- Fix, admin commands from console
- Added, 1.20.1 support.
- Added, new command /bankadmin chest open <player> to inspect banks to online players!
- Hotfix, error when quest creator plugin does not exist, now you can use the plugin without it.
- Added, integration with quest creator, quest plugin.
¿How to use?
Read the QC Documentation.
goal: 1
- Update dependencies and improvement code.
- Added, support to 1.20.4 version
- Fixed, Bug with guis on head skulls
- Added, interest reduction due to lack of connection within the configurable server
- Added, uuid identifier for transactions, the transactions now are separatly by uuid.
- Support 1.20.2
- Fixed, warning spam console picking money
- Alter, the investment does not overload the maximum amount allowed
- %bank_next_investment_value% placeholder to show the next investment value.
- Not allowed negative numbers to deposit or withdraw money
- Support to 1.20 version
New commands and features
- /bankadmin investment send -> Used to send the investment and reset the time
- /bankadmin investment reset -> Used to reset the time of investment
- 1.19.3 and 1.19.4 support
- New config line "sendInvestment: true" to disable or enable the investment.
- Added custom model data for drop money item.
example in moneydrop.yml:
icon: GOLD_NUGGET:999
Visual improvement of the placeholders in percentage.
- %bank_investment_level%
- %bank_death_percent%
- %bank_open_inventory_comission%
- Fix bugs with 1.19.1 and 1.19.2 versions.
- Message for each player when investment has sended.
New lines in config and lang
Fixed problem with mysql database
Added money format. To change the format use:
moneyDecimalFormatter: "#,###.##" in config.yaml
New lines in lang.yml
positiveTransactionHistory: "&a[+] &6%bank_transaction_money% &e%bank_transaction_time%"
negativeTransactionHistory: "&c[-] &6%bank_transaction_money% &e%bank_transaction_time%"
Used to make custom lore of transactions list history.
- New commands added
* /bank deposit <quantity>
* /bank withdraw <quantity>
* /bank balance
You need add the personalbank.default permission to enable those command.
These commands were made for possible minecraft bedrock servers where they can't do it via the menu
- Add new placeholder:
Is the total balance of the wallet and the bank together
- version 1.18 tested, everything seems to be perfect, in case of problems open a ticket in discord
-Players now drop a money drop on death, this can be disabled or enabled in the config files.
You can now define a money drop from players on death, make sure this percentage of money is less than the percentage of money lost so that your players taking the money are not making infinite money.
-Updater fixed
PlaceholderAPI support:
- personalbank_current_balance
- personalbank_limit_deposit
- personalbank_remaining_investment_time
- personalbank_current_level_name
- personalbank_death_percent
Minor update:
- New placeholder to use into the plugin %bank_remaining_investment_time% you get the remaining time for the following transaction, you can use this as an informative method so that your players know when the next transaction will be
Important update
- The lines from config file was removed:
comissionForOpenInventory: 0.15
deathLostMoneyPercent: 0.15
now those lines you can find them in the groups section
priceForItemInSlotStorage: 8000
comissionForOpenInventory: 0.15
deathLostMoneyPercent: 0.15
permission: "personalbank.defaultgroup"
You need to define your default group (it is defined by default in the settings)
and set the permission for the group to be affected.
- New lines in config:
commissionForAmountOfMoneyInBank: true -> If you want charge a commission for open the storage according to the player's money
commissionForNumberOfItemsInBank: true -> If you want charge a commission for open the storage according to the players items
priceForItemInSlotStorage: 8000: commission price for each occupied slot in storage
- Now you can edit the name and lore of filler items.
- Now you can use colors in the menu names.
- Now the lang has a different name for the options in the main menu and each menu
be careful with your old configuration, make a copy before starting the new version
- Added a message that will automatically notify you when there is a new version of the plugin
- A new type of MYSQL database was added, which enables the possibility of connecting banks by servers.
New lines in config:
database: SQLITE
host: localhost
database: minecraft
user: root
pass: lovepersonalbank
- New generation of Lang file, the old symbol was replaced with "&". With this jar you can use the symbol "&" to put the color codes.
I'd suggest using a text replacer, to make the change from § to & throughout your file, though it works with both.
The new lang file:
- Depositing all money had bugs because of VAULT compatibility, which used to dupe money, now it's completely solved, depositing all money only takes the integer part of the player's wallet, if you want to deposit decimals use the specific deposit
- Potential bug with deposit, upgrade and withdrawal menus solved.
Resolved a potential bug that allowed money to be duped. Errors with decimals.
Please install this new version and make sure to backup your database first.
- The line "TransactionLanguage" was removed from the config file.
- Now you can set the language of the transactions to your liking in the lang file.
- Refactored code, useless code was removed
- The line "MaxLevelBank" in config file it is no longer necessary, just make sure you have the same amount of levels where it is required
- Players can deposit and withdraw money after the decimal point (Bug fixed)
- Removed the automatic format with the symbol "$" if you need to add a symbol, add it manually in the lang.yml
- New config option to disable the bank chest "needChestIcon", put it in false to disable to access to the chest
- Compability with 1.17 versions
- Now, you can use the command "npc cmd add bank -o" and set the permission personalbank.default:false to disallow the command /bank from the chat and only use from the npc
- Now you can use the commands /bankadmin withdraw <player> and /bankadmin deposit <player> with offline and online players
- New command /bankadmin clear transactions for clear all transactions. It is necessary since the database stores too much information and sometimes you will want to clean history, or improve the performance of the plugin.
- Storage items for bank with price per opening according to the money saved in the bank
- Groups with permissions to establish the commission for opening items in the bank and percentage of money that will be removed when the player dies
- BlackListWorlds, You choose in which worlds the players will not lose their money