We're excited to announce that custom join-leave messages have been added to the latest update of ServerSwitch!
With this new feature, server administrators can now personalize the messages players see when joining and leaving the server. Whether you want to add a touch of personality or convey important information, custom join-leave messages allow you to tailor the player experience to your liking.
Note: To take advantage of this new feature, it's necessary to delete your old configuration file and let the plugin generate a new one. This ensures that the latest changes are applied correctly.
Code (YAML):
# Connect to your Database! (IS REQUIRED!) database:
url: "jdbc:mysql://" username: "root" password: "password"
# Set your custom messages and permissions messages:
kick: '§cYou need to join through the proxy!'
staff_notification: '§c
} attempted to join without going through the proxy!'
joinMessage: '§e
} joined'
leaveMessage: '§e
} left the server'
notify: 'serverswitch.notify'
Custom-join-leaveMessages: false
Disable-join-leaveMessages: false