RegionClaimPlus | Full Recode |  Extremely configurable | 1.8-1.21 icon

RegionClaimPlus | Full Recode | Extremely configurable | 1.8-1.21 -----

User-friendly and fully configurable premium region claiming plugin! + admin command + more settings

Do you want your users to easily claim their base and keep it safe with WorldGuard's protection standard, while you retain full control? Tired of manually creating predefined regions for people to claim? Then RegionClaimPlus is the plugin for you! This plugin has been made from scratch to be user friendly, performant and totally configurable.

This premium version is a complete recode of the original RegionClaim by the same author, bringing many more features than ever before. It contains a detailed administrator command, more settings and you can now create as many permission groups as you want. For a full breakdown of the improvements, see the section below.

Making plugins takes a lot of time and effort. I have gotten many suggestions for the original RegionClaim plugin and this version incorporates almost all of them, including many additions of my own. This also means that unfortunately the free version will no longer receive new features.

As this is a premium product, I will provide even more support than I normally do and I am very much willing to implement feature suggestions/improvements, as long as I feel they fit within the concept of this plugin.

Download the jar file from the top of this page and put it in your plugins folder. This plugin will work with Java 8+. For the oldest Minecraft versions, make sure to either use Minecraft 1.8.8 or 1.9.4, for later Minecraft versions all subversions are also supported. The required dependencies are:

Migration from RegionClaim (Lite)
I have tried to make it easy as possible to update from the original/lite version of RegionClaim. To update the main configuration file, please follow the steps below, and if there are any issues, don't hesitate to contact me!
  • Before launching the server, remove the lite version’s RegionClaim-2.2.0.jar (but not its folder!).
  • Launch your server with the premium version installed (see installation) and stop it again.
  • Remove the file RegionClaimPlus/config.yml.
  • Copy RegionClaim/config.yml to the RegionClaimPlus folder.
  • Launch the server again. It will now add all missing settings to the configuration file we just copied, while keeping most of the old ones. Keep in mind some of the message paths got renamed, so they cannot be updated.
  • Make sure to check this config and optionally change the newly added messages.
In this premium version, each permission group has its own configuration file which is structured differently, so it is unfortunately not possible to copy over the old permission groups automatically. Please use the old RegionClaim/config.yml file to manually copy over these settings, see setup steps below for more explanation on how permission groups work.
Once you are fully done, you can optionally throw away the RegionClaim folder of the lite version of this plugin.

This plugin is able to work together with a lot of the plugins you are already using! Feel free to inquire for potential support in the discussion thread if a plugin is not in this list.
  • Vault: You can use Vault in combination with an Economy plugin (Essentials for example) to make claiming cost money.
  • Vault: Both purging and updating flags requires Vault in combination with a linked permission plugin (LinkPerms for example).
  • PlaceholderAPI: You can use the PlaceholderAPI placeholders %regionclaimplus_region_name% and %regionclaimplus_region_owner%.
  • Dynmap: If you are using Dynmap-WorldGuard to display regions in Dynmap, my plugin can inject into it to properly display the names of claims!
  • BlueMap: If you use BlueBridge to display regions in BlueMap, you can change the permission group configuration such that the flag bluemap-display is set to "%region%" for automatic proper support!

What are permission groups?
This plugin allows you to give your users the tools they need to protect their land using WorldGuard protection, whilst you keep the ability to manage exactly what they can and cannot do. Users can make a certain amount of claims using this plugin’s commands, which are turned into WorldGuard regions. Which region flags, rules and conditions apply is all configurable!

A large part of this management is built around the concept of permission groups. A permission group is a collection of a bunch of settings in a configuration file and by giving players a Bukkit permission associated with a permission group, you make those settings apply to them. In this premium version, you can make as many permission groups as you want!

Each permission group is detailed in its own configuration file and allows you to control a ton of claiming related settings. Attached below is a template configuration, showing which settings are currently already implemented.
Code (YAML):
# A permission group, with the name of this file (without .yml).
# Permissions will be created automatically with the same name,
# so group 'default' corresponds to the permission ''.

# if a user is in multiple groups, the HIGHEST priority group decides
: 1
# amount: the maximum amount of allowed claims per world in this group
: 1

##################### PRICE (REQUIRES VAULT) ######################
# how much money (with vault economy system) it costs to create a claim
# Without vault this will be ignored. Set to 0 to disable
: 10
# The price for each horizontal block of a claim. So price = area * price-per-block
# If enabled, this takes precedence over the total price above!
# Without vault this will be ignored. Set to 0 or negative to disable
: -1

# exponentially increase price of a new region by this factor depending on amount of owned regions in a world
# Without vault this will be ignored. Set to 1.0 to disable
: 1.0
# how much of a region's claiming price should be returned when a player removes it, from 0 to 1.
: 0.0

# After how many hours of PLAYER INACTIVITY (not logging in) a claim expires, set to a negative number to disable
# Claims are purged on start or explicitly through /claim admin purge
: -1

# whether players can use '/claim friend ...'.
# when this is false, the friend options won't show up in the tab-completion.
: false

# whether players can teleport to their own regions using `/claim tp ...`
: false
# how much money (with vault economy system) it costs to teleport to a region
# Without vault this will be ignored. Set to 0 to disable
: 10

# whether players can move the corners of their claims
: true

# size: the maximum length of a claim. So size=80 means a maximum of 80 by 80 blocks.
: 80
# how many blocks their claim expands DOWNWARDS from the position they are in when they claim
# keep in mind that the actual lowest point can be capped in the main configuration
: 10
# how many blocks their claim expands UPWARDS from the position they are in when they claim
# keep in mind that the actual highest point can be capped in the main configuration
: 40

# Maximum allowed area (in blocks) of a SINGLE claim. Set to -1 to ignore this setting.
: -1

# Maximum total allowed area (in blocks) of all claims COMBINED. Set to -1 to ignore this setting.
: -1

# WorldGuard flags to set. The value should always be within quotation marks, format corresponds to the type of flag,
# please see
# Unrecognized flags will be ignored and logged to the console.
# It is possible to make a flag only apply to a certain group, set the 'group' value underneath the flag.
# This has to be one of 'all' (default), 'members' (friends + owners), 'owners', 'non_members' or 'non_owners'.

  - use
: "allow"
  - pvp
: "allow"
  - fire-spread
: "deny"

    # The placeholders below work in every string flag
  - greeting
: "Welcome %name%! You are in %owner%'s claim called %region%!"
    # everybody but the owner will be greeted
: "non_owners"

    # allow both owners and friends to break/place
  - block-place
: "allow"
: "members"
  - block-break
: "allow"
: "members"

  - feed-delay
: "2"
  - heal-max-health
: "3.5"

Setting up a permission group
Now that we understand the basics, it is time to set up the first permission group. Once you launch the plugin on your server, it will automatically generate a template permission group for you, called default.yml inside the plugins/RegionClaimPlus/groups folder. You can choose to keep it, or generate a new one by using the command
/claim admin create_group <group_name> . This will create a new permission group configuration file, called <group_name>.yml (copying and renaming default.yml would work too). Now is a good time to tweak the settings inside this permission group file.

Once you are done with it, we have to reload the plugin, so it is actually loaded in. This is done easily by using the command /claim admin reload.

Assigning users to a permission group
Say we created a permission group called “builder”. Once we have reloaded the plugin, we can start assigning people to this group. This is done by giving players the permission (through Luckperms or another permission plugin) “”. If users are in multiple permission groups, the group with the highest priority is used, see the configuration example above.

Main configuration
The configuration allows you to customize additional global behavior. This is of course optional, as it has sensible defaults. Most importantly, it allows you to translate each message send to users. Messages can have color codes using the §-symbol, see this resource. Some messages allow for arguments to be passed in, such as a claim’s name or size for example. This is done by putting the name of the argument between curly braces, for example ‘{region_name}’. Which argument is applicable where is explained in the comment above the message. Not including the argument will work as well, but the message might be less helpful to users.
By default this plugin will collect anonymous data using the bStats framework. This can either be disabled through bStats, or for my plugin specifically in the configuration.
If you have any questions about a configuration aspect, feel free to ask me (see below)!

Once the first permission group has been setup properly and all is configured, users can start claiming! To do so, first set the outer boundaries of the area you want to claim using the command /claim setpos two times. This will take the block you are standing on at that moment as the boundary. To make this process a little easier, there is an optional visualization in the action bar to tell you have far you have moved.

claim assistance-min.png

Once both bounds are set, do /claim create my_house (or any other name of course) to create a protected region. This region will be vertically expanded automatically, how much is configurable per permission group! You won’t be able to create overlapping claims ( and can’t claim over other WorldGuard regions).

Once a claim has been created, you can visualize, locate and remove it using simple commands. It is also possible to add your friends to your claims!

claim visual-min.png Showing the location of a claimed region. In newer versions this bounding box will be three-dimensional.

What really sets this apart from the free version, is the large variety of admin commands, a heavily requested feature.

  • /claim admin reload - Reload the global configuration and all permission group configurations
  • /claim admin show <player_name> <region_name> - Gives the coordinates of someone else’s claim. Also displays the border interactively using particles!
  • /claim admin remove <player_name> <region_name> - Removes someone else’s claim!
  • /claim admin purge - Remove all claims in all worlds of which the owner has not logged in for too long. Please see the permission group setting no-activity-expire-hours. Purging is done asynchronously and requires Vault to check the permission group for offline players.
  • /claim admin create_group <group_name> - Create a new permission group and the associated configuration file with the specified name.
  • /claim admin clear <player_name> - Remove all claims of a certain player in all worlds. Useful if a player is banned for example.
  • /claim admin update [world_name] - Update the regions flags to what they should be based on the owner's current permission group settings. This will be done asynchronously in either all worlds, or in the world specified (optional).
  • /claim admin setowner <old_owner_name> <region_name> <new_owner_name> - Change the owner of an existing region to a new player.
  • /claim help - Displays help message explaining usage (unrecognized commands will also show this message)
  • /claim setpos - Selects the X and Z coordinates of the block you are standing on as a boundary for a new claim
  • /claim create <region_name> - Creates a new claim with the second argument as the name
  • /claim remove <region_name> - Removes your claim with the name provided (if it exists)
  • /claim show <region_name> - Gives the coordinates of your claim. Also displays the border interactively using particles!
  • /claim teleport <region_name> - Teleports you to a certain claim, with an optional cost. Will use the region's "teleport" flag if set, otherwise it will find a point in the middle as a destination. Only allowed if it is enabled in the users permission group.
  • /claim movecorner <region_name> - Moves the nearest corner of the specified region to the player's current location, only allowed if it is enabled in the users permission group.
  • /claim friend invite <region_name> <player_name> - Invite a friend to your claim! Only allowed if it is enabled in the users permission group.
  • /claim friend uninvite <region_name> <player_name> - Remove a friend from your claim.
All these commands show custom help messages when used without the correct arguments.

  • claim.command (default: everyone) - Required to be able to use the claim command at all.
  •<group_name> (default: nobody) - By giving users a permission group's corresponding permission, the settings detailed in that permission group apply to them. Users need to be in at least one group to be able to use claims. If they are in multiple, the group with the highest priority will be used.
  • claim.admin (default: op) - Gives permission to all administrator commands below.
  • claim.admin.config (default: op) - Necessary to to reload the configuration and to create new permission group files.
  • (default: op) - Gives permission to see another player's regions
  • claim.admin.remove (default: op) - Gives permission to remove or clear another player's region(s)
  • claim.admin.update (default: op) - Gives permission to use both the flag update and region purge commands.
  • claim.admin.setowner (default: op) - Gives permission to change the owner of existing regions.
This plugin also features an integrated developer API. To build against it, simply add the jar as a local dependency.
If you as a developer don't own a copy of the plugin, you can also get a special jar with just the API on request.
Start by adding this plugin as a local dependency, for example in Maven. Make sure to also include WorldGuard as a dependency.
Code (YAML):
<dependency >
  <groupId>com.ericdebouwer</groupId >
  <artifactId>RegionClaimPlus</artifactId >
  <version>1.1.11</version >
  <scope>provided</scope >
Now Add RegionClaimPlus as a (soft)depend in your plugin.yml. See the snippet below for an example.
If you set it as a softdepend, don't forget to actually check if the plugin is present before accessing the API.
Code (YAML):
name : ExamplePlugin
: 1.0
: [RegionClaimPlus ]

Interacting with the API
All parts of this API can be found under the com.ericdebouwer.regionclaimplus.api package.
The main part of interaction with this plugin is through the RegionClaimAPI class.
Code (Java):
RegionClaimAPI regionClaimAPI = RegionClaimAPI. getInstance ( ) ;
Custom Events
There are two custom cancellable events, which give control over the creation and removal of claims.

This event is fired when a player is about to have a new claim created through command. It is called right before the claim is added, so after all checks of this plugin are passed.
  • RegionClaimEvent#getPlayer() - Returns the Player trying to create a new claim.
  • RegionClaimEvent#getRegion() - Returns the ProtectedRegion with all settings loaded, which has not been added to the world yet.
  • RegionClaimEvent#getPrice() - Returns the price the player has been charged with for claiming this region. This cannot be modified, as the transaction has already happened. If the event is cancelled, it is up to you to refund this amount.

This event is fired when a region is about to be removed, which can happen for a variety of reasons. This event can be fired both synchronously and asynchronously, depending on the reason for removal.
  • AsyncRegionRemoveEvent#getOwner() - Returns an OfflinePlayer object corresponding to the owner of the region.
  • AsyncRegionRemoveEvent#getRegion() - Returns the ProtectedRegion.
  • AsyncRegionRemoveEvent#getReason() - Returns an AsyncRegionRemoveEvent$RemovalReason, which can be one of PLAYER (Owner removing own region), ADMIN_REMOVE (Admin removing a region), ADMIN_CLEAR (Admin clearing all regions of a player), PURGE (Removed because of no activity).
  • AsyncRegionRemoveEvent#getCause() - Optionally returns the Player which caused the removal. This will only be null if the removal reason is either ADMIN_CLEAR or PURGE.

Please DO NOT use the review section for bugs. I can and will not give a proper response or help you in the review section.
  • Public support: The best way to get support is by asking in the discussions tab.
  • Private support: You can also start a conversation with me! If you don’t have enough reputation to do so, please use public support to ask me to start a conversation with you.
In both cases I will try to respond as soon as possible and usually within 24 hours. If there is anything you want to know before buying this plugin feel free to ask me beforehand!
These terms can change at any moment and by buying this plugin, you agree to them in full. You are buying the plugin in its current state, there is no guarantee on how long and to which extent it will be maintained/supported. If a feature is not listed on this page, there is no guarantee it is a part of the plugin, unless it is confirmed in a written message by the author.

You are not allowed to redistribute this plugin, its description/artwork or its code, either partially or fully, in any form. The plugin can only be used on servers which you (co)own. On violation of these terms, I reserve the right to report this to Spigot and to revoke your access to my support channels.

There are no refunds, as you have gained access to this product irrevocably and there is no way for you to hand the product back. By issuing a PayPal charge back, you lose access to the resource automatically, regardless of the outcome.

Do not use the reviews for questions or bug reports please!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 138
First Release: Aug 22, 2021
Last Update: Aug 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings