This is a big update that took much time to write and debug. I hope you enjoy the new functionalities and fewer bugs!
Almost the entire core of this plugin is rewritten to be able to add features more easily in the future and prevent weird bugs.
In the next releases I'll focus on adding more languages to PrefiX by default. If you want to contribute please send me your messages.yml in your translated language!
Both the config.yml & messages.yml are changed. Missing config keys will automatically be added, but please regenerate the messages file!
[+] Added console colors
[+] Added startup notification for missing messages
[+] Added option to enter hexadecimal in color commands
(/prefix color <Hex>) [+] Added hexadecimal gradient support
[+] Added hexadecimal colornames support
[+] Fixed formatting no longer replaces color
[+] Fixed suffix color list
[+] Fixed console permissions
[+] Fixed negative color permission not working
[+] Fixed blacklist, now ignores Casing
[+] Fixed debug mode
[+] Fixed various permission bugs
[+] Magic formatting is by default disabled when granting all color permissions
[+] Rewrote handling commands and tabcomplete to solve some bugs
[+] Rewrote data handling inside the plugin to prevent bugs
[+] Rewrote messages.yml to drastically decrease the amount
(see example below)
Decreased messages.yml by half with combining the same type of messages and adding a variable in place. Below a snippet of an example.
Previous situation:
Code (YAML):
invalid: "&cInvalid color. Pick a color from '/prefix list'" no-permission: "&cYou are not allowed to use this color" prefix:
other: "&6Changing the prefix color of %NAME%" reset: "&6Prefix color reset" changed: "&6Prefix color changed to %COLOR%" bracket:
other: "&6Changing the bracket color of %NAME%" reset: "&6Bracket color reset" changed: "&6Bracket color changed to %COLOR%" name:
other: "&6Changing the name color of %NAME%" reset: "&6Name color reset" changed: "&6Name color changed to %COLOR%" suffix:
other: "&6Changing the suffix color of %NAME%" reset: "&6Suffix color reset" changed: "&6SuffixColor changed to %COLOR%"
New situation:
Code (YAML):
invalid: "&cInvalid color. Pick a color from '/prefix list'" no-permission: "&cYou are not allowed to use this color" target: "&6Changing the %TYPE% color of %NAME%" reset: "&6Reset %TYPE% color" changed: "&6Changed %TYPE% color to %COLOR%"