PlayerStatueBuilderX icon

PlayerStatueBuilderX -----

Builds a player statue out of blocks based on username. ALL skin formats supported.

New Features
  • The plugin now supports statue commands from the console and command blocks
  • CONSOLE Usage: /statue USERNAME x:[x coord] y:[y coord] z:[z coord] direction:[North|South|East|West] world:[world] [glass|concrete|terracotta|planks|gray|wool] [default|slim|legacy] [xy|xz|yz] [iron_armor|diamond_armor|chainmail_armor|golden_armor] [left_leg|right_leg|body|head|left_arm|right_arm] [hue:0-1|saturation:0-1|brightness:0-1|contrast:0-1|posterize:LEVEL]
  • The x: y: z: direction: and world: parameters are not allowed when a player executes a player statue command

Code (Text):
/statue [USERNAME] x:-593 y:32 z:269 direction:North world:world
# console/command block only; builds a statue with the specified coordinates and world
/statue [USERNAME] x:-593 y:32 z:269 direction:North world:world hue:.34 posterize:3 wool  
# console/command block only; builds a statue with the specified coordinates and world with parameters
----------, Jul 21, 2024

----------, Jan 12, 2024

New Features
  • Plugin now attempts to contact several different name and skin apis before failing to generate a statue which should hopefully reduce any errors relating to "the api may be down".
  • Plugin api updated to 1.20; future versions of the plugin will try to use the latest version of the spigot api. If you would like a version of the plugin that works with previous minecraft versions, please see the releases page for plugin version 1.13 and prior (works with minecraft versions back to around 1.15).
  • Mangrove planks added to color map, and acacia now displays properly.
  • Significant performance improvements from asynchronously gathering skin images (i.e. your server will no longer freeze when running the command-- the plugin is now actually multithreaded unlike before (oops)).
  • Code refactoring and cleanup.
  • As always, if you are using worldguard or an economy plugin, ensure your plugins (like worldedit) are up to date.
----------, Jul 19, 2023

New Features
----------, Jul 11, 2022

  • Plugin has been tested against 1.17
  • Version updated
  • Be sure to update all other plugins to their latest version (like Worldguard and Worldedit, if you are using them)
----------, Jul 2, 2021

New Features
  • The plugin attempts to connect to a fallback API to grab skins if the Mojang API is down
  • Now automatically creates a slim statue if the arms are less than 4 pixels wide (instead of having to type "slim")
  • Usage: "/statue USERNAME [glass|concrete|terracotta|planks|gray|wool] [default|slim|legacy] [xy|xz|yz] [iron_armor|diamond_armor|chainmail_armor|golden_armor] [left_leg|right_leg|body|head|left_arm|right_arm] [hue:0-1|saturation:0-1|brightness:0-1|contrast:0-1|posterize:LEVEL]"
  • Typically you'd probably just want to adjust the hue between 0 and 1
  • EXAMPLE 10: "/statue [USERNAME] hue:.2 contrast:.3 posterize:3 saturation:.4 brightness:.5" shifts the hue of the image by .2, sets contrast at .3 (decreases contrast), posterizes the image with 3 levels (more levels = more colors), saturation reduced to .4, brightness reduced to .5
  • Pink wool removed from colormaps
Example: ![2021-05-18_12 19 01]( https://user-images.githubuserconte...5520-8c52fd00-b7d8-11eb-857b-5ee5bfbdfd59.png)
----------, May 18, 2021

New Features
  • You can build statues in parts (i.e. left_leg only)
  • Usage: "/statue USERNAME [glass|concrete|terracotta|planks|gray|wool] [default|slim|legacy] [xy|xz|yz] [iron_armor|diamond_armor|chainmail_armor|golden_armor] [left_leg|right_leg|body|head|left_arm|right_arm]"
  • EXAMPLE 9: "/statue [USERNAME] head right_arm slim" creates the head and right arm components of the statue only with slim arms (Use this to build a statue in parts)
  • You can choose to require players to have EXACT blocks (see config)
  • EssentialsX Economy AND Vault Support!
  • You can now charge money for statues based on how big the statue is
  • Default cooldown is now 1 minute instead of 5 minutes
  • New configuration options
    Code (Text):
       # PlayerStatueBuilderX Configuration File
       # For the number of blocks below inside the statue total, add one of the "charge" item to the total
       # So if rate is 16 and the total blocks in the statue is 512, the player would need 512/16 = 32 of the "charge" item (in this case, Diamond)
         rate: 16
       # Cooldown time for using the command in MINUTES (No decimals, set to zero for no cooldown). So 1 means 1 minute between SUCCESSFUL statue CREATIONS (or statue parts).
         cooldown: 1
       # The "rate" determines how many extra of this "charge" item a player will need. Ex: EMERALD, REDSTONE, DIAMOND, etc.
         charge: DIAMOND
       # Whether the plugin requires exact materials (ex: 10 blue_concrete and 7 red_concrete INSTEAD of 17 white_concrete)
         exact: false
       # Cost (in $ - EssentialsX/Vault support) per block that will be placed (ex: 1000 block statue adds $2500 to the cost if priceRate is 2.5)
         priceRate: 0.0
----------, May 1, 2020

  • Altered the underlying code to fix certain bugs, such as being unable to create a slim statue with a legacy skin
  • Now uses Crafatar for skins and for name-->uuid conversion. Reliability/Performance should be better now. These appear to be the industry standard (rather than getting API information directly from Mojang)
  • Removed the old API I was using. As a side benefit, the .jar file is 20X SMALLER!!! No more crazy shading of my .jar! I'm not even joking though, the size of the plugin is now < 100 KB (Before, > 2000 KB)
  • Code cleanup
  • More bug fixes; this update is optional, but encouraged!
----------, Apr 22, 2020

New Features
  • I've been able to crank these updates a bit quicker now that I have a bit more time.
  • Notice: In the time I'm testing right now, the Mojang API seems to be having issues. If you have issues with the API, the best thing to do is just wait (Currently trying to find a better alternative).
  • Usage: "/statue USERNAME [glass|concrete|terracotta|planks|gray|wool] [default|slim|legacy] [xy|xz|yz] [iron_armor|diamond_armor|chainmail_armor|golden_armor]"
  • Supports different armor types! Examples:
  • You can now read a skin from the plugin data folder by typing "/statue .FILENAME" Do not forget to include the period in front of the filename. Do not include .png when you type the filename in the command.
  • You can add armor to your player statues now (chainmail, golden, diamond, iron)! You can select a piece of armor by stating what type of armor and then adding "_helmet" , "_chestplate" , or "_boots" (ex: diamond_boots).
  • The plugin now uses bStats for plugin metrics; no personal information is stored and if you use worldedit/essentialsX you likely already use bStats. You may opt out by going to the configuration file under the "bStats" folder in your plugins folder.
  • Diamond, iron, chainmail, and golden armor are supported.
  • EXAMPLE 7: "/statue [USERNAME] diamond_armor concrete" creates a statue with diamond armor made only out of concrete
  • EXAMPLE 8: "/statue [USERNAME] wool glass chainmail_helmet iron_chestplate golden_boots" creates a statue with a chainmail helmet, iron chestplate, and golden boots, made only out of wool and glass.
How to create a statue with a skin image directly from your computer
  • 1. Obtain your skin's .png file and copy it
  • 2. Go to your "plugins" folder in your server folder
  • 3. Go to the "PlayerStatueBuilderX" folder
  • 4. Paste your skin's .png file here. Remember the name of the file!!! (Like "bestskin.png" or "bestskin")
  • 5. Start your server
  • 6. Type "/statue .FILENAME" Make sure you ADD the period BEFORE you write the name of the file. REMOVE ".png" at the end of your filename when you type it into the command if you have it. Ex: Your file is named "bestSkinEver.png" so you would type "/statue .bestSkinEver"
  • 7. You can add "glass" "diamond_armor" etc. after it just like a normal skin statue to customize it!
New Permission
Code (Text):

      description: The player can put a '.' in front to create a custom statue from the plugin's data folder
      default: true  
----------, Apr 18, 2020

New Features
  • Supports the following NEW block types: glass, concrete, terracotta, planks, gray-colored blocks, wool (you can combine them too!)
  • You can undo multiple statues! If you made 4 statues, you can /undostatue all of them away by running the command 4 times!
  • Usage: "/statue USERNAME [glass|concrete|terracotta|planks|gray|wool] [default|slim|legacy] [xy|xz|yz] "
  • Usage: "/undostatue" (Admin) You can now UNDO more than just your last statue!
  • EXAMPLE 1: "/statue [USERNAME] glass" creates a statue made of glass only
  • EXAMPLE 2: "/statue [USERNAME] concrete" creates a statue made of concrete only
  • EXAMPLE 3: "/statue [USERNAME] terracotta planks" creates a statue made of only terracotta and wood planks
  • EXAMPLE 4: "/statue [USERNAME] gray" creates a grayscale statue
  • EXAMPLE 5: "/statue [USERNAME] slim gray" creates a grayscale statue that has the "slim" skin format (3px arms)
  • EXAMPLE 6: "/statue [USERNAME] wool xz" creates a statue made of only wool. The statue is lying down because of the "xz" parameter.
----------, Apr 11, 2020

New Features
  • Concrete is now supported, increasing the accuracy of the statue (statues also look much cleaner)
  • Players must have white concrete in their inventory to make statues with concrete (if you're not an admin)
  • Fixed some (but not all) embarrassing bugs
----------, Mar 29, 2020

New Features
  • New Command: /undostatue
  • Yes, you can finally undo a statue you have just created
  • By default, only admins can undo statues
  • The undo command will not overwrite blocks that are not part of the statue
  • The command will undo the last statue created by ANYONE on the server!
  • Fixed version number and plugin.yml
New Permission
Code (Text):
      description: The player is allowed to undo the last statue created by ANYONE on the server (no material refunds). You must have "override" permissions for this to work
      default: op
----------, Jan 25, 2020

New Features:
  • Cooldowns between statue creations
  • Config file supports cooldowns (min), extra items required, and # of extra items required
New Permission:
Code (Text):
     description: The player does not need to wait out the cooldown to make the statue - 5 minutes is default
     default: op
Configuration File Details:
Code (Text):
# PlayerStatueBuilderX Configuration File
    # For the number of blocks below inside the statue total, add one of the "charge" item to the total
    # So if rate is 16 and the total blocks in the statue is 512, the player would need 512/16 = 32 of the "charge" item (in this case, Diamond)
      rate: 16
    # Cooldown time for using the command in MINUTES (No decimals, set to zero for no cooldown). So 5 means 5 minutes between SUCCESSFUL statue CREATIONS.
      cooldown: 5
    # The "rate" determines how many extra of this "charge" item a player will need. Ex: EMERALD, REDSTONE, DIAMOND, etc.
      charge: DIAMOND
----------, Jan 4, 2020

New Features
  • WorldGuard Support (also works without WorldGuard)!!!
  • Spawns the statue two blocks above the player to prevent suffocation.
  • If used by a survival/normal player, the plugin won't delete blocks- only modifies air. This prevents accidental modification of the terrain, and eliminates the possibility that the statue will destroy bedrock or other stuff it shouldn't destroy.
  • Rotates the statue so that it faces you (Supports 4 directions + the aforementioned xy,xz,yz, so 12 orientations in total!)
  • Multithreaded so it shouldn't lag your server
  • Allows building of a statue ONLY if the uncolored/undyed blocks are in inventory (Admins bypass this) w/ Terracotta, Wood, Wool, and Diamonds (Diamond Cost = number of blocks divided by 16) - for survival/normal players. Configurable!
  • Informs the player of what blocks/items are needed to build the statue.
description: Allow creation of a statue
default: true
description: Create a statue, bypassing material requirements
default: op
description: Allows creation of statues in the xz and yz plane. Orientation unpredictable so Admin only!
default: op
description: Player statue is created and overwrites blocks (usually just skips if not air)
default: op
----------, Dec 29, 2019

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 24,438
First Release: Dec 24, 2019
Last Update: Jul 21, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
17 ratings
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Version -----
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