RegionClaimPlus | Full Recode |  Extremely configurable | 1.8-1.21 icon

RegionClaimPlus | Full Recode | Extremely configurable | 1.8-1.21 -----

User-friendly and fully configurable premium region claiming plugin! + admin command + more settings

What is new?
  • This update adds a new price-per-block setting to the permission group files! By default this setting is disabled (by setting it to a negative value). If enabled, it will take precedence over the old price setting, allowing you to instead specify a price for each horizontal block of a new claim.
  • When using the {claim_cost} placeholder in the message for setting a claim's first bound, the total price cannot be known yet. When this cannot be determined, the price-per-block will be shown instead. It is advised to communicate this to your users accordingly.

How to update?
Download the jar file from the top of this page and put it in your plugins folder. Make sure to remove the previous version of this plugin.
Now restart ( not reload) your server and you are done, my plugin will automatically add the new settings where necessary!
----------, Aug 14, 2024

What is new?
  • This update adds proper support for Minecraft 1.20.5 for Paper specifically, since Paper decided to suddenly introduce breaking changes.
  • The plugin already worked perfectly on 1.20.5 Spigot and this update is therefore not required if you run Spigot only.

How to update?
Download the jar file from the top of this page and put it in your plugins folder. Make sure to remove the previous version of this plugin. Now restart ( not reload) your server and you are done.
----------, Apr 29, 2024

What is new?
  • Added a new setting to the permission group configuration, allowing you to limit the area (in blocks) a single claim is allowed to be! This limit is enforced alongside all previous limits. This is of course optional, and is disabled by default.
  • For consistency, there are now two different messages in the create section of the main configuration, exceeds-max-single-area and exceeds-max-total-area for both respective limits. This does mean that only the area message has been reset once.
  • The actionbar visualisation during claiming now has two new optional placeholders to show the current and maximum allowed area of a single claim.

How to update?
Download the jar file from the top of this page and put it in your plugins folder. Make sure to remove the previous version of this plugin. Now restart ( not reload) your server and you are done, my plugin will automatically add the new settings where necessary!
----------, Feb 20, 2024

What is new?
  • Added a new setting to the permission group configuration, allowing you to limit the total area (in blocks) users are allowed to claim per world! This limit is enforced alongside the per-claim size limit and number of claims limit. This is of course optional, and is disabled by default.
  • Added a new message to indicate the claims would exceed the maximum size, along with placeholders to indicate current usage.
  • Improved pre-validation of numerical configuration values for permission groups; if you attempt to use non-positive values where these make no sense (such as a negative or zero height of a claim), my plugin will warn you and disable that specific permission group, to prevent potential malfunction.

How to update?
Download the jar file from the top of this page and put it in your plugins folder. Make sure to remove the previous version of this plugin. Now restart ( not reload) your server and you are done, my plugin will automatically add the new settings where necessary!
----------, Feb 2, 2024

What is new?
This update adds two new placeholders that can be used in any region's WorldGuard flags that are of type String, for example the greeting or farewell flags! You can use %region% for the name of the region and %owner% for the name of the owner of the region. Whenever WorldGuard then sends the message corresponding to the flag to a player, these will properly be replaced.
The %owner% placeholder will not immediately update after a change of owner, please update the region flags for that using the administrator command.

How to update?
Download the jar file from the top of this page and put it in your plugins folder. Make sure to remove the previous version of this plugin. Now restart ( not reload) your server and you are done!
----------, Aug 28, 2022

What is new?
  • My plugin will now show a 3-dimensional visualization when displaying a claim using the /claim show command!
  • Improved efficiency of particle graphics! All calculations regarding the region's bounding box are now done on a separate thread, so even though more particles are displayed in the new version, it shouldn't lead to performance issues.
  • Added a setting to configure the RGB-color of the particles for both the regular and admin show-command!
  • Improved the /claim admin setowner command such that it also allows you to change the owner of claims that you do not own.

How to update?
Download the jar file from the top of this page and put it in your plugins folder. Make sure to remove the previous version of this plugin. Now restart ( not reload) your server and you are done, my plugin will automatically add the new message settings where necessary!
----------, Aug 17, 2022

What is new?
Added a new administrator command to change the owner of an existing region. Simply use /claim admin setowner <region> <player> to change the owner of the specified region. You can control who is allowed to use this command with the claim.admin.setowner permission!

How to update?
Download the jar file from the top of this page and put it in your plugins folder. Make sure to remove the previous version of this plugin. Now restart ( not reload) your server and you are done, my plugin will automatically add the new message settings where necessary!
----------, May 20, 2022

What is new?
  • If you are using Dynmap to display WorldGuard regions, my plugin is now able to inject itself into the Dynmap-WorldGuard plugin to properly display the name of the region/claim!
  • It is also possible to disable the injector mentioned above in the main configuration.
  • Added a placeholder to the message shown when the /claim setpos command. {claim_cost} will be replaced with the price claiming the defined region would cost.

How to update?
Download the jar file from the top of this page and put it in your plugins folder. Make sure to remove the previous version of this plugin. Now restart ( not reload) your server and you are done, my plugin will automatically add the new settings where necessary!
----------, Mar 26, 2022

What is new?
  • Added a /claim movecorner <region_name> command! This will choose the nearest corner of the specified region and move it to your current location, allowing you to expand or shrink a region with ease. This command of course respects the maximum claim size setting.
  • Added a can-move-corners configuration option to the permission group configuration files, to control if the above command is allowed.
  • The new message move-corner.success is displayed when a region's corner is successfully moved. If something fails, messages from the create command are reused.

How to update?
Download the jar file from the top of this page and put it in your plugins folder. Make sure to remove the previous version of this plugin. Now restart ( not reload) your server and you are done, my plugin will automatically add the new settings where necessary!
----------, Feb 6, 2022

What is new?
The different administrator commands now have separate optional permissions. The permission claim.admin.remove gives access to the admin remove and clear commands. allows you to use the admin show command. To reload the configuration file or to create new permission group files, you need claim.admin.config. And lastly, to update the flags of all regions or to purge them, you need claim.admin.update.
Good to know: the old claim.admin permission still exists, and still grants access to all admin commands for backwards compatibility.

How to update?
Download the jar file from the top of this page and put it in your plugins folder. Make sure to remove the previous version of this plugin. Now restart ( not reload) your server and you are done!
----------, Feb 4, 2022

What is new?
  • Added a new setting that optionally refunds a part of the claiming price when you remove a region by yourself. See price-refund in the permission group's configuration file!
  • Fixed an issue where players would still be charged for a region if the claiming was cancelled due to region overlap.
  • Consistency improvements for the API
  • Added a new message "remove.price-refund" for the new refunding functionality!
How to update?
Download the jar file from the top of this page and put it in your plugins folder. Make sure to remove the previous version of this plugin. Now restart ( not reload) your server and you are done, my plugin will automatically add the new settings where necessary!
----------, Jan 5, 2022

What is new?
  • Multi-version support! This plugin now supports Minecraft version 1.8.8 up to the latest version (1.18.1), with an aim to provide the same functionality on all versions! For the oldest Minecraft versions, make sure to either use Minecraft 1.8.8 or 1.9.4, for later Minecraft versions all subversions are also supported.
  • If you are using this plugin on an older version of Minecraft, make sure to use at least WorldGuard v6.1.3 or later.
  • Small performance improvements
How to update?
Download the jar file from the top of this page and put it in your plugins folder. Make sure to remove the previous version of this plugin. Now restart ( not reload) your server and you are done, my plugin will automatically add the new settings where necessary!
----------, Dec 29, 2021

What is new?
  • Added a command to teleport to a region! You can specify whether players are allowed to do this inside the respective permission group configuration. Optionally you can add a cost to this command (requires Vault). My plugin will use the location of the WorldGuard teleport flag if set, otherwise it will try to find a safe location in the middle of the claim as a destination.
  • A clickable interaction to the message shown by the /claim show command which automatically teleports a player to the region.
  • New messages for the new command, where possible existing messages are re-used.
  • A cost multiplier setting! You can optionally make the cost of claiming a region exponentially increase depending on the amount of regions a player has already claimed in that world.
  • The price for claiming a region can now be a decimal number as well as an integer.
  • Improved the placeholders for the admin help messages of some commands.
How to update?
Download the jar file from the top of this page and put it in your plugins folder. Make sure to remove the previous version of this plugin. Now restart ( not reload) your server and you are done, my plugin will automatically add the new settings where necessary!
Note: The message create.failed-transaction is renamed to shared.failed-transaction, meaning it will unfortunately be reset to its default, please keep this in mind if you changed this specific message previously.
----------, Dec 4, 2021

What is new?
  • Added a new command to update the flags of claimed regions depending on the current permission group settings. Use /claim admin update [world_name] to asynchronously update flags in all worlds, or those in the specific world if specified (optional). Like purging this requires Vault and a permission plugin that is linked through it (e.g. LuckPerms).
  • Moved message to as it now used by the update command too. Unfortunately this means that only this message will be reset to its default.

How to update?

Download the jar file from the top of this page and put it in your plugins folder. Make sure to remove the previous version of this plugin. Now restart (not reload) your server and you are done, my plugin will automatically add the new settings where necessary!
----------, Oct 22, 2021

What is new?
  • You can now make region flags only apply to certain groups of people! This is done by specifying the group right underneath a flag inside a permission group configuration. The five options are all (default), members (owners and friends), owners, non_members (strangers), non_owners (strangers and friends). These options just reflect the WorldGuard flag group setting as explained here. This is all optional meaning old configuration files work just fine, for an example see the sample configuration on the main page.
  • The plugin will now collect anonymous data using the well known bStats framework to help me better serve my audience. If you don't want this, you can disable bStats as a whole, or for my plugin specifically in the updated configuration.
How to update?
Download the jar file from the top of this page and put it in your plugins folder. Make sure to remove the previous version of this plugin. Now restart ( not reload) your server and you are done, my plugin will automatically add the new settings where necessary!
----------, Oct 17, 2021

What is new?
  • Optional PlaceholderAPI support! You can now use the placeholders %regionclaimplus_region_name% and %regionclaimplus_region_owner%.
  • Added a developer API. See the main page for more details.
  • no-activity-expire-hours now accepts a decimal number of hours too.
How to update?
Download the jar file from the top of this page and put it in your plugins folder. Make sure to remove the previous version of this plugin. Now restart (not reload) your server and you are done!
----------, Aug 30, 2021

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 139
First Release: Aug 22, 2021
Last Update: Aug 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
7 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings