If you find any bugs etc. please visit my Discord or let me know in the Discussions!.
This updates adds a message to the messages.yml. Regenerate the file or check the changes below.
[+]Added custom help message
[+]OP has now all perms by default
[+]Added server version to /prefix version
[+]Added bStats for more insight
[+]Improved centered text
help: | &6➢ &a/prefix [text] &7- &eChange the text of your prefix &6➢ &a/prefix color [color] &7- &eChange the color of your prefix &6➢ &a/prefix name [color] &7- &eChange the color of your name &6➢ &a/prefix list &7- &eList of all available colors &6➢ &a/prefix reset &7- &eSet your prefix to the default value help-others: | &6➢ &a/prefix [text] <name> &7- &eChange the text of someone else's prefix &6➢ &a/prefix color [color] <name> &7- &eChange the color of someone else's prefix &6➢ &a/prefix name [color] <name> &7- &eChange the color of someone else's name &6➢ &a/prefix list &7- &eList of all available colors &6➢ &a/prefix reset <name> &7- &eSet someone else's prefix to the default value