Personal Bank Premium ► The Best RPG Bank For Your Server [1.16 - 1.20] icon

Personal Bank Premium ► The Best RPG Bank For Your Server [1.16 - 1.20] -----

The best rpg bank with upgrades for your server

3.0.0 Changelog
Important update
- The lines from config file was removed:
comissionForOpenInventory: 0.15
deathLostMoneyPercent: 0.15

now those lines you can find them in the groups section

priceForItemInSlotStorage: 8000
comissionForOpenInventory: 0.15
deathLostMoneyPercent: 0.15
permission: "personalbank.defaultgroup"

You need to define your default group (it is defined by default in the settings)
and set the permission for the group to be affected.

- New lines in config:
commissionForAmountOfMoneyInBank: true -> If you want charge a commission for open the storage according to the player's money

commissionForNumberOfItemsInBank: true -> If you want charge a commission for open the storage according to the players items

priceForItemInSlotStorage: 8000: commission price for each occupied slot in storage

- Now you can edit the name and lore of filler items.
- Now you can use colors in the menu names.
- Now the lang has a different name for the options in the main menu and each menu

be careful with your old configuration, make a copy before starting the new version
----------, Jan 30, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 89
First Release: Jul 18, 2021
Last Update: Nov 12, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
10 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings