Rewardable Activities icon

Rewardable Activities -----

Reward players upon performing certain activities

1.8.1 - Reload command & bug fixes
  • Added reload command (/rewardable-activites reload). You can use it to reload plugin configuration without having to restart the server. Permission to use this command is: "rewardableactivities.command.rewardableactivities".
  • Fixed checking if entity spawner ownership check is enabled (it always assumed that it is).
  • "Fixed" some error messages. They are now more detailed and should imply where the problem actually is.
I feel like I did not previously notify about the permissions this plugin has so here they are:
  • rewardableactivities.command.rewardableactivities - Access to the /rewardable-activities reload command.
  • rewardableactivities.updater.notify - Access to receiving notifications about plugin updates.
  •<group> - Access to group specific rewards.
----------, Dec 28, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,175
First Release: Nov 24, 2020
Last Update: Nov 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
7 ratings
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