EXAMPLE 9: "/statue [USERNAME] head right_arm slim" creates the head and right arm components of the statue only with slim arms (Use this to build a statue in parts)
You can choose to require players to have EXACT blocks (see config)
EssentialsX Economy AND Vault Support!
You can now charge money for statues based on how big the statue is
Default cooldown is now 1 minute instead of 5 minutes
New configuration options
Code (Text):
# PlayerStatueBuilderX Configuration File
# For the number of blocks below inside the statue total, add one of the "charge" item to the total
# So if rate is 16 and the total blocks in the statue is 512, the player would need 512/16 = 32 of the "charge" item (in this case, Diamond)
rate: 16
# Cooldown time for using the command in MINUTES (No decimals, set to zero for no cooldown). So 1 means 1 minute between SUCCESSFUL statue CREATIONS (or statue parts).
cooldown: 1
# The "rate" determines how many extra of this "charge" item a player will need. Ex: EMERALD, REDSTONE, DIAMOND, etc.
charge: DIAMOND
# Whether the plugin requires exact materials (ex: 10 blue_concrete and 7 red_concrete INSTEAD of 17 white_concrete)
exact: false
# Cost (in $ - EssentialsX/Vault support) per block that will be placed (ex: 1000 block statue adds $2500 to the cost if priceRate is 2.5)
priceRate: 0.0