RainbowsPro icon

RainbowsPro -----

The Ultimate Rainbow Plugin - Make Your Server Stand Out

New Minecraft Version:
  • RainbowsPro will now work on all Minecraft versions above 1.21!
  • This version of the plugin will no longer work on any version below 1.21! If you want to run the plugin on a lower version, use RainbowsPro v1.2.7. The only exception is Minecraft 1.20.6, there is no support for this version as I skipped its support in favor of this new 1.21+ version.
  • Improved visuals in the treasure item chance menu.
  • Brought back the barrier blocks in the default rainbow config.
  • Slightly updated prism and cactus rainbows from the default rainbow config.
  • Removed some custom heads from the default treasure item config.
  • A bunch of smaller tweaks and optimizations.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a bug where leprechauns would not work properly / rainbows would not despawn properly when multiple '/rp spawnrandom' commands were executed at the same time. The plugin can now handle multiple random rainbows at the same time.
  • Fixed a console error that appeared after some time after doing '/rp reload' with random rainbows enabled.
  • Fixed a bunch of small bugs that could occur in very specific scenarios based on the configuration.
  • Please regenerate the default configs of the plugin! (You can do this by removing the ones you have.) The old config.yml has some particle effects that no longer exist (are renamed) in 1.21.
    The old TreasureConfig.yml will not work anymore due to new formatting. So you don't forget, the plugin will generate and use a new file called TreasureConfig_v2.yml, so your old file stays intact.
  • Thank you for your patience for this update, 1.21 was a really rough update for RainbowsPro, the good news is that "normally", there wont be a new update of the plugin needed on every version anymore.
  • Please let me know if you find any bugs via the Discord server.
----------, Sep 1, 2024

New Minecraft Version:
  • RainbowsPro will now work on Minecraft 1.20.4
----------, Dec 10, 2023

New Minecraft Version:
  • RainbowsPro will now work on Minecraft 1.20.2
----------, Oct 15, 2023

New Minecraft Version:
  • RainbowsPro will now work on Minecraft 1.20.1
Bug Fix:
  • Fixed bug where a bstats error would be thrown on server startup (when the server had permanent rainbows).
  • I intentionally did not add support for 1.20. To reduce the plugin size and increase the maintainability of the plugin, next update the plugin will only support the final version of every major MC version. This means support will be dropped for MC version 1.18.1 and 1.19 to 1.19.3. Of course versions 1.18.2 and 1.19.4 will remain supported.
----------, Jun 18, 2023

New Minecraft Version:
  • RainbowsPro will now work on Minecraft 1.19.4
----------, Apr 26, 2023

New Minecraft Version:
  • RainbowsPro will now work on Minecraft 1.19.3
----------, Jan 17, 2023

New Minecraft Version:
  • RainbowsPro will now work on Minecraft 1.19
----------, Jun 19, 2022

Bug Fix:
  • All versions above 1.18.1 (including 1.18.2) will now also have a bedrock level of -64.
----------, Mar 13, 2022

New Minecraft Version:
  • RainbowsPro will now work on Minecraft 1.18.2
Bug Fix:
  • Fixed bug (on servers using MyWorlds instead of Multiverse) where RainbowsPro would sometimes load before MyWorlds on first startup.
----------, Mar 13, 2022

New Minecraft Version:
  • RainbowsPro will now work on Minecraft 1.18.1
New Features:
  • You can now use the new '/rp spawnrandom' command to spawn a random rainbow at a random location (with a leprechaun) without having to wait for the random rainbow interval.
  • You can now send out a broadcast when a player claims the treasure map from a leprechaun. This is done by adding the new global 'leprechaun-interact-broadcast' config option. * (read note below for more info)
  • Added fun some statistics to the plugin using bStats. You can view them here. These include total rainbows spawned and total treasure maps handed out by leprechauns.
  • Edited the default config to be 1.18 friendly. The rainbows using the BARRIER particle (barrier and cube) have been changed. ** (read note below for more info)
  • Treasure chests can now be configured to go deeper than Y 0 on 1.18 servers, down to Y -60.
  • Added an extra safety check to avoid players acquiring multiple maps when using a fast auto clicker on slow servers.
  • The entire version compatibility of the plugin has been reworked along with various other tweaks and optimizations.
  • RainbowsPro no longer supports Minecraft 1.16.1 - 1.16.4. (it still supports 1.16.5)
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed bug where leprechauns would not despawn correctly in unloaded chunks for servers using Paper in combination with Multiverse.
  • Fixed bug where leprechauns could sometimes spawn inside blocks when coords were negative.
Important notes:
  • * Make sure you regenerate or manually add the new 'leprechaun-interact-broadcast' config setting to your config file if you want to use this feature. (global) This message can contain placeholders %PLAYER% and %LEPRECHAUN%.
  • ** If you do not regenerate your old config file and are using 1.18 you need to get rid of all 'BARRIER' particle effects (used to be used in rainbows barrier and cube and their S and L versions). This particle was reworked to BLOCK_MARKER in 1.18 but this replacement will not work due to it needing new specific particle settings.
----------, Dec 31, 2021

New Minecraft Version:
  • RainbowsPro already worked on this version but now also officially supports Minecraft 1.17.1
Bug Fix:
  • Fixed a bug where leprechauns would not consistently despawn sometimes in ungenerated chunks and were left behind in the world (in Minecraft version 1.17.1).
----------, Jul 17, 2021

New Minecraft Version:
  • RainbowsPro will now work on Minecraft 1.17
  • Added new command alias /rbp
----------, Jun 19, 2021

  • Massively improved the way the plugin sends messages to players (when executing commands)
  • Added '/rainbow' as a new alias for '/rainbowspro' (together with '/rp')
  • '/rp' is now an actual proper alias rather than a separate command from '/rainbowspro'
----------, Jan 6, 2021

  • Changed the position of random rainbows and their leprechauns to the middle of blocks, so the leprechaun will no longer occasionally spawn halfway inside adjacent blocks if they are higher than the spawn block.
Bug Fix:
  • Fixed a bug where, on some servers, leprechauns would sometimes not consistently despawn in unloaded chunks and were left behind in the world.
----------, Dec 28, 2020

New Minecraft Version:
  • RainbowsPro will now work on Minecraft 1.16.4 and 1.16.5
----------, Nov 9, 2020

New Minecraft Version:
  • RainbowsPro already worked on this version but now also officially supports Minecraft 1.16.3
Bug Fix:
  • Fixed a bug where some baby villagers from other plugins would act like RainbowsPro leprechauns and hand out maps.
----------, Sep 25, 2020

New Features:
  • You can now make the random rainbows spawn near players with a new setting in the config (only-spawn-near-players-radius). If this new setting is not set to 0, rainbows will only spawn near players with the value of the setting being the maximum amount of blocks the rainbows will be away from the lucky player.
  • RainbowsPro now contains a new /rp patreon command which links back to our Patreon page: https://patreon.com/woollydevelopment.
Bug Fix:
  • Leprechauns will no longer spawn 1 block deep into the ground on the new versions 1.16.1 and 1.16.2.
  • Make sure you regenerate or manually add the new config setting if you want to use the new feature.
----------, Aug 28, 2020

New Minecraft Version:
  • RainbowsPro will now work on Minecraft 1.16.2
----------, Aug 14, 2020

New Minecraft Version:
  • RainbowsPro will now work on Minecraft 1.16.1
  • Fixed a typo in the dialog of the 'Hades' lep.
----------, Jul 18, 2020

Bug Fix:
  • Fixed a bug where the plugin could load before multiverse, causing an error to pop up when using multiverse worlds in the config (only occurred on initial startup)
----------, May 31, 2020

New Feature:
  • There's a new setting called 'random-rainbows-minimum-online-players'. This allows you to specify the amount of online players that are needed to start the random rainbow event. It's set to 0 by default. When set to 0, the random rainbows will always spawn, no matter the online player-count. If the required player-count isn't met, the plugin will skip that random rainbow spawn, once more players log in it will just continue as usual.
  • Make sure you regenerate the new config setting, or manually add it to your config file if you want to use this feature.
----------, May 1, 2020

Bug Fix:
  • Fixed a bug for 1.14 and 1.15 servers where treasure items would lose their data (name, lore, enchantments, etc.) when spawned into the treasure chest.
----------, Apr 23, 2020

Bug Fix:
  • Fixed a bug where on 1.15 servers, the leprechaun would spawn 1 block underground, resulting in their rainbow not appearing.
----------, Apr 20, 2020

New Feature:
  • You can now make the random rainbows disappear after leprechaun interaction with a new setting in the config (despawn-on-leprechaun-interact). You can also keep things as normal and let the rainbows stay after leprechaun interaction, until their time has passed, (without the leprechaun).
  • Make sure you regenerate the new config setting if you want to use this version of the plugin.
  • I have discovered a bug for 1.15 users regarding the leprechaun spawning 1 block underground, resulting in their rainbow not appearing. This will be fixed shortly!
----------, Apr 19, 2020

New Feature:
  • You can now setup your treasure chests to spawn on the surface of your world, above ground. You can do this by setting a minimum and maximum depth of 0.
  • Added configuration feedback to treasure-radius, treasure-min-depth, treasure-max-depth and treasure-max-offset, so you can't set it up with invalid values anymore.
  • Changed the calculations of the random depth and location as well as the estimated depth and location to be more accurate and efficient.
Bug Fix:
  • Fixed a bug where (small) values in the random treasure offset and depth's could cause errors when spawning a treasure chest.
----------, Apr 17, 2020

New Feature:
  • Commands will now have filter / autocomplete functionality. This will significantly increase the efficiency of browsing through all of the different rainbows. All in all an important little feature to make your life easier.
  • Tweaked some of the default config documentation to be more precise & clear.
----------, Apr 16, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 254
First Release: Apr 15, 2020
Last Update: Sep 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
22 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings