The file size has increased due to the added dependencies.
If the website for the download is unreachable, check if you are using Portmaster or another DNS provider. Instead go to Modrinth and download it there
New Features: - Added support for defining server names in the configuration file under the 'servernames' section. Server administrators can now set the server name for each sub-server connected to BungeeCord.
- Implemented auto configuration updates, enabling automatic updates to the server configuration settings.
Bug Fixes: - Fixed issue where players were experiencing intermittent lag spikes during gameplay.
Changes: - Improved server performance by optimizing resource usage.
- Updated dependency libraries to their latest versions for enhanced compatibility and security.
We're excited to announce that custom join-leave messages have been added to the latest update of ServerSwitch!
With this new feature, server administrators can now personalize the messages players see when joining and leaving the server. Whether you want to add a touch of personality or convey important information, custom join-leave messages allow you to tailor the player experience to your liking.
Note: To take advantage of this new feature, it's necessary to delete your old configuration file and let the plugin generate a new one. This ensures that the latest changes are applied correctly.
Code (YAML):
# Connect to your Database! (IS REQUIRED!) database:
url: "jdbc:mysql://" username: "root" password: "password"
# Set your custom messages and permissions messages:
kick: '§cYou need to join through the proxy!'
staff_notification: '§c
} attempted to join without going through the proxy!'
joinMessage: '§e
} joined'
leaveMessage: '§e
} left the server'
notify: 'serverswitch.notify'
Custom-join-leaveMessages: false
Disable-join-leaveMessages: false
We're pleased to announce that the table creation bug has been addressed in the latest update of ServerSwitch!
Previously, some users encountered issues with the plugin not creating the necessary table in the database upon startup, leading to unexpected behavior. With this update, we've implemented a fix that ensures the table is properly created if it doesn't exist, resolving the issue once and for all.
To upgrade to the latest version and enjoy a seamless experience with ServerSwitch, simply download the updated JAR file from the SpigotMC resource page.
This update introduces a new feature where the plugin notifies the staff team when a player attempts to join without going through the proxy. This notification is configurable via the plugin's configuration file, allowing server administrators to customize the notification message according to their preferences.