SheepQuest | [MINIGAME] [1.9-1.21] [Multiworld/Bungee/Velocity] icon

SheepQuest | [MINIGAME] [1.9-1.21] [Multiworld/Bungee/Velocity] -----

Fact-paced, team minigame excellent for your server!

BIG UPDATE - particles, sounds, special features and more!
- Particles and sounds that appear at certain moments in game.
- Special game events that add more variety to the game. Now there is only one: BONUS SHEEP - more valuable sheep that sometimes appear instead of the normal sheep. All of it's settings are customizable. More special game features will be added soon. If you have any ideas about what it could be, write them down on my discord server!
- Multi language support - you can choose between languages that plugin is translated to and do not worry about changing all of the plugin messages by yourself. Available languages are: English and Chineese. If there is such a need I can add Polish language too, in the future versions.

Less important changes:
- You can edit default sheep speed now.
- Added countdown, ending, start and kill titles
- Changed respawn title
- To edit arena settings, you have to deactivate it now.
- When game is full, countdown will speed up
- Fixed a lot of bugs
- Some technical changes connected with api and file structure (ex. new title api)
- And much more!

WARNING!!! If you have changed anything in the messages file in the previouse plugin versions, change its name from messages.yml to messages-en.yml before starting the server with the new plugin update installed!
----------, Oct 3, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,753
First Release: Aug 21, 2020
Last Update: Jan 26, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
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