permanent IP ban.
I also added a new file called punishable.log, when a player says a punishable word, he gets saved in this file:
Player: XTHESilent | Message: bad message goes here | Date: date goes here | Dimension: dimension goes here | Location: worldname, coordinates | IP: IP goes here | Punishment: punishment goes here | duration: punishment duration goes here | Expires at: expiration date goes here.
And you can also add the punishable words using /scf addpunishword <word> <punishment> <duration>
And to remove a punishable word, you can do this:
/scr removepunishword <word>
Mute command:
I also added a muting system, you can mute a player by using /scf mute <username> <duration> <reason>
He will not be able to send any messages until the mute expires.
And you can use the /scf unmute to unmute a player that is already muted, like this:
/scf unmute <username> <reason>
And all the mutes are saved in a file called mutes.json, so if you want to unmute a player but your server is under maintenance and can't start it up, you will be able to unmute him by removing him from the mutes.json file!
List command:
You can use the /scf list to list various things, all the muted players, all the swear words, or all the punishable words!
/scf list swearwords
/scf list punishablewords
/scf list mutes