Server Tutorial Plus icon

Server Tutorial Plus -----

Introduce players to your server with unlimited tutorials! Many customisations! Free!

[​IMG] [​IMG]

The plugin to introduce new players to your server with unlimited tutorials!

  • Create unlimited custom server tutorials.
  • Unlimited points per tutorial.
  • Unique settings for every tutorial point.
  • Give players a reward for completing the tutorial first time. (MySql supported)
  • Start a tutorial when a player joins for the first time.
  • Start a tutorial when right clicking a block.
  • Start a tutorial when right clicking an NPC.
  • In game editor (commands)
  • Stats for every tutorial.
  • Permissions per tutorial possible.
  • Block commands while in a tutorial.
  • Easy to use.
  • Lightweight. No tasks running on the background.
  • Supports the PlaceholderAPI
Options per point
  • Send a title
  • Send a chat message
  • Send an action bar message
  • Play a sound
  • Set a players fly mode
  • Lock a player
  • Execute a command
  • Spawn fireworks
  • Add potioneffects
  • And more!
Supported placeholders without the PlaceholderAPI: %username%

Point types:
  • Timed - Proceed after a set time interval.
  • Check point - Proceed after walking into the checkpoint.
  • Click block - Proceed after clicking a block (can be a sign).
  • Command point - Proceed after the player executes the command /st next. Useful if you want other plugins to perform actions on a certain point.
All these points offer custom settings as well to make them more unique.

Tutorial / showcase video

Tutorial by Soulstriker

Tutorial by BrandsPickled


This showcase lacks new features that have been added!

//Command permissions

//Action permissions

//Permissions for tutorials
servertutorialplus.tutorials.<Server tutorial id here>
servertutorial.tutorial.bypass - Allows to bypass any restrictions (like blocked commands).

/st help - Shows a help with all the commands (that you have permission for).
/st create <id> - Create a new server tutorial.
/st remove <id> - Remove a server tutorial.
/st addpoint <id> - Add a point to a tutorial.
/st removepoint <id> <point index> - Remove a point from a tutorial.
/st info <optional: id> - Show a list of all the server tutorials or info about a specific one.
/st player <username> - Shows stats of a player in chat.
/st play <id> (playername) - Play a server tutorial. (Playername is optional)
/st quit - Quit your current tutorial
/st playpoint <id> <point> - Play only 1 point of a server tutorial.
/st setblock <id> - Set a interactive block that starts a tutorial when clicked.
/st reload - Reload the plugin from the configs. (without saving first!)
/st save - Save the current data to the configs. (without loading first!)
/st npc <add/remove/bind/text/height> <value>
/st edit <id> <invisible/rewards/permission/
blockcommands/commands/chatblock> - Set settings for a tutorial as whole.
/st editpoint <id> <point> <args> - Edit all the points at once.
/st editpoint <id> <point> <args>

Default args: (Applied to every point)
time <seconds>
Sets for how long it takes untill the next point.

fly <true / false>
Set fly mode to true or false.

lockplayer <true / false>
Prevent the player from moving.

lockview <true / false>
Lock the players view.

messages <add / remove / list / clear>
Add and remove chat messages for a point.

commands <add / remove / list / clear>
Add and remove commands that get executed as soon as the point is played.
[!] NOTE: Commands should be entered without the / !

actionbar <set / clear>
Set a new action bar that gets played at the point or reset the current one.

firework (Hold a firework in your hand)
Spawns a firework at the location you stood when adding it when the point is played.

Sets your current location as the new location for the point.

title <title / subtitle / fadein / fadeout / stay / reset>
Set a title or subtitle to play on a point.

sound <set / clear> (set args: <sound> <volume> <pitch>)
Set a sound that is played on the point.
You can find a list of all sounds here.

potion <add / remove / list / clear>

Adds a potion effect to the player.
If the user holds a potion that potion effect will be added.
Otherwise the args are like this: <potioneffect> <time (in S)> <level>

switch <point index>
Switch the point with the point given.

infront <point index>
Move a point infront of an other one.

Optional args: (only applied to specific points)
distance <value (blocks)>
The minimal amount of distance between the checkpoint and the player before completing it.

repeatActionbar <true/false>
If enabled, the actionbar will stay. Usefull for keeping the hint to move to the checkpoint.

colour <red> <green> <blue>
The colour for the checkpoint.
[TIP]: When using values higher then 255 it will start randomizing!

ClickBlock point:

colour <red> <green> <blue>
The colour for the checkpoint.
[TIP]: When using values higher then 255 it will start randomizing!

Allows you to set the block.

repeatActionbar <true/false>
If particles should be displayed.

teleport <true/false>
If the player should be teleported to the point.

Server Tutorial Plus offers a small but useful API for developers.
For more info about the API, expand this spoiler:

Code (Text):

public class ServerTutorialApi {
    * Starts a server tutorial for the defined player.
    * Returns true if the tutorial has been started. False in all other cases
    * @param id     Id of the server tutorial.
    * @param player The player.
    * @return       A boolean that represents if the tutorial has been started.
    public boolean startTutorial(String id, Player player){


    * Returns if the player is currently in a server tutorial.
    * @param uuid  The players UUID
    * @return      A boolean
    public boolean isInTutorial(UUID uuid){


    * Get the current servertutorial of a player.
    * @param uuid  The UUID of the player
    * @return      The servertutorial or null if not in one.
    public ServerTutorial getCurrentTutorial(UUID uuid){


     * Gets the controller object that manges the players tutorial.
     * @param uuid
     * @return The controller object. Null if not in a tutorial.
    public TutorialController getController(UUID uuid){


     * This method is used to fetch the API with ease.
     * @return An Api Object
    public static ServerTutorialApi getApi(){

To get this class simple use this piece of code:
Code (Text):
ServerTutorialApi stApi = ServerTutorialApi.getApi();
//TODO: Store this somewhere for easy acces.
The API also provides some events you can listen for.
Code (Text):

public void handlestart(TutorialStartEvent event){


public void handlestop(TutorialEndEvent event){


void handlePlayPoint(TutorialPlayPointEvent event){

(Note: Only contains objects you should be using when using the API)

Placeholder API
ServerTutorialPlus supports the placeholder API.

Code (Text):

☐ New point types
☑ Block certain commands when in a tutorial.
Language files
Support for more custom points. (Priority)
Rework the edit commands.
Bind any mob to play a tutorial (good for citizens etc)
Add placeholder API
NPC's that can be right clicked to play a tutorial


Stats provided by You can opt out this service at any time.

Checkout another plugin by me

If you enjoy the plugin: Please leave a review or consider donating to help me pay my bills :D

I work on this plugin in my free time. I do not get paid for it anyway, just so everybody can use it, but if you want to support me, and already left a review, then you can donate here:


Donations are hugely appreciated and help me pay for development tools.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 29,692
First Release: Mar 12, 2017
Last Update: Apr 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
140 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings