- fixes related to enabling and disabling kits
- added new placeholders (check github wiki)
- multiple bugfixes
- added new placeholders (check github wiki)
- multiple bugfixes
- added support for 1.21.2-1.21.4
- fixed placeholder parsing bug
After a lot of testing, this is an official release of 2.0.0 version (which is now no longer in beta). It is now strongly recommended to update from 1.x, if you have't already done so.
Changes (from beta5 version):
- Technical compatibility changes
- Bugfixes
- PlaceholderAPI support in chat messages
- re-implemented /sq arenasmenu
- added %sheepquest_teamcolor% placeholder
- added /leave as alias for /sq leave
- randomized game selection when using /sq quickjoin
- fixed simple-bungee-mode
- removed /t command
Detailed changelog:
- Bugfixes
Detailed changelog:
- bugfixes
- added config option balance-teams (default true)
Detailed changelog:
- Bugfixes, primarily damage handling not working properly and completely breaking on some versions
- Added kit-bossbar and team-bossbar options to config, which allow to disable bossbars showing players' teams and kits
- Added information about selected team and kit back to the scoreboard.
- Changed some of the placeholders and re-added missing ones
- Re-added chat formatting, which was missing on previous version
Please report me bugs if you find any. Missing features from the previous versions will be gradually re-implemented alongside bugfixes.
This is an experimental version. Some features from previous versions are missing in this update. They will probably be re-added in the near future. They are:
- /sq reload command
- setup menu, staff menu, players menu, stats menu and arenas menu
- quick join sheep
The whole plugin has been rewritten using my own MinigamesAPI. Due to this fact, there may be multiple new bugs. If you encounter one, don't post a negative rating but report it in a ticket on my discord server, I will fix it ASAP!
Biggest changes:
- Added 1.21 support
- Removed 1.8 support
- Added Velocity support and optimized Bungeecord support (
- Added simple bungee mode (bungee mode that can be found in other minigame plugins, with no need to use sockets, but with multiple limitations) (more info:
- Multiple optimizations and bugfixes
There are also countless technical changes and smaller tweaks not mentioned here. If you are updating from a previous version, you might need to reconfigure some options in config.yml and edit some messages in messages-x.yml. I am sorry for the inconvenience, but this resource is now over 4 years old and this whole re-write had to be eventually done.
- bugfixes
- PAPI placeholder parsing in chat messages sent by players
- support for minecraft 1.20.4
- bugfixes and changes related to bungee mode, database and scoreboards
- support for minecraft 1.20.2
This update fixes critical bug present in the previous update, which caused high CPU usage (only if using plugin in bungee mode). If you are using plugin version 1.13 update it ASAP!
This update fixes a critical bug, present in the previous upate, which caused high CPU usage.
This update introduces changes to the communication system used for exchanging information between servers, while using plugin in bungee mode. Most of the related code has been rewritten, which will eliminate all the related bugs.
- added support for minecraft 1.20
- fixed a bug related to minecraft 1.19.4
- added support for minecraft 1.19.3
- added %sheepquest_topwins_x% placeholder, which returns the number of times the x-ranked player has won
- added %sheepquest_team_player% placeholder, which returns player's team (if he is currently playing sheepquest)
- Added two new placeholders - sheepquest_top_x and sheepquest_pos_player. Check out the github wiki to learn how to use them.
- fixed bug which occurred on versions older than 1.12
- Fixed bug connected to world height which made players unable to move
- added support for spigot 1.19
- added colored player nicknames above player heads and on tablist
- bugfixes
- corrected typos in translations
- scoreboards no longer flicker
- stats should now finally work correctly.
Fixed a bug which caused the config to reset.
Added support for 1.18 version.
- Added Russian language. (translation by
This version contains mostly bugfixes, optimization and smaller changes.
The only big change is that now entities will use real pathfinding from minecraft. This means that plugin should gather less resources, sheep movement should look more naturally, and sheep shouldn't get stuck anymore.
Although there aren't any other bigger changes it's really important to install this update, because it fixes many critical bugs.
Smaller changes:
- Added an option to stop the game when there is only one player left on the arena ("stop-game-one-player" option in config)
- Added an option to change the type of bonus entity, from now it can be anything, not only sheep ("entity-type" option in "bonus-sheep" category in config)
- Added an option to change how frequent tips in lobby change ("tip-rate" option in config).
- Added countdown chat messages.
- Corrected some typos in configs.
- Added support for all versions from 1.8 up to latest (1.17).
- Added kits. There are three that players can choose: standard (with double jump), archer (with bow and arrows) and athlete (with ability to throw sheep and push other players away)
- Added an option to choose team colors and count. Now you can add from 2 up to 12 teams to one arena.
- Changed how scoreboards are saved. Now they are saved as lists and you can add dates to them.
- Changed how particles and sounds are saved in config. Now you can enable or disable them, change sound pitch and volume or change particle count and speed.
- Added quickjoin signs (signs that execute /sq quickjoin command) that can be created by putting "[sheepquest]" in the first line and "quickjoin" in the second line.
- Added quickjoin sheep (sheep that when clicked execute /sq quickjoin command)
- Fixed many bugs
This version was tested a lot so there shouldn't be any bigger, game braking bugs, but if you find any, report them on my discord server:
WARNING! This version is very experimental! It still needs a lot of testing before using on bing public servers. If you have found any bugs please report them on my discord server.
WARNING! This versions changes how arenas are stored. If you are updating from an older version, arenas.yml file should be also updated automatically, but if you encounter any problems during this process please contact me on discord.
- Added support for 1.17.
- Added bungee and mysql support - you can now save data in databases and connect your arenas created on different servers using bungeecord.
After setting up plugin you don't have to do anything more - players will be able to join arenas from the whole bungeecord network and you will be able to create signs for all these arenas on any server.
For detailed tutorials how to set everything up check github wiki.
- Added /sq vip command. From now on you don't have to mark arena as VIP by editing config, you can use command instead.
- Added Polish language (messages-pl.yml).
- Added playtime to stats.
- Made some changes to config generation and all comments should now generate correctly.
- Made many cosmetic changes to make plugin messages more consistent.
- Fixed a lot of bugs.
And much more!
- Added stats menu (/sq statsmenu) and ability to view other players's stats
- Added collected bonus sheep to stats
- Added placeholders using PlaceholderAPI, full list is available here:
- Updated Chinese translation
- Fixed some bugs
- Added bStats to collect plugin usage statistics. It will help me in the future developement. If you don't want to use it you can disable it in settings.
- Changed sign saving method to more efficient and removed all of bugs connected with them.
WARNING! After updating the plugin you will lose all of the game signs you have created (they won't work anymore). You will have to recreate all of them!
Particles and sounds that appear at certain moments in game.
Special game events that add more variety to the game. Now there is only one:
BONUS SHEEP - more valuable sheep that sometimes appear instead of the normal sheep. All of it's settings are customizable. More special game features will be added soon. If you have any ideas about what it could be, write them down on my discord server!
Multi language support - you can choose between languages that plugin is translated to and do not worry about changing all of the plugin messages by yourself. Available languages are: English and Chineese. If there is such a need I can add Polish language too, in the future versions.
Less important changes:
- You can edit default sheep speed now.
- Added countdown, ending, start and kill titles
- Changed respawn title
- To edit arena settings, you have to deactivate it now.
- When game is full, countdown will speed up
- Fixed a lot of bugs
- Some technical changes connected with api and file structure (ex. new title api)
And much more!
WARNING!!! If you have changed anything in the messages file in the previouse plugin versions, change its name from messages.yml to messages-en.yml before starting the server with the new plugin update installed!
Because of my mistake, many things weren't working on newer versions of minecraft so I fixed it. Nothing special has changed. Just bugfixes.
- From now, plugin should work on minecraft versions from 1.9.4 to 1.16.3
- Added update notiffications. It will display warnings in the console if you are using an outdated version of a plugin.
- Added an option to disable team choosing to the config.
- Fixed many game breaking bugs
- Added config explanation to the github wiki: