Piggy Back (Pickup PLAYERS and MOBS) icon

Piggy Back (Pickup PLAYERS and MOBS) -----

Easy, yet customisable plugin which allows you to pick up and throw your friends or animals!

  • Updated to support 1.20.X (Latest version 1.20.6)
Piggy Back will be receiving a recode to scrap out all the obnoxious and useless code and be primary focused on the objective of the plugin. Some features may be removed in the future. I already started on the code and have had it for a while; however, this will not be focussed on until I have more time. Thank you for understanding.
----------, May 16, 2024

  • Added support for Minecraft 1.19
----------, Jun 10, 2022

Simple fix:
  • Fixed permissions not working correctly.
----------, Feb 10, 2022

Please understand that for this update that pre-existing customers will need to reset their configuration file for the new settings to load. Make sure to remember your values as removing the folder will generate default values.
  • PiggyBack interact event's priority is now set a monitor state meaning other plugins with a higher event priority will run first. (This means that worldguard regions, plots, claims and their corresponding flags will be considered first over forming a stack)
  • Throwing a stack entity will now show particles for 2.5 seconds. Feel free to change particle id. (More particle options will come soon!)
  • Patched the issue where certain conditions were ignored if the member already had a stack and wanted to add more entities.
  • Patched the issue where you could still pick up entities if they were shifted after a stack was formed.
  • Patched the issue where the 'pick-up-all' permission was not considered after a stack was formed.
  • Patched the issue where the command would return a null error if parts of the command was wrong.
  • Patched the issue the paper jar would hate me for boolean type returns for events
  • Replaced some methods for console messages to use getLogger().
----------, Jan 29, 2022

  • Implemented bStats statistics. This allows me as a provider to grab necessary statistics for public use. Understand that the statistics that bStats is grabbing is nothing harmful to you or your users.
  • Patched the issue where pickup-all-permission would not work as intended on servers.
  • The player stacking or the target can no longer be picked up if they're sneaking/shifting.
----------, Jan 10, 2022

  • Implemented support for 1.18.1
  • Patched multiple issues that appeared on other versions that was not 1.16.5
  • Patched not being able to throw mobs.
  • Patched "Subtitle" & "Title" not working in messages.
  • Implemented back hex colors (Hex colors will only work if your server is on 1.16 and above)
----------, Jan 5, 2022

Please change or replace your messages.yml. This will not break the plugin but hex colors will need to be replaced with normal minecraft colors. You can find normal minecraft colors here!

  • Added support for Minecraft verisons 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16 and 1.17.
  • HexColors were removed due to support. If there is a way for me to change libraries depending on the Minecraft version the plugin is on, i'll have an additional update for this!
----------, Jun 24, 2021

Please notice that multiple files have been recreated for the purpose of this update. If you're experiencing issues with any file, please delete the PiggyBack folder and see if your issue is resolved.

Next update will be focused on supporting 1.13 and higher.

  • PiggyBack was recoded for this update to make your experience seamless. More optimal and efficient compared to previous builds.
  • TNT EasterEgg was removed from this update. The reason this feature was removed is simply due to inconsistency and scruff code. TNT EasterEgg will either be added next update or made its own resource.
  • You can now enable/disable using hand-items from material/s you choose in the configuration. By default this is enabled.
  • World-whitelist was changed to Blacklisted-worlds for the sake of being convenient to users.
  • Patched the bug where walking into water would not dismount your stack and cause the plugin to break until reload/restart.
  • Patched the bug where trying to stack mobs that had an instance of being a vehicle would cause the entity to launch straight away.
  • Patched the bug where you could stack entities that were in lava/water.
  • Patched the bug where trying to launch somebody would be inconsistent and sometimes actually damage the entity you're launching. Damage can now be avoided by hitting the player with required material found at pickup-hand-items in configuration.
  • Patched the bug where stacked entities would take damage from suffocation.
----------, Jun 22, 2021

Configuration was changed. If you're to update to this version please make sure you have reset your config.yml in the PiggyBack folder.

  • Disabled the feature to stack multiple players from right-clicking. The reason this was disabled is because even though the feature was there and enabled, Minecraft physically doesn't allow you to right-click past any hit-box in range. The first passengers hit-box covers your right-click range. This feature may come back in the future if i'm able to some how remove the first passengers hit-box or figure out a work-around. Don't get it wrong though, you're still able to stack multiple mobs
  • Removed stack-limit options for players.
  • Fixed the bug where teleporting, quitting or server reboots would cause the stack to break and keep mobs stacked on the base passenger.
  • Fixed the bug where sounds weren't working correctly or printed inaccurate stack traces within the console.
  • Fixed some poor code which either wasn't needed or caused some issues with stack lists.
  • Cleaned up some of the methods.
  • Fixed issues where throwing mobs would sometimes cause damage.
  • Added PiggyBack EasterEggs. You can now add TNT as a passenger when you break TNT. TNT does not ignite until you throw the TNT.
  • Added "EasterEggs" configuration option to disable different EasterEggs.
  • Added permission "PiggyBack.pickup.tnt" to allow players with the permission to pickup tnt. If you want everybody to have this feature if the configuration option is enabled. Simply add the permission to the default group of your server.
  • Added ignore command:
    • Ignore everyone: /piggy ignore
    • Ignore specific players: /piggy ignore [player]
      • repeat command to unignore the player
    • ignore list: /piggy ignore list
    • ignore list clear: /piggy ignore clear
  • Added permission "PiggyBack.cmds.ignore" for /piggy ignore.
  • Added permission "PiggyBack.cmds.ignoreothers" for /piggy ignore [player]
  • Added custom configuration files for Data.yml and ignorelist.yml. (ignorelist.yml is UUID based)
  • Data will now persist over plugin reloads, server restarts, etc.
    • Ignore all option will persist over reloads/restarts.
    • ignore specific option will persist over reloads/restarts.
  • Added customisable message configuration options:
    • "[NORMAL] Hello!" : Normal chat message.
    • "[ACTIONBAR] Hello!" : Actionbar message.
    • "[TITLE] Hello!" : Sends a title message.
    • "[SUBTITLE] Hello!" : Sends a subtitle message.
  • Added extra protection for stacks being damaged or dying from suffocation while stacked.
  • Added configuration optional volume and pitch options for sounds in the configuration.
  • Added velocity throw options for distance and height.
  • Added extra checks for configuration options being false (For sounds).
  • Added placeholders for configuration:
    • %target-name% : gets player's normal name.
    • %target-uuid% : gets the player's uuid.
    • %playername% : gets the player stacking.
  • Stacks will now destack on server reloads/restarts.
  • Updated normal spigot page.
If you have any issues or would like to request a feature, please be sure to do so in the discussion section of this spigot thread. Thank you.
----------, Apr 13, 2021

Configuration was changed. If you're to update to this version please make sure you have reset your config.yml in the PiggyBack folder.

  • You can now go beyond limits of how many mobs/players you can stack. Create stacks of up to 20+ mobs/players without any trouble.
  • Added separate limit options for MobMount and PlayerMount.
  • Grabbing entities from other player heads is no longer possible.
  • Stacking players with the player having their own stack is no longer possible.
  • You cannot stack 1 mob + 1 player, each stack must be unique to the first passenger i.e ( correct: P + P + P. incorrect: P + M + P )
  • First passenger mob's hotbox has been slightly lifted. This is because there were previous issues with EventInteractEvent and hit boxes conflicting.
  • Added addition messages: "dismount-message", "dismount-all-message" , "stack-message" and "limit-reached-message"
  • Most messages have been adjusted to now only be ActionBar messages. This is simply because it looks cleaner.
  • Fixed a previous issue with the ignore permission not working as intended with some features.
  • "Prevent-falldamage" was changed to "Prevent-damage" and a check for damage/death by suffocation was added. Of course, this is changeable with the configuration.
  • Added "easteregg-enable" option. Download to find out whats coming soon o.o
----------, Apr 9, 2021

Configuration was changed. If you're to update to this version please make sure you have reset your config.yml in the PiggyBack folder.


  • Added 'Mob Pickup'. You can now pick up living entities given that you have the required permission. Just to clarify, you cannot pick up entities that are not considered alive i.e falling blocks, etc.
  • Added 'Mob Pickup' permission.
  • Added 'Mob Pickup' blacklist. Can be found in config.yml as "disallowed-pickups".
  • Added cool down. You can now have an optional and configurable cool down to prevent players from spam stacking.
  • Changed priority of the PlayerInteractEntityEvent to lowest to allow other plugins like GriefPrevention to take the higher priority. (ex. Players will not be able to pickup mobs in player claims)
  • Permission for player pickup has now been made configurable.
  • Entities you're to throw will no longer take fall damage if they hit the ground. This setting can also be changed in config.yml
  • Added a permission to ignore being picked up by anybody. The default permission is "PiggyBack.pickup.ignore" but can be changed in config.yml
  • Added configurable messages for disallowed-pickups and players who have ignored pickups!
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs would still print the message "You cannot mount players in this world" if you were in a blacklisted world right-clicking an NPC.
If you have any issues or would like to request a feature, please be sure to do so in the discussion section of this spigot thread. Thank you.
----------, Mar 14, 2021

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 9,491
First Release: Mar 12, 2021
Last Update: May 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
13 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings