Rewardable Activities icon

Rewardable Activities -----

Reward players upon performing certain activities

  • Added reward limiting.
    • Reward limiting can be enabled to prevent players from getting too many rewards.
    • The limit can be changed to adjust how many rewards the player can receive before they have to wait.
    • The cooldown can be adjusted depending on whether you wish players to wait longer or shorter for their limit to reset. The cooldown starts counting after the player receives their first reward. As such, it is possible for the limit to reset before it is reached (due to either a huge limit, player going AFK, or some other factors and the cooldown ending in the meantime).
    • Hitting a limit will cause a configurable message to be sent to the player with appropriate information.
    • To retain plugin's old behavior, reward limiting is disabled by default.
  • Updated configuration to reflect the addition of reward limiting. Due to no internal update mechanism for the configuration file, it has to be regenerated or the new section has to be pasted into the already generated configuration.
Configuration adjustments:
Code (YAML):
# General settings.
  # Reward limiter settings.
    # Enabling the reward limiter makes it so that the player can only receive a set amount of rewards within a set time frame.
: false
    # The player will be allowed to receive only this amount of rewards within the set time frame.
: 10
    # The message the player will receive when they reach the reward limit.
: "&cYou have reached the reward limit. You have to wait for a while before you can receive more rewards."
    # The time after which the player will be able to receive rewards again, counting upon the first reward received. The cooldown is expressed in the format ‘10d’, ‘5h’, ‘30m’, ‘20s’, ‘10m30s’, etc.
: 10m
----------, Nov 6, 2024

  • Added support for 1.20, 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.3, 1.20.4, 1.20.5, 1.20.6, 1.21, 1.21.1, 1.21.2, and 1.21.3. This mainly addresses support for blocks and entities added in these versions.
  • Updated the minimum required version of (optional) PlaceholderAPI to 2.11.6.
  • Updated the minimum required version of Java to 21.
  • Updated updater messages.
  • Removed metrics.
  • Refactored code, resulting in hopefully performance improvements.
----------, Nov 2, 2024

  • Added 1.18 and 1.19 support.
    • You can now use blocks and entities added in 1.18 and 1.19.
  • Removed MVdWPlaceholderAPI support.
    • Getting that API to work and constantly having to deal with not working repository made me remove the support.
----------, Nov 11, 2022

  • Added 1.17 support.
    • You can now use blocks added in 1.17.
    • You can now use entities added in 1.17.
----------, Jun 18, 2021

  • Added support for the PlaceholderAPI placeholders in commands.
  • Added support for the MVdWPlaceholderAPI placeholders in commands.
----------, Jun 10, 2021

  • Renamed block place ownership check to block break ownership check (the functionality did not change).
  • Added actual block place ownership check (enabled by default). When enabled, plugin will not reward players when they place a block in a place where there was already a block broken by a player.
  • Updated default configuration to reflect changes made to the ownership checks.
----------, Jan 8, 2021

  • Added reload command (/rewardable-activites reload). You can use it to reload plugin configuration without having to restart the server. Permission to use this command is: "rewardableactivities.command.rewardableactivities".
  • Fixed checking if entity spawner ownership check is enabled (it always assumed that it is).
  • "Fixed" some error messages. They are now more detailed and should imply where the problem actually is.
I feel like I did not previously notify about the permissions this plugin has so here they are:
  • rewardableactivities.command.rewardableactivities - Access to the /rewardable-activities reload command.
  • rewardableactivities.updater.notify - Access to receiving notifications about plugin updates.
  •<group> - Access to group specific rewards.
----------, Dec 28, 2020

  • Added item fish rewardable activity. This means you can now reward players when they fish a certain item.
Default configuration has been updated to reflect addition of the new rewardable activity. The old configuration will still work but it is recommend to generate the new one.
----------, Dec 27, 2020

  • Fixed conditions when depositing economy to the player. In other words, economy should now be deposited to the player correctly.
----------, Dec 21, 2020

  • Updated ownership check section layout to allow multiple settings.
  • Renamed block ownership check to block place ownership check.
  • Renamed entity ownership check to entity breed ownership check.
  • Added entity spawner ownership check (not rewarding players when they kill an entity that was spawned by a spawner). This ownership check is enabled by default.
Default configuration has been updated to reflect changes made to the ownership check section layout and new ownership check for entities. The old configuration will still work but it is recommend to generate the new one.
----------, Dec 20, 2020

  • Updated version pattern.
  • Updated updater messages
  • Added so you can now specify more than 1 reward per group. However for now only 1 reward can be chosen and all rewards can fail resulting in no rewards at all. (thanks to @KingMarcus for the suggestion)
  • Default configuration has been updated to reflect changes made to the amount of possible rewards per group.
----------, Dec 14, 2020

  • Added toggleable block ownership check (block.ownership-check). It is enabled by default and makes so player will not receive the rewards if they break a block that was placed by a player.
  • Updated how entity ownership check works. Previously players would not receive rewards if they killed an entity that was also bred by them. Now this applies to all entities bred by players and not only the ones that were bred by the same player. This solves situations where friends would kill entities for rewards.
Default configuration has been updated and now contains new setting (block.ownership-check). You do not have to let the plugin create the new default configuration (you can add the new setting yourself).

Code (YAML):
# Block related settings and rewardable activities.
  # Whether ownership of the block should be checked.
  # If set to true, breaking a block that was placed by a player
  # will result in no rewards given.
: true
----------, Dec 4, 2020

  • Added toggleable entity ownership check (entity.ownership-check). It is enabled by default and makes so player will not receive the rewards if they kill an entity that was also bred by them.
Default configuration has been updated and now contains new setting (entity.ownership-check). You do not have to let the plugin create the new default configuration (you can add the new setting yourself).

Code (YAML):
# Entity related settings and rewardable activities.
  # Whether ownership of the entity should be checked.
  # If set to true, killing an entity that was bred by the same player
  # will result in no rewards given to that player.
: true
----------, Dec 3, 2020

  • Added entity breed rewardable activity (entity.breed).
Default configuration has been updated and now contains new rewardable activity. I recommend checking the new default configuration to get to know the new rewardable activity.
----------, Dec 1, 2020

  • Added entity kill rewardable activity (entity.kill).
  • Fixed default group placeholder in the commands.
Default configuration has been updated and now contains new rewardable activity. I recommend checking the new default configuration to get to know the new rewardable activity.
----------, Nov 28, 2020

  • Added block place rewardable activity (
  • Added '{group}' placeholder to the commands, it represents the group name.
  • Fixed updater not working at all.
Default configuration has been updated and now contains new rewardable activity. I recommend checking the new default configuration to get to know the new rewardable activity.
----------, Nov 26, 2020

  • Updater has been added and will now notify you if you are i.e. missing on a plugin update. It will not however download the update for you.
  • Fixed plugin not working on Minecraft versions 1.13, 1.14 and 1.15.
----------, Nov 25, 2020

  • Metrics have been added to track plugin usage. You can opt out from metrics by disabling them in the bStats folder.
----------, Nov 25, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,175
First Release: Nov 24, 2020
Last Update: Nov 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
7 ratings
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