Commands: - /randomtopic - Selects a random topic from a list of configurable topics. - /randomtopic-reload - Reloads the config.yml file.
Features: - Customizable messages - Permissions for all commands in the plugin - Easy to use/understand config!
Default Config:
Code (YAML):
# RandomTopic Plugin Config # Made by Ray_y # Need help? Visit the Support Discord at: commandprefix: "§a[§fRandomTopic§a]" # ^^ This changes the prefix of the command prefix. nopermsmsg: "§cYou do not have permission to run this command." # ^^ This changes the message that is sent when you do not have permission to run the /randomtopic command. # randomTopicList: - Random Topic 1!
- Random Topic 2!
- Random Topic 3!
- Random Topic 4!
# This is your customizable topic list! You can edit the list here or add or remove more elements which will be randomly selected # when the randomtopic command is run! (/randomtopic)