RainbowsPro icon

RainbowsPro -----

The Ultimate Rainbow Plugin - Make Your Server Stand Out

v1.2.0 - Support for 1.18.1
New Minecraft Version:
  • RainbowsPro will now work on Minecraft 1.18.1
New Features:
  • You can now use the new '/rp spawnrandom' command to spawn a random rainbow at a random location (with a leprechaun) without having to wait for the random rainbow interval.
  • You can now send out a broadcast when a player claims the treasure map from a leprechaun. This is done by adding the new global 'leprechaun-interact-broadcast' config option. * (read note below for more info)
  • Added fun some statistics to the plugin using bStats. You can view them here. These include total rainbows spawned and total treasure maps handed out by leprechauns.
  • Edited the default config to be 1.18 friendly. The rainbows using the BARRIER particle (barrier and cube) have been changed. ** (read note below for more info)
  • Treasure chests can now be configured to go deeper than Y 0 on 1.18 servers, down to Y -60.
  • Added an extra safety check to avoid players acquiring multiple maps when using a fast auto clicker on slow servers.
  • The entire version compatibility of the plugin has been reworked along with various other tweaks and optimizations.
  • RainbowsPro no longer supports Minecraft 1.16.1 - 1.16.4. (it still supports 1.16.5)
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed bug where leprechauns would not despawn correctly in unloaded chunks for servers using Paper in combination with Multiverse.
  • Fixed bug where leprechauns could sometimes spawn inside blocks when coords were negative.
Important notes:
  • * Make sure you regenerate or manually add the new 'leprechaun-interact-broadcast' config setting to your config file if you want to use this feature. (global) This message can contain placeholders %PLAYER% and %LEPRECHAUN%.
  • ** If you do not regenerate your old config file and are using 1.18 you need to get rid of all 'BARRIER' particle effects (used to be used in rainbows barrier and cube and their S and L versions). This particle was reworked to BLOCK_MARKER in 1.18 but this replacement will not work due to it needing new specific particle settings.
----------, Dec 31, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 254
First Release: Apr 15, 2020
Last Update: Sep 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
22 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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