Waypoints 5.0 Beta 3 -> Waypoints 5.0 (Release)
- This update brings major changes to the code-base and updates certain dependencies, which warrants a total waypoint-config-messages reset.
Please consider this before updating.
Please also note that you can not load old waypoint files with this plugin.
New stuff:
• Added credit command /wp credit
• Added player-to-player tracking (/wp track player:<PlayerName>)
• Added Click-Sharing! Click a shared waypoint to add it as your own!
• Added support for up to 1.21
• Removed non-existent command from /wp help (/wp setting)
• Allowed players to check the distance between the waypoint and themselves
• Fixed waypoint limit being +1 instead of actual number (e.g. 16 instead of 15)
• Players will now be able to open the public waypoints GUI even when they dont have any waypoints created (through the main GUI, command still exists)
• Players will now be able to switch tracker mid track instead of disabling and then tracking again
• Added the ability to display how far a player is on track of a waypoint
• Sharing a waypoint with a specific player will now send back the message instead of not showing anything
If you notice any bugs please report it over on