Configuration was changed. If you're to update to this version please make sure you have reset your config.yml in the PiggyBack folder.
Disabled the feature to stack multiple players from right-clicking. The reason this was disabled is because even though the feature was there and enabled, Minecraft physically doesn't allow you to right-click past any hit-box in range. The first passengers hit-box covers your right-click range. This feature may come back in the future if i'm able to some how remove the first passengers hit-box or figure out a work-around. Don't get it wrong though, you're still able to stack multiple mobs
Removed stack-limit options for players.
Fixed the bug where teleporting, quitting or server reboots would cause the stack to break and keep mobs stacked on the base passenger.
Fixed the bug where sounds weren't working correctly or printed inaccurate stack traces within the console.
Fixed some poor code which either wasn't needed or caused some issues with stack lists.
Cleaned up some of the methods.
Fixed issues where throwing mobs would sometimes cause damage.
Added PiggyBack EasterEggs. You can now add TNT as a passenger when you break TNT. TNT does not ignite until you throw the TNT.
Added "EasterEggs" configuration option to disable different EasterEggs.
Added permission "PiggyBack.pickup.tnt" to allow players with the permission to pickup tnt. If you want everybody to have this feature if the configuration option is enabled. Simply add the permission to the default group of your server.
Added ignore command:
Ignore everyone: /piggy ignore
Ignore specific players: /piggy ignore [player]
repeat command to unignore the player
ignore list: /piggy ignore list
ignore list clear: /piggy ignore clear
Added permission "PiggyBack.cmds.ignore" for /piggy ignore.
Added permission "PiggyBack.cmds.ignoreothers" for /piggy ignore [player]
Added custom configuration files for Data.yml and ignorelist.yml. (ignorelist.yml is UUID based)
Data will now persist over plugin reloads, server restarts, etc.
Ignore all option will persist over reloads/restarts.
ignore specific option will persist over reloads/restarts.
Added customisable message configuration options:
"[NORMAL] Hello!" : Normal chat message.
"[ACTIONBAR] Hello!" : Actionbar message.
"[TITLE] Hello!" : Sends a title message.
"[SUBTITLE] Hello!" : Sends a subtitle message.
Added extra protection for stacks being damaged or dying from suffocation while stacked.
Added configuration optional volume and pitch options for sounds in the configuration.
Added velocity throw options for distance and height.
Added extra checks for configuration options being false (For sounds).
Added placeholders for configuration:
%target-name% : gets player's normal name.
%target-uuid% : gets the player's uuid.
%playername% : gets the player stacking.
Stacks will now destack on server reloads/restarts.
Updated normal spigot page.
If you have any issues or would like to request a feature, please be sure to do so in the discussion section of this spigot thread. Thank you.