PrefiX - Custom Tag Manager  [1.8 - 1.21.4] icon

PrefiX - Custom Tag Manager [1.8 - 1.21.4] -----

User friendly tag manager for LuckPerms

This updates contains several bugfixes.
It's recommended to upgrade to this version.

[​IMG] Fixed blacklist includes colorcodes checks
[​IMG] Fixed crash on Bukkit/Bungee servers
[​IMG] Fixed commands not registered on <1.18 Bukkit servers
[​IMG] Fix error when file path containes spaces
[​IMG] Improved config messages
[​IMG] Removed LuckPerms support for V5.3 and older (Not used according data)

[​IMG] Check the full changelog here:
----------, Nov 2, 2024

This updates contains several bugfixes and new languages
It's recommended to upgrade to this version.

[​IMG] Added permission to reset your prefix. Default given if player does have 'prefix.change'
[​IMG] Show all available languages in the language folder
[​IMG] Fixed Templates to keep LuckPerms context
[​IMG] Fixed Blacklist to handle empty messages
[​IMG] Improved Blacklist to ignore hexadecimal colors in between
[​IMG] Improved Warning messages
[​IMG] Support future Paper changes
[​IMG] Fix suffix color change

[​IMG] Check the full changelog here:

Added Chinese Simplified - Thanks to @unkown7648
Added Spanish - Thanks to @flamyamy
Added Polish - Thanks to @kaczuszka222
Also want to add your language? Submit your translation on Discord!
----------, Jul 26, 2024

This updates contains several bugfixes and improved Folia support.
It's recommended to upgrade to this version.

[​IMG] Made commandhandling future-proof
[​IMG] Paper code rebase
[​IMG] Fixed plugin crash on Spigot
[​IMG] Improved Folia support

[​IMG] Check the full changelog here:
----------, Jul 19, 2023

This updates contains improvements on the newly introduced feature: Templates.

[+] Added Template commands as sub-command of /prefix
[+] Added auto-add new template config secion if it doesn't exists
[+] Made templade list-header translatable
[+] Self-targetting is allowed
[+] Improved debug command
[+] Fixed chat-colors in a warning message in the console
[-] Removed reload command at /prefixtemplate

This update adds a new message. Re-generate your messages file OR add messages.list.template-header to your language file.
----------, Apr 30, 2023

This update includes a long waited new functionallity: Templates
With templates you can define your own custom prefixes players can choose between (based on permissions of course).

[+] New Templates functionallity
[+] Added new permissions
[+] Added new config optiond and messages
[+] Folia support
[+] Fixed PrefiX PAPI version
[+] Improved command handling

For this update there are new messages and config options available. Best practice is to delete your old ones and let them regenerate OR take the new keys from the documentation: Config and Language.
Deleting is no langer needed with the 7.01 update.

PrefiX is now also available on Hangar, the new plugin-markedplace created by the PaperMC team!
----------, Apr 29, 2023

This update fixes a critical bug with 1.19.4 paper in combination with PAPI.
When you're using v6.8 of PrefiX you are recommended to update.

[+] Solved crash with Paper and PAPI installed
[+] Updated documentation
----------, Mar 26, 2023

This update adds early support for the new Paper plugins. Therefore it will be reconised as Paper plugin.

[+] Paper plugin support
[+] Solved crash when PAPI was not installed
----------, Mar 15, 2023

This update adds PAPI placeholder support. With this new placeholders you can request the properties of the prefix/suffix of a player. For example the namecolor or the prefixcolor. Check the documentation page or visit the official PAPI wiki to view the different placeholders. Requested by @Woodiie

[+] Added PAPI placeholders to get certain proporties of a players prefix and suffix.
[+] Change messages now displaying the hexadecimal colors instead of white. Requested by @Tquo
[+] Fixed nullpointer exception
[+] Improved process speed and tag handling

If you have any bugs or suggestions, please swing by at my Discord!
----------, Jan 19, 2023

This update includes space support. From now on you can use spaces inside your prefix/suffix! This functionallity was requested by @Woodiie
You can use this functionallity by using apostrophes arour your prefix/suffix.
Example: /prefix "This is a test "

[+] Added spaces support. Don't forget to add the space as valid character to the whitelist: - " "
Fixed suffix.change not automaticly given to players with prefix.* permission

If you have any bugs or suggestions, please swing by at my Discord!
----------, Dec 13, 2022

This update fixes some small bugs users reported and an additional permission to be in control of the commands.

[+] Added permission to disable list command (prefix.list & suffix.list). Permission is enabled by default and can be disallowed now. Thanks for the suggestion @ItsGunner_
[+] Fixed prefix dissapearing when no end-char defined. Thanks for reporting @DarkHerald

PrefiX supports the following languages; " en_US" ( English), " nl_NL" ( Dutch), " uk_UA" ( Ukrainain) and " ru" ( Russian).
Is your language not available and want to contribute? Send your translated messages.yml file by DM or in Discord and it will be added in the next release!
----------, Sep 26, 2022

While PrefiX did already work on 1.19, this version officially supports it!
This update also fixes some small bugs users reported as you can read below.

[+] Fixed forced bracked coloring when changing prefix
[+] Fixed list viewer showing correct permissions
[+] Fixed list viewer executing correct commands

PrefiX supports the following languages; " en_US" ( English), " nl_NL" ( Dutch), " uk_UA" ( Ukrainain) and " ru" ( Russian).
Is your language not available and want to contribute? Send your translated messages.yml file to me by DM or Discord and it will be added in the next release!
----------, Jul 7, 2022

This big release adds a long requested new feature to PrefiX; Languages!
You can now define your language in the config and use it directly!

The messages.yml is not longer in use and a new locale file will generate.
New config options will be added automatic. For all descriptions, please visit out spigot documentation.

Added language options
[+] New config option to respect current prefix context
[+] Added LuckPerms version checker
[+] Auto complete all bracket permissions in luckperms
[+] Fixed double prefix in bungee console
[+] Fixed color reset command and permission
[+] Solved some small bugs and improved coloring

PrefiX supports the following languages; " en_US" ( English), " nl_NL" ( Dutch), " uk_UA" ( Ukrainain) and " ru" ( Russian).
Is your language not available yet and want to contribute? Join our Discord and translate to your language!
----------, Apr 14, 2022

This is a small update to fix some bugs. It will also add a new config option to hide warning messages for normal players. The config will add the new node automatically at startup.

Thank you for everyone who came to me with issues and new suggestions!

[+] Added config option to hide warnings for normal players
[+] Fixed nullpointerexception when no tag is found
[+] Improved tag handling if none tag is present
[+] Fixed broken update checker of previous release

In the next releases I'll focus on adding more languages to PrefiX by default. If you want to contribute please send me your messages.yml in your translated language!
----------, Mar 13, 2022

This is a small update to fix some bugs. It will also add a new config option to hide warning messages for normal players. The config will add the new node automatically at startup.

Thank you for everyone who came to me with issues and new suggestions!

[+] Added config option to hide warnings for normal players
[+] Fixed nullpointerexception when no tag is found
[+] Improved tag handling if none tag is present

In the next releases I'll focus on adding more languages to PrefiX by default. If you want to contribute please send me your messages.yml in your translated language!
----------, Mar 13, 2022

This update brings a lot of improvements focussed on formatting. Since it also contains several bugfixes it's recommended to update from v6.0. If you're below it's always recommended to update since no functionallity is removed ever since. (And if it is, please notify me)

Thank you for everyone who came to me with issues and new suggestions!

This update makes NO changes to the config or messages.yml.

[+] Added formating toggle
[+] Added data integrity checks
[+] Added option to only have a namecolor
[+] Adding config values if missing (for example after updates)
[+] Checking config for invalid values
[+] Fixed character limit ignores chatcolors
[+] Fixed Hexadecimal Names not recognised correctly
[+] Fixed Hexadecimal Names formatting
[+] Formatting now respects existing colors
[+] Fixed Bungee overflowerror

In the next releases I'll focus on adding more languages to PrefiX by default. If you want to contribute please send me your messages.yml in your translated language!
----------, Feb 22, 2022

This is a big update that took much time to write and debug. I hope you enjoy the new functionalities and fewer bugs!
Almost the entire core of this plugin is rewritten to be able to add features more easily in the future and prevent weird bugs.

In the next releases I'll focus on adding more languages to PrefiX by default. If you want to contribute please send me your messages.yml in your translated language!

Both the config.yml & messages.yml are changed. Missing config keys will automatically be added, but please regenerate the messages file!

[+] Added console colors
[+] Added startup notification for missing messages
[+] Added option to enter hexadecimal in color commands (/prefix color <Hex>)
[+] Added hexadecimal gradient support
[+] Added hexadecimal colornames support
[+] Fixed formatting no longer replaces color
[+] Fixed suffix color list
[+] Fixed console permissions
[+] Fixed negative color permission not working
[+] Fixed blacklist, now ignores Casing
[+] Fixed debug mode
[+] Fixed various permission bugs
[+] Magic formatting is by default disabled when granting all color permissions
[+] Rewrote handling commands and tabcomplete to solve some bugs
[+] Rewrote data handling inside the plugin to prevent bugs
[+] Rewrote messages.yml to drastically decrease the amount (see example below)

Decreased messages.yml by half with combining the same type of messages and adding a variable in place. Below a snippet of an example.
Previous situation:
Code (YAML):
: "&cInvalid color. Pick a color from '/prefix list'"
: "&cYou are not allowed to use this color"
: "&6Changing the prefix color of %NAME%"
: "&6Prefix color reset"
: "&6Prefix color changed to %COLOR%"
: "&6Changing the bracket color of %NAME%"
: "&6Bracket color reset"
: "&6Bracket color changed to %COLOR%"
: "&6Changing the name color of %NAME%"
: "&6Name color reset"
: "&6Name color changed to %COLOR%"
: "&6Changing the suffix color of %NAME%"
: "&6Suffix color reset"
: "&6SuffixColor changed to %COLOR%"
New situation:
Code (YAML):
: "&cInvalid color. Pick a color from '/prefix list'"
: "&cYou are not allowed to use this color"
: "&6Changing the %TYPE% color of %NAME%"
: "&6Reset %TYPE% color"
: "&6Changed %TYPE% color to %COLOR%"
----------, Feb 2, 2022

If you find any bugs etc. please visit my Discord or let me know in the Discussions!

[+] Exotic hexadecimal coloring support
[+] Bugfix character perms

This updates adds options in the config.yml & messages.yml. Missing nodes will be added automaticly or regenerate the files.

Added message to messages.yml
Code (Text):
messages.error.hexadecimal: "&cHexadecimal format is disabled!"
Added options to config.yml
Code (Text):
general:   hexadecimal:     enabled: false     # Define here the hexadecimal format the other plugins are using ({#rrggbb}, &#rrggbb, &#&r&r&g&g&b&b)     format: "&#rrggbb"
----------, Jan 1, 2022

If you find any bugs etc. please visit my Discord or let me know in the Discussions!

This updates adds options in the config.yml & messages.yml. Missing nodes will be added automaticly or regenerate the files.

1.18 support
[+] Suffixes
[+] Bracket coloring

- Permissions are added for brackets
- Permissions are added for suffixes
----------, Dec 5, 2021

If you find any bugs etc. please visit my Discord or let me know in the Discussions! Stay tuned for suffix support!

This update doesn't change any file, but it will change and add some permission. See below for more information.

Added chat formatting
[+] Increased the prefix-weight
[+] Improved the version command
[+] Renamed 2 colors

Since this update I use all color names as they are defined by minecraft. This means that the permission nodes are changed too:
Code (Text):       becomes     prefix.~.light_purple
prefix.~.purple     becomes     prefix.~.dark_purple
With the new formatting options the following perms have been added. You can find those back with the prefix list command.
Code (Text):
- prefix.~.bold
- prefix.~.italic
- prefix.~.magic
- prefix.~.reset
- prefix.~.strikethrough
- prefix.~.underline
----------, Aug 22, 2021

If you find any bugs etc. please visit my Discord or let me know in the Discussions!.

This update doesn't change any files. It only fixes some bugs that were reported in my Discord. Thanks for reporting!

[+] Fixed console commands
[+] Improved the code quality
[+] Fixed the behaviour when the start-char and/or end-char is empty
[+] Added console messages when config-values are missing

Last I want to announce that in the next version PrefiX will also support Suffixes. Stay tuned!

----------, May 11, 2021

If you find any bugs etc. please visit my Discord or let me know in the Discussions!.

This updates adds a message to the messages.yml. Regenerate the file or check the changes below.

[+] Added custom help message
[+] OP has now all perms by default
[+] Added server version to /prefix version
[+] Added bStats for more insight
[+] Improved centered text

Changed messages:
Code (YAML):
: "&6&m&l+-----------------&6&l= &ePrefiX &6&l=&6&m&l-----------------+&r"
: "&6&m&l+------------------------------------------+"
Added messages:
Code (YAML):
: |
 &6➢ &a/prefix [text] &7- &eChange the text of your prefix
  &6➢ &a/prefix color [color] &7- &eChange the color of your prefix
  &6➢ &a/prefix name [color] &7- &eChange the color of your name
  &6➢ &a/prefix list &7- &eList of all available colors
  &6➢ &a/prefix reset &7- &eSet your prefix to the default value

: |
 &6➢ &a/prefix [text] <name> &7- &eChange the text of someone else's prefix
  &6➢ &a/prefix color [color] <name> &7- &eChange the color of someone else's prefix
  &6➢ &a/prefix name [color] <name> &7- &eChange the color of someone else's name
  &6➢ &a/prefix list &7- &eList of all available colors
  &6➢ &a/prefix reset <name> &7- &eSet someone else's prefix to the default value

----------, Apr 10, 2021

If you find any bugs etc. please visit my Discord or let me know in the Discussions!.

This updates requires you to regenerate the config due some changes.

[+] Fixed handeling different types of RGB formatting. Thanks for reporting @ChiboYen
[+] Update checker checks onces a day for new versions
[+] Added more information to /prefix version
[-] Removed the ability to use the whitelist as blacklist. For support join my Discord

----------, Jan 27, 2021

Please read the whole message. Suggestion is to let the config regenerate again because of some major changes. When not deleted the new options will appear, but all commentary will get removed and the old option will still exist.

[+] Config adds now keys which doesn't exist
[+] Added option to add white-/blacklisted character groups. Thanks for the suggestion @KelvinChan
[+] Fixed a copy-paste fault in the messages.yml

Finally I want to say that I created a Discord server so giving feedback and reporting bugs is now a lot easier! You can join us by clicking on the Discord Logo:
----------, Sep 22, 2020

If you find any bugs etc. please let me know in the Discussions or in a PM.

[+] Removed the forced space after the prefix. This can now be done in the config by adding a space in the Last-char.
[+] Fixed messages.yml not creating in bungeecord
[-] Removed forgotten debug code
----------, Sep 17, 2020

I have a lot of new and nice features for you this time whose are worth to update!

[+] Added the ability to define your own custom messages
[+] Added API support
[+] Added version command
[+] Improved the colorlist. This contains now clickable messages
[+] Small bugfix in the update message
[+] Fixed tabcomplete if the plugin runs as bungeecord

Let me hear what you think of those and don't forget to leave a review so others can find this plugin more easily.
Last thing, if you use this plugin and you think I deserve a 'thank you' for all the hours I put into this plugin, you can make a small donation so I can buy me a nice hot cup of coffee.

Thank you for using this plugin!
----------, Aug 30, 2020

If you find any bugs etc. please let me know in the Discussions or in a PM.

[+] Fixed color parenting permissions
[+] Fixed bungee permissions
[+] Improved code quallity
----------, Aug 5, 2020

If you find any bugs etc. please let me know in the Discussions or in a PM.

[+] Bungeecord support

This means you can install the plugin in your bungeecord server instead of all your spigot servers.

How to upgrade?
1. Drag and drop the new plugin in your bungeecord plugins folder.
2. Restart the bungee to generate the config files.
3. If you want you can edit the config an reload the plugin
4. Delete the plugin and config in all your spigot servers
----------, Aug 3, 2020

If you find any bugs etc. please let me know in the Discussions or in a PM.

[+] 1.16 support (Read the notes)

But there are some notes to make:
The RGB function announched by spigot (and minecraft) is not yet supported. The reason is because PrefiX is only a translation from the players to the permission system.
The reading of the prefix out of LuckPerms is done by a lot of different plugins, and they use their own defines to read RGB colors.
This means there is not (yet) a default way to do this. At the moment there is some kind of default I'll support this.

If you know how the plugin you use to display the Prefix handles the rgb please let me know. I add those methods somewhat later.
----------, Jul 2, 2020

If you find any bugs etc. please let me know in the Discussions or in a PM.

[+] Specific name and prefix colors not longer need the parant permission to work
[+] Tabsupport now only shows the commands you have permission for
----------, May 27, 2020

If you find any bugs etc. please let me know in the Discussions or in a PM.

This update is because I was asked to let the admin define custom messages. For now I don't do that because of the massive amount of specific messages in the plugin. Maybe in the furure I will add this. But to compromise a little I've made this update.

[+] Prefix of the plugin is now editable in the config
[+] Normal-color and error-color can now get defined
----------, May 6, 2020

If you find any bugs etc. please let me know in the Discussions or in a PM.

[+] Added console support with various commands
[+] Fixed the bug when no prefix defined in LuckPerms
----------, Mar 29, 2020

If you find any bugs etc. please let me know in the Discussions or in a PM.

[+] Added blacklist for banned words in the prefix
[+] Added prefix.blacklist for an exclude of the blacklist-check
[+] Fixed the bug when you won't give a namecolor
[+] Fixed permission prefix.char
[-] Removed auto-checker setting in the config, because only admin can see it
[-] Removed some forgotten debug messages in the startup
----------, Mar 15, 2020

Fixed ingame update notification shows always
----------, Jan 18, 2020

Today's update is an import one. From now on you can customize the chars in front and behind of the Prefix. Thanks to @swerck for this idea.

If you find any bugs etc. please let me know in the Discussions or in a PM.

[+] Added auto-update checker
[+] Added config
[+] Added perm: prefix.admin
[+] Improved /prefix list
----------, Jan 18, 2020

- Fixed bug reported by @swerck
- Prevented to target yourself
----------, Jan 13, 2020

- Removed double space when setting namecolor
- Updated to support LuckPerms v5
- Improvements in code
----------, Jan 12, 2020

- Added some extra checks for permissions
- Forgot to remove colorcode before close bracket, fixed this
----------, Aug 14, 2019

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 103,238
First Release: Aug 14, 2019
Last Update: Nov 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
21 ratings
Find more info at
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings