QWaypoints icon

QWaypoints -----

A new way to save new locations

In the last update the plugin did not load correctly, this is an issue with the particle of the particle tracker, which as a fix will be "happy_villager", a fix for the ability to change the particle will be re-added in the next update.
----------, Oct 5, 2024

This update adds 1.21.1 support
----------, Oct 4, 2024

Waypoints 5.0 Beta 3 -> Waypoints 5.0 (Release)

- This update brings major changes to the code-base and updates certain dependencies, which warrants a total waypoint-config-messages reset.
Please consider this before updating.
Please also note that you can not load old waypoint files with this plugin.

New stuff:
• Added credit command /wp credit
• Added player-to-player tracking (/wp track player:<PlayerName>)
• Added Click-Sharing! Click a shared waypoint to add it as your own!

• Added support for up to 1.21
• Removed non-existent command from /wp help (/wp setting)
• Allowed players to check the distance between the waypoint and themselves
• Fixed waypoint limit being +1 instead of actual number (e.g. 16 instead of 15)
• Players will now be able to open the public waypoints GUI even when they dont have any waypoints created (through the main GUI, command still exists)
• Players will now be able to switch tracker mid track instead of disabling and then tracking again
• Added the ability to display how far a player is on track of a waypoint
• Sharing a waypoint with a specific player will now send back the message instead of not showing anything

If you notice any bugs please report it over on GitHub
----------, Jun 27, 2024

This update is mainly to fix an issue with the public waypoint browser that wouldn't allow moving to the next page. This update should hopefully resolve that issue.
The full 5.0 release is kinda getting delayed as I am re-writing some essential parts that I underestimated how many resources they would use.
hopefully, it would get released this January with a lower memory usage theoretically. server waypoints will also come.
----------, Jan 11, 2023

Note: Config reset recommended.

This update adds the ability to teleport to waypoints, if of course granted permission, using economy. this, of course, can be disabled and teleportation will work without an economy as well, the purpose is to add the ability for players to pay and get to a place faster.

In a later update, this will also include increasing costs based on distance, and some other cool stuff, which you will see later.

This, hopefully, is the last beta before the full release of version 5.0, which will come with a new design for the plugin.

Usage for tp command:
/wp tp [<player:>]<waypoint>
----------, Oct 29, 2022

Changelog for QWaypoints V5.0 Beta 2:
Note: Config reset is recommended due to the limit configuration added.
+ Waypoint limits, default is 10, changeable through the config.
+ Readded /wp public - to get to the waypoint browser quicker
+ Added some aliases to commands, such as "wp public" and "wp browser"
* Allowed waypoint names to be in multiple languages and not just English.
* Fixed change tracker GUI, not opening
* Fixed default trackers.
* Fixed a few localization issues, messages file reset recommended, but not required. though change "tracker_changed" message from 0 to 1 to fix the error with the tracker.
* Fixed settings not being saved.
----------, Jun 26, 2022

Note: You must reset the config & messages file for this update to work, if you have changed stuff and want to keep it, transfer it to a newly generated file or change the format of the messages from %digit$s to {digit}

+ Player Settings GUI - Modify everything in one player (click the profile head in profile GUI)
+ Waypoint Settings GUI - Modify your waypoints with a few clicks (right-click on a waypoint in the personal waypoint list GUI)
+ Public waypoint button in the player's personal waypoint list
* Completely recoded the command structure (due to this some of the commands are missing and will be added in a future update)
* Completely recoded the message system (twice lol, please reset and follow the new format!)
* Please note: the waypoint limits are still a work in progress and will likely be delayed until the complete full release, I honestly have no idea how they'll work if anybody has any ideas for them, please do contact me.

Also been working on a new color palette for the v5.0 update, coming soon with RGB
----------, Jun 15, 2022

Waypoints 5.0 Alpha 1 Changelog:
+ Added a new Waypoint Settings GUI
* Optimized a few message usages

new messages added to this version (file reset recommended):
world_format: "&7World: &b%s"
click_edit_icon: "&7Click to edit waypoint's item."
waypoint_delete_name_not_match: "&cDelete failed! &7The waypoint name doesn't match!"

title: "&cDelete waypoint"
title: "&b%1$s&7 - Settings"
rename: "&6Rename waypoint"
delete: "&cDelete waypoint"
state: "%1$s &7Waypoint"

If you find any bugs please report them as soon as possible.
----------, May 12, 2022

This release marks the first QWaypoints v5, it does not consist of all the features just yet,
but some of the main ones are:
• 1.18.2 support! (finally)
• Messages file! messages are no longer hard-coded thankfully (most of them for now, I promise all to be in the next release.)
• Biome in GUI, you can now see the waypoint's biome in the GUI!
• A completely new and renewed GUI system with modular multi-page support for both public & personal waypoints!
• Completely replaced and modernized the database from Bukkit's Yaml to H2 (some SQL database that works a million times better than SQLite)!

Some more things are planned for the full release including a whole redesign of the plugin and some more cool stuff
----------, May 7, 2022

Waypoints 4.0R-1 changelog:
+ Updated SpigotNative to 1.18
+ Added WaypointState to allow for private and public waypoints (/wp set <waypoint> <state>, e.g: "/waypoint set Test public")
+ Added WaypointBrowser to browse for public waypoints (/wp public)
+ Added Waypoint tracking (/waypoint track <waypoint> || /waypoint track <player:waypoint> for public waypoints)
+ Added per-player settings! (/waypoint setting <setting> [value])
+ Added BStats for data collection (To disable head over to ~/plugins/bstats/)
+ Added Tab Complete to /waypoint
* Fixed bugs

Player Settings:
Deathpoints - each player is able to disable or enable his own deathpoints
Tracker - each player can change what tracker he uses. (Particle, bossbar, actionbar)
----------, Dec 9, 2021

QWaypoints V3.1.2 Changelog:
+ Updated to SpigotAPI 1.17.1
+ Added option to rename waypoints in waypoint list gui
* Changed some GUI titles (Edit)
* Changed fail messages (Edit)
* Fixed deleting last waypoint not saving correctly
----------, Jul 12, 2021

Fixed the waypoint names only being able to be 1 letter.
----------, Jun 19, 2021

Changes in QWaypoints V3.1:
- Updated to 1.17
- Fixed waypoints with illegal characters
- Fixed requirement to delete space in gui edit and create menu
----------, Jun 17, 2021

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,032
First Release: May 20, 2021
Last Update: Oct 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings